16 research outputs found

    Preventing tumor escape by targeting a post-proteasomal trimming independent epitope

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    Adoptive T cell therapy (ATT) can achieve regression of large tumors in mice and humans; however, tumors frequently recur. High target peptide-major histocompatibility complex-I (pMHC) affinity and T cell receptor (TCR)-pMHC affinity are thought to be critical to preventing relapse. Here, we show that targeting two epitopes of the same antigen in the same cancer cells via monospecific T cells, which have similar pMHC and pMHC-TCR affinity, results in eradication of large, established tumors when targeting the apparently subdominant but not the dominant epitope. Only the escape but not the rejection epitope required postproteasomal trimming, which was regulated by IFN-gamma, allowing IFN-gamma-unresponsive cancer variants to evade. The data describe a novel immune escape mechanism and better define suitable target epitopes for ATT

    Survival and biomarker analyses from the OpACIN-neo and OpACIN neoadjuvant immunotherapy trials in stage III melanoma

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    Neoadjuvant ipilimumab plus nivolumab showed high pathologic response rates (pRRs) in patients with macroscopic stage III melanoma in the phase 1b OpACIN () and phase 2 OpACIN-neo () studies(1,2). While the results are promising, data on the durability of these pathologic responses and baseline biomarkers for response and survival were lacking. After a median follow-up of 4 years, none of the patients with a pathologic response (n = 7/9 patients) in the OpACIN study had relapsed. In OpACIN-neo (n = 86), the 2-year estimated relapse-free survival was 84% for all patients, 97% for patients achieving a pathologic response and 36% for nonresponders (P < 0.001). High tumor mutational burden (TMB) and high interferon-gamma-related gene expression signature score (IFN-gamma score) were associated with pathologic response and low risk of relapse; pRR was 100% in patients with high IFN-gamma score/high TMB; patients with high IFN-gamma score/low TMB or low IFN-gamma score/high TMB had pRRs of 91% and 88%; while patients with low IFN-gamma score/low TMB had a pRR of only 39%. These data demonstrate long-term benefit in patients with a pathologic response and show the predictive potential of TMB and IFN-gamma score. Our findings provide a strong rationale for a randomized phase 3 study comparing neoadjuvant ipilimumab plus nivolumab versus standard adjuvant therapy with antibodies against the programmed cell death protein-1 (anti-PD-1) in macroscopic stage III melanoma

    When Cancer Cells Become the Enablers of an Antitumor Immune Response

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    Tumor-specifi c cytotoxic T cells unleashed by the blockade of immune checkpoints have to overcome a hostile tumor microenvironment (TME). They start from very small numbers of T cells with tumor antigen specifi city and, despite expansion, likely remain at a numerical disadvantage to the tumor cells they target. To overcome these obstacles, we propose that T cells need to change the TME to make it permissive for their antitumor effects by altering the phenotype of cells beyond the cancer cells they are in physical contact with. In this process, IFN gamma secreted by tumor-specifi c T cells plays a critical role, as it changes the expression of hun-dreds of genes in cancer cells and other immune cells in the TME up to 40 layers of cells away from their location, effectively turning these cells into enablers of the antitumor immune response. In this perspective, we postulate that the clinical activity of cancer immunotherapy with immune-checkpoint blocking antibodies and adoptively transferred T cells requires that cancer cells facilitate the antitumor immune response. IFN gamma effectively changes the balance of power in the TME to enable the antitumor activity of tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells

    High-Throughput Identification of Potential Minor Histocompatibility Antigens by MHC Tetramer-Based Screening: Feasibility and Limitations

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    T-cell recognition of minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHA) plays an important role in the graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). However, the number of MiHA identified to date remains limited, making clinical application of MiHA reactive T-cell infusion difficult. This study represents the first attempt of genome-wide prediction of MiHA, coupled to the isolation of T-cell populations that react with these antigens. In this unbiased high-throughput MiHA screen, both the possibilities and pitfalls of this approach were investigated. First, 973 polymorphic peptides expressed by hematopoietic stem cells were predicted and screened for HLA-A2 binding. Subsequently a set of 333 high affinity HLA-A2 ligands was identified and post transplantation samples from allo-SCT patients were screened for T-cell reactivity by a combination of pMHC-tetramer-based enrichment and multi-color flow cytometry. Using this approach, 71 peptide-reactive T-cell populations were generated. The isolation of a T-cell line specifically recognizing target cells expressing the MAP4K1(IMA) antigen demonstrates that identification of MiHA through this approach is in principle feasible. However, with the exception of the known MiHA HMHA1, none of the other T-cell populations that were generated demonstrated recognition of endogenously MiHA expressing target cells, even though recognition of peptide-loaded targets was often apparent. Collectively these results demonstrate the technical feasibility of high-throughput analysis of antigen-specific T-cell responses in small patient samples. However, the high-sensitivity of this approach requires the use of potential epitope sets that are not solely based on MHC binding, to prevent the frequent detection of T-cell responses that lack biological relevance.Immunobiology of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy of hematological disease

