3,879 research outputs found

    Enablers and barriers in German online food retailing

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    This article discusses enablers and barriers in online food retailing in Germany. The German food retail sector is one of the largest in Europe; however, its online or Internet provision for customers lags way behind the United Kingdom and France. Prior research has considered the demand-consumer side of this dyad; however, little has been done on the online food supply-retail side. This article addresses that gap through exploratory empirical research with three retailers, three logistics service providers, and a marketing agency. There is good potential in this market but costs of fulfilment and service quality currently represent major barriers

    Exploring success factors and constraints in German online food retailing

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    Paper presented at Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Supply Chain et Logistique (RIRL), Marseille, 20-21 May 2014. Abstract: This paper discusses success factors and constraints in online food retailing in Germany. While the German food retail sector is one of the largest in Europe, the sector’s online/Internet provision for customers lags way behind the UK and France. Prior research has considered the demand/consumer side of this dyad however little has been done on the supply/retail side. This paper addresses that gap through empirical research with three retailers, three logistics service providers and a marketing agency. There is good potential in this market but costs of fulfilment and service quality currently represent constraints

    Around the British Gold Standard: Portugal and Brazil. Two satellites?

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    Las anteriores generaciones consideraban a las élites de Portugal y Brasil como engañadas por las ideas británicas de libre comercio. Una mirada más cercana a las finanzas públicas de estos países revela que, a pesar de toda la retórica del libre comercio, ambos países resultaron estar entre los más proteccionistas de su tiempo. Las élites llevaron a cabo políticas monetarias independientes, que a menudo se enfrentaban a la ortodoxia. Finalmente, las élites de ambos países aprovecharon las oportunidades que brinda el sistema financiero internacional.Previous generations considered the elites of Portugal and Brazil as dupes of British free trade ideas. A closer look at the public finances of these countries reveals that, for all the free trade rhetoric, both countries proved to be amongst the most protectionist of their time. The elites conducted independent monetary policies, often flying in the face of orthodoxy. Finally, the elites of both countries took advantage of the opportunities provided by the international financial system.Gerações anteriores consideraram as elites de Portugal e do Brasil como seguidores das idéias britânicas de livre comércio. Um olhar mais atento às finanças públicas desses países revela que, apesar de toda a retórica do livre comércio, os dois países mostraram- se entre os mais protecionistas de seu tempo. As elites conduziram políticas monetárias independentes, muitas vezes fugindo da ortodoxia. Finalmente, as elites de ambos os países aproveitaram as oportunidades oferecidas pelo sistema financeiro internacional.peerReviewe

    Toxicity of some organic acaricides to mites infesting apple and chrysanthemum

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    US Export Beef Competitiveness: Do Cattle Inventories Matter?

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    T HE US beef industry operates in a highly competitive world market. As a global leader in the production of beef cattle, its competitive advantage in beef production stems from a well-developed infrastructure as well as a reputation for quality. Nevertheless, US beef has a disadvantage in the relative cost of production. For instance, the majority of US beef is grain-fed, while a pound of grass-fed beef can be produced at a lower cost. Lack of animal traceability and mandatory national identiβication systems can also put US beef in a vulnerable position competing with other major export countries. There is no doubt that the US beef industry today faces a highly competitive global market place. However, are US beef exports facing signiβicantly greater economic competition today than they did in the past, or have those export markets always been highly competitive? The beef industry has become more concentrated over the past 30 years, suggesting that examinations of export competitiveness should consider the possibility of market power. We also question whether global competition is affected by the inherent dynamics of cattle production and marketing in beef exporting nations. Livestock production is impacted by a biological cycle that affects the production of βinal meat products, and as cattle are capital and consumption goods, current breeding and consumption decisions impact future stocks

