978 research outputs found

    On Happiness and Critique. From Bouquet V to ÂŽpossible elsewheresÂŽ

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    The paper explores the relationship of happiness and critique. It is a reflection on a decade of being trained in and practicing philosophical critique. It is a reflection on experiences I had during teaching on social justice, inclusion and diversity; and it is a reflection on the on-going debate on negative vs. affirmative forms of critique within feminist philosophy. It is also an exercise in imagining a transformation of our critical practices, where the embrace of more affirmative (rather than destructive-negative) modes of critique does not entail overlooking or turning a blind eye to the barriers that unjustly restrain some movements and allow for others' privileges to persist. I suggest that a diffractive approach to critique would allow for joyfully interchanging and alternating appropriate modes of debunking, of being the killjoy against sedimentations that weigh some of us down, with other modes of critique which allow us to augment and lift up examples of already on-going structural change

    Shifting feminist politics in education: Contemporary philosophical perspectives

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    Economic hardship and intimate partner violence: An analysis of perpetrators in Germany

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    Objective: Based on the family stress model, we examine whether respondents are more likely to perpetrate physical IPV when experiencing economic hardship and pressure. Background: Research has demonstrated an association of intimate partner violence (IPV) and economic factors. However, as the bulk of studies is limited to the female victim’s perspective, the picture remains incomplete; factors driving gender-specific effects and perpetration rates have thus far been overlooked. Method: Using data from a large sample of individuals from the German Family Panel pairfam, which covers the period between 2009 and 2019, we employ pooled logistic regression models (n=6,661 individuals with 21,321 observations). Given the rich data source, we are able to control for a number of possible confounding effects. To correct for sample selection, we use calibrated design weights. Results: Our analyses show that IPV perpetration is associated with poverty and economic pressure among women, but not men. When accounting for confounding factors such as the Big 5 personality traits and childhood experiences, these associations become insignificant. For men, unemployment is linked to IPV perpetration, but only when personality traits and childhood experiences are not accounted for. Conclusion: Results imply that the association between adverse economic conditions and IPV perpetration is mainly due to unobserved heterogeneity. Thus, physical IPV perpetration is not primarily caused by the distress of financial strain, but rather by underlying factors such as personality traits and adverse childhood experiences, which are associated with both socioeconomic status, economic pressure, and aggressive behavior in intimate relationships.Fragestellung: Auf Basis des Family-Stress-Modells untersuchen wir, ob Personen in einer Partnerschaft eher physische Gewalt ausĂŒben, wenn sie in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Situationen leben. Hintergrund: Dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen Gewalt in der Partnerschaft und wirtschaftlichen Faktoren besteht, wurde in der Literatur hĂ€ufig gezeigt. Da jedoch der Großteil der Studien auf die Perspektive der (meist weiblichen) Opfer beschrĂ€nkt ist, bestehen weiterhin WissenslĂŒcken, insbesondere zu möglichen geschlechtsspezifischen Einflussfaktoren auf die TĂ€terschaft. Methode: Wir nutzen Daten des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels pairfam und untersuchen eine große Stichprobe aus den Jahren 2009 bis 2019 von in Deutschland lebenden Personen (n=6.661 Individuen mit insgesamt 21.321 Beobachtungen). FĂŒr die Analyse werden gepoolte multivariable logistische Regressionsmodelle unter Kontrolle einer Vielzahl potenziell konfundierender Variablen geschĂ€tzt. Selektion wird mit Hilfe von Kalibrierungs- und Designgewichten korrigiert. Ergebnisse: Unsere Analysen zeigen, dass die AusĂŒbung physischer Gewalt in Partnerschaften mit Armut und ökonomischem Druck zusammenhĂ€ngt. Dies gilt allerdings nur fĂŒr TĂ€terinnen, nicht aber fĂŒr TĂ€ter. Sobald konfundierende Faktoren wie die Persönlichkeit (gemessen mit den Big 5) und Kindheitserfahrungen in den Modellen berĂŒcksichtigt werden, verlieren diese ZusammenhĂ€nge ihre statistische Signifikanz. Bei MĂ€nnern finden wir eine Korrelation zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit und Partnerschaftsgewalt, doch auch dies nur wenn Persönlichkeit und Kindheitserfahrungen nicht im Modell kontrolliert werden. Schlussfolgerung: Unsere Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass der Zusammenhang zwischen wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten und TĂ€terschaft durch unbeobachtete HeterogenitĂ€t begrĂŒndet ist. Physische Gewalt in Partnerschaften wird damit nicht primĂ€r durch den Stress hervorgerufen, der durch wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten entsteht, sondern eher durch Faktoren wie Persönlichkeit oder negative Erlebnisse in der Kindheit, die sich sowohl auf den sozioökonomischen Status und die wirtschaftliche Situation auswirken können als auch aggressives Verhalten in der Partnerschaft teilweise bedingen

