14 research outputs found

    Die Zerfallsenergie von Ti51

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    Der Zerfall von Ti51 wird mit Absorption derβ-Strahlen,β-Spektrometer, Szintillationsmessung derγ-Strahlung und mit Koinzidenzmessungen untersucht. Eineγ-Strahlung von 0,32 MeV wird gefunden. Es wird im Mittel 1γ-Quant proβ-Zerfall ausgesandt. Dieγ-Energie pro Zerfall ist 0,35 MeV. Dasβ-Spektrum ist komplex. Das härteste Teilspektrum ist nicht mitγ-Strahlung gekoppelt und hat eine Maximalenergie von 2,2 MeV mit einem möglichen Fehler von ±0,1 MeV. Diese Zerfallsenergie paßt zu dem vonJensen undSuess angegebenen Diagramm der Zerfallsenergien und ist eine Bestätigung der magischen Zahl 28

    Die Zerfallsenergie von Ti51

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    'Unkonventionelle Medizinische Richtungen' (UMR) und 'Unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekaempfung' (UMK) Abschlussbericht der Projektbegleitung

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    In recent years, methods of complementary medicine and naturopathy have become increasingly important within the health system. An ever-increasing number of both patients and practitioners regularly use these methods, a trend which can be observed in many European and non-European countries. Against this backdrop, questions about the scientific evaluation of these methods are receiving increasing attention. Thus stimulated, a field of research is currently developing within unconventional medicine. State research support in Germany is endeavouring to stimulate the development of research in this field through specific grant awards, and to establish high quality research standards. This is being implemented through the funding areas: 'Unconventional Methods of Combatting Cancer' and 'Unconventional Medical Approaches', the former having already gathered 13 years experience in funding research projects, while the latter started funding in 1994. A project group at the University of Witten/Herdecke organized these funding areas. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F97B2161 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    On the extremality of an 80-dimensional lattice

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    Abstract. We show that a specific even unimodular lattice of dimension 80, first investigated by Schulze-Pillot and others, is extremal (i.e., the minimal nonzero norm is 8). This is the third known extremal lattice in this dimension. The known part of its automorphism group is isomorphic to SL2(F79), which is smaller (in cardinality) than the two previous examples. The technique to show extremality involves using the positivity of the Θ-series, along with fast vector enumeration techniques including pruning, while also using the automorphisms of the lattice.