    Ocean Surface Maps From Blending Disparate Data Through Normal Mode Analysis

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    Rapid environmental assessment is conducted using disparate data sources in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. An overview of significant physical features in the Gulf highlights the complexities of the large and meso-scale circulations. Spectral analysis of high resolution current meter and drifter data reveals the significant forcing features detectable by readily available observing techniques. These observations are combined with boundary data extracted from the U.S. Navy\u27s Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) through Normal Mode Analysis (NMA). The NMA blending process is described, and surface maps of velocity and convergence are produced. Using statistical and qualitative techniques, the NMA generated “nowcasts” are analyzed to determine the significant modes applicable to varying oceanographic situations. Fundamental guidance for choosing the number and type of modes in an REA scenario are noted. The NMA method proves to be a useful tool in constructing analytic surface maps when the component modes are wisely chosen

    Assessment of a voluntary nonlead ammunition outreach program on midwestern national wildlife refuges

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    Includes vita.Lead exposure from spent hunting ammunition affects wildlife populations, human health, and poses challenges to natural resource management. In addition to existing data on this topic spanning [greater than] 100-years, data from the Upper Midwestern, United States (U.S.) demonstrated bald eagles have greater risk of lead poisoning by ingesting lead bullet fragments in gut piles and unretrieved carcasses related to deer hunting. In response, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Region 3 established an outreach program during 2016–2018 encouraging deer hunters to use nonlead ammunition while deer hunting on 54 National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs). This project used a mixed methods approach incorporating 12 structured observations of presentations given at four managed hunts, 29 semi-structured interviews of program staff, and an online survey of 325 NWR staff. Objectives were to (1) examine lead exposure risks and suggest communication strategies, (2) explore attitudes and experiences of NWR staff implementing the program, (3) examine staff attitudes about threats to bald eagles, lead poisoning in bald eagles, human health risks, use of nonlead hunting ammunition, and socio-economic ammunition factors, (4) examine factors influencing program support by staff, and (5) assess structured observations of nonlead presentations. Correspondingly, this research resulted in four manuscripts and an additional research note aligned with the objectives above. Five key findings were demonstrated by this research. First, the risk of lead exposure from spent hunting ammunition is a multi-dimensional complex issue affecting wildlife and human health with voluntary programs primarily addressing the issue. Although little used in the past, social science theory has the potential to provide a useful framework for evaluating voluntary nonlead ammunition programs. Second, semi-structured interviews of USFWS staff resulted in 12 broad themes organized around three categories: (1) challenges within the agency, (2) effects of contextual factors on program implementation, and (3) the effect of different elements observed to be present/absent in successful voluntary conservation programs. Third, an online survey showed differences in attitudes among staff who hunters and nonhunters, lead or nonlead ammunition use by hunters, and likely or unlikely future nonlead use by hunters. Fourth, the survey also demonstrated program support was greatest among refuge staff who strongly agreed with problems related to bald eagles and lead exposure, individuals who strongly agreed with the importance of informational program materials, and individuals with higher levels of innovation characteristics. Fifth, a descriptive assessment of presentations at managed deer hunts showed less than four minutes on average were spent discussing the issue with minimal hunter interest observed. Findings from this study provide suggestions for improving future nonlead outreach with additional staff training, audience segmentation with targeted messaging for different audiences, broadening the scope of outreach to include human health lead risks, and relevance of nonhunters as stakeholders. Methodologically, this study was the first application mixed methods to explore attitudes and behaviors of natural resource professionals implementing a nonlead outreach program using structured observations, semi-structured interviews, and an online survey. Bridging across multiple disciplines, this study developed a broader theoretical perspective for dealing with a complex socio-political landscape with a mixture of competing values, ethics, and worldviews among stakeholders. This study also showed the value of recognizing nonhunters as an important target audience, especially human health lead risks.Includes bibliographical references (pages 172-212

    Long-Run Impacts of Trade Shocks and Export Competitiveness: Evidence from the U.S. BSE Event

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    This paper examines how comparative advantages of major beef exporters changed following the 2003 bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreak (BSE), which significantly disrupted the U.S. beef trade until approximately April 2007. Using longitudinal data on beef export values and constructed revealed comparative advantage measures, we show that while some measure of the long-run impacts of BSE on U.S. beef export competitiveness have returned to pre-2003 levels, the U.S.’s comparative advantage has not. We also examine a hypothetical scenario of no BSE event in 2003 and predict what exporters’ competitiveness would have looked like. The authors discuss the