    Concert recording 2018-04-22a

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    [Track 1]. Basta / Folke Rabe -- [Track 2]. Concerto for trombone and orchestra. I. Moderato assai ma molto maestoso [Track 3]. II. Quasi una Leggenda: Andante grave [Track 4]. III. Finale: maestoso - rondo / Launy Grondahl -- [Track 5]. Ballade / Eugene Bozza -- [Track 6]. Variations. I. Theme [Track 7]. II. Var. I [Track 8]. III. Var. II [Track 9]. IV. Var. III [Track 10]. V. Var. IV / Leon Stekke -- [Track 11].Concerto for alto trombone. II. Allegro assai / Georg Christoph Wagenseil -- [Track 12]. The days of wine and roses / Henry Mancini -- [Track 13]. Lush life / Billy Strayhorn

    Graphic Contaminations: Cosmopolitics of the ‘I’ in American Born Chinese and Persepolis

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    The article explores the demands that the conflictual dimension of globalization poses for a cosmopolitan education. Such an emphasis seems necessary in times where the populations who undertake inter- and intra-national border crossings are increasingly those who are forced to: those trying to escape unbearable poverty, atrocious wars, the disenfranchised and victims of racist, sexist or religious persecution. Reflecting on the experiences articulated in the two graphic novels, Persepolis and American Born Chinese, the dimension of the globalizing world and its impact and demands on its future world citizens which comes to the fore is one that highlights the necessity for learning how to take a critical and political stance rather than the search for how education can facilitate a smooth adaptation to a new mobile order. Stanley Cavell’s examination of the relationship between autobiography, philosophy, and the founding of a self-reliant voice will be reconsidered in light of its contribution to re-thinking the meaning of a cosmopolitan education between critical self-appropriation and developing a transformative political vision of a new societal order

    Development of International Educational Systems by Competence Networking based on Project Management

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    AbstractThe globalization demands new kinds of concepts and models to ensure the provision of skilled labor by international educational systems based on advanced competence networking. The success depends on the professional use of the latest project management theory, methodology, and practice. Multinational multi-projects fail and are aborted. A reason for that could be the deficiency of project readiness. The project management approach should be integrated into other management subsystems such as information, knowledge, competence, network management etc. One of the most important challenges is to ensure the communication and information transfer for competence balancing and sharing. A successful and efficient cooperation is only possible under equivalent partners. It creates the necessary trust. Beginning with the presentation of the need for cooperation and the exchange of knowledge for global and fair growth, the relationship between education, competence development and applied project management will be explained for educational transfer systems. Subsequently, the application of the approach will be illustrated by the planning, designing, implementing, and further developing of a large-scale Sino-German cooperation in higher education. The success of the project and the sustainability will be guaranteed. The roll-out to other network partners on a national and international scale is in progress

    Dresdner Schulen: Teil 1

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    Die Ausstellung des Amtes fĂŒr Kultur und Denkmalschutz ist eine Arbeit ehrenamtlicher Denkmalpflegerinnen und Denkmalpfleger. Sie trugen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit SchĂŒlern und Lehrern der dargestellten Schulen, Geschichtsinitiativen und Ortschronisten einen Hauptteil des bisher ĂŒberwiegend unveröffentlichten Materials zusammen. Redaktionsschluss: Oktober 201