    High-Throughput Identification of Potential Minor Histocompatibility Antigens by MHC Tetramer-Based Screening: Feasibility and Limitations

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    T-cell recognition of minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHA) plays an important role in the graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). However, the number of MiHA identified to date remains limited, making clinical application of MiHA reactive T-cell infusion difficult. This study represents the first attempt of genome-wide prediction of MiHA, coupled to the isolation of T-cell populations that react with these antigens. In this unbiased high-throughput MiHA screen, both the possibilities and pitfalls of this approach were investigated. First, 973 polymorphic peptides expressed by hematopoietic stem cells were predicted and screened for HLA-A2 binding. Subsequently a set of 333 high affinity HLA-A2 ligands was identified and post transplantation samples from allo-SCT patients were screened for T-cell reactivity by a combination of pMHC-tetramer-based enrichment and multi-color flow cytometry. Using this approach, 71 peptide-reactive T-cell populations were generated. The isolation of a T-cell line specifically recognizing target cells expressing the MAP4K1(IMA) antigen demonstrates that identification of MiHA through this approach is in principle feasible. However, with the exception of the known MiHA HMHA1, none of the other T-cell populations that were generated demonstrated recognition of endogenously MiHA expressing target cells, even though recognition of peptide-loaded targets was often apparent. Collectively these results demonstrate the technical feasibility of high-throughput analysis of antigen-specific T-cell responses in small patient samples. However, the high-sensitivity of this approach requires the use of potential epitope sets that are not solely based on MHC binding, to prevent the frequent detection of T-cell responses that lack biological relevance

    Tumor rejection induced by CD70-mediated quantitative and qualitative effects on effector CD8(+) T cell formation

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    In vivo priming of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells results in their expansion and differentiation into effector T cells followed by contraction into a memory T cell population that can be maintained for life. Recent evidence suggests that after initial antigenic stimulation, the magnitude and kinetics of the CD8(+) T cell response are programmed. However, it is unclear to what extent CD8(+) T cell instruction in vivo is modulated by costimulatory signals. Here, we demonstrate that constitutive ligation of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family member CD27 by its ligand CD70 quantitatively augments CD8(+) T cell responses to influenza virus infection and EL-4 tumor challenge in vivo by incrementing initial expansion and maintaining higher numbers of antigen-specific T cells in the memory phase. Concomitantly, the quality of antigen-specific T cells improved as evidenced by increased interferon (IFN)-γ production and a greater cytotoxic potential on a per cell basis. As an apparent consequence, the superior effector T cell formation induced by CD70 protected against a lethal dose of poorly immunogenic EL4 tumor cells in a CD8(+) T cell– and IFN-γ–dependent manner. Thus, CD70 costimulation enhances both the expansion and per cell activity of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells

    In situ dissection of the graft-versus-host activities of cytotoxic T cells specific for minor histocompatibility antigens.

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    Minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) are immunogenic peptides from polymorphic cellular proteins that induce strong T-cell responses after human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched, mHag-mismatched stem-cell transplantation. mHags with broad or limited tissue expression are target antigens for graft-versus-host (GvH) and graft-versus-leukemia (GvL) reactivities. Separation of these activities is crucial for adoptive immunotherapy of leukemia without GvH disease. Therefore, using a skin-explant assay we investigated the in situ activities of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific for the ubiquitously expressed mHag H-Y and for the hematopoietic-restricted mHags HA-1 and HA-2. H-Y-specific CTLs, visualized by tetrameric HLA-mHag peptide complexes, infiltrated male skin sections within 24 hours, induced severe GvH reactions of grade III-IV and produced high levels of IFN-γ. In contrast, CTLs specific for the hematopoietic system-specific mHags HA-1 and HA-2 induced no or low GvH reactions above background and produced little or no interferon-γ, unless the skin sections were preincubated with HA-1/HA-2 synthetic peptides. These results provide the first in situ dissection of GvH effects by mHag-specific CTLs and show that ubiquitously expressed mHags are the prime targets of GvH disease