762 research outputs found

    Inflationary spectra and partially decohered distributions

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    It is generally expected that decoherence processes will erase the quantum properties of the inflationary primordial spectra. However, given the weakness of gravitational interactions, one might end up with a distribution which is only partially decohered. Below a certain critical change, we show that the inflationary distribution retains quantum properties. We identify four of these: a squeezed spread in some direction of phase space, non-vanishing off-diagonal matrix elements, and two properties used in quantum optics called non-PP-representability and non-separability. The last two are necessary conditions to violate Bell's inequalities. The critical value above which all these properties are lost is associated to the `grain' of coherent states. The corresponding value of the entropy is equal to half the maximal (thermal) value. Moreover it coincides with the entropy of the effective distribution obtained by neglecting the decaying modes. By considering backreaction effects, we also provide an upper bound for this entropy at the onset of the adiabatic era.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures; 1 ref. adde

    Crustal Oscillations of Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars

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    We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.Comment: 15 page

    Oscillations of rapidly rotating relativistic stars

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    Non-axisymmetric oscillations of rapidly rotating relativistic stars are studied using the Cowling approximation. The oscillation spectra have been estimated by Fourier transforming the evolution equations describing the perturbations. This is the first study of its kind and provides information on the effect of fast rotation on the oscillation spectra while it offers the possibility in studying the complete problem by including spacetime perturbations. Our study includes both axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric perturbations and provides limits for the onset of the secular bar mode rotational instability. We also present approximate formulae for the dependence of the oscillation spectrum from rotation. The results suggest that it is possible to extract the relativistic star's parameters from the observed gravitational wave spectrum.Comment: this article will be published in Physical Review

    ASTROD, ASTROD I and their gravitational-wave sensitivities

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    ASTROD (Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices) is a mission concept with three spacecraft -- one near L1/L2 point, one with an inner solar orbit and one with an outer solar orbit, ranging coherently with one another using lasers to test relativistic gravity, to measure the solar system and to detect gravitational waves. ASTROD I with one spacecraft ranging optically with ground stations is the first step toward the ASTROD mission. In this paper, we present the ASTROD I payload and accelerometer requirements, discuss the gravitational-wave sensitivities for ASTROD and ASTROD I, and compare them with LISA and radio-wave PDoppler-tracking of spacecraft.Comment: presented to the 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference (July 6-11, 2003) and submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    An Investigation of SVM Regression to Predict Longshot Greyhound Races

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    Abstract In this paper we investigate the role of machine learning within the domain of Greyhound Racing. We test a Support Vector Regression (SVR) algorithm on 1,953 races across 31 different dog tracks and explore the role of a simple betting engine on a wide range of wager types. From this we triangulated our results on three dimensions of evaluation: accuracy, payout and betting efficiency. We found that accuracy and payouts were inversely linked, where our system could correctly predict Wins 45.35% of the time with a betting efficiency of 87.4% (return per bet) for high accuracy low payout, or predict Superfecta Box wagers with 6.45% accuracy and a 2,195.5% return per bet, corresponding to low accuracy high payout. This implied that AZGreyhound was able to correctly identify longshot dogs and we investigate the reasons why as well as the system's performance

    Achieving geodetic motion for LISA test masses: ground testing result

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    The low-frequency resolution of space-based gravitational wave observatories such as LISA (Laser Interferometry Space Antenna) hinges on the orbital purity of a free-falling reference test mass inside a satellite shield. We present here a torsion pendulum study of the forces that will disturb an orbiting test mass inside a LISA capacitive position sensor. The pendulum, with a measured torque noise floor below 10 fNm/sqrt{Hz} from 0.6 to 10 mHz, has allowed placement of an upper limit on sensor force noise contributions, measurement of the sensor electrostatic stiffness at the 5% level, and detection and compensation of stray DC electrostatic biases at the mV level.Comment: 4 pages (revtex4) with 4 figure

    Measuring random force noise for LISA aboard the LISA Pathfinder mission

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    The LTP (LISA Testflight Package), to be flown aboard the ESA / NASA LISA Pathfinder mission, aims to demonstrate drag-free control for LISA test masses with acceleration noise below 30 fm/s^2/Hz^1/2 from 1-30 mHz. This paper describes the LTP measurement of random, position independent forces acting on the test masses. In addition to putting an overall upper limit for all source of random force noise, LTP will measure the conversion of several key disturbances into acceleration noise and thus allow a more detailed characterization of the drag-free performance to be expected for LISA.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravity with the proceedings of the 2003 Amaldi Meetin

    Self-energy limited ion transport in sub-nanometer channels

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    The current-voltage characteristics of the alpha-Hemolysin protein pore during the passage of single-stranded DNA under varying ionic strength, C, are studied experimentally. We observe strong blockage of the current, weak super-linear growth of the current as a function of voltage, and a minimum of the current as a function of C. These observations are interpreted as the result of the ion electrostatic self-energy barrier originating from the large difference in the dielectric constants of water and the lipid bilayer. The dependence of DNA capture rate on C also agrees with our model.Comment: more experimental material is added. 4 pages, 7 figure

    Sensitivity and parameter-estimation precision for alternate LISA configurations

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    We describe a simple framework to assess the LISA scientific performance (more specifically, its sensitivity and expected parameter-estimation precision for prescribed gravitational-wave signals) under the assumption of failure of one or two inter-spacecraft laser measurements (links) and of one to four intra-spacecraft laser measurements. We apply the framework to the simple case of measuring the LISA sensitivity to monochromatic circular binaries, and the LISA parameter-estimation precision for the gravitational-wave polarization angle of these systems. Compared to the six-link baseline configuration, the five-link case is characterized by a small loss in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the high-frequency section of the LISA band; the four-link case shows a reduction by a factor of sqrt(2) at low frequencies, and by up to ~2 at high frequencies. The uncertainty in the estimate of polarization, as computed in the Fisher-matrix formalism, also worsens when moving from six to five, and then to four links: this can be explained by the reduced SNR available in those configurations (except for observations shorter than three months, where five and six links do better than four even with the same SNR). In addition, we prove (for generic signals) that the SNR and Fisher matrix are invariant with respect to the choice of a basis of TDI observables; rather, they depend only on which inter-spacecraft and intra-spacecraft measurements are available.Comment: 17 pages, 4 EPS figures, IOP style, corrected CQG versio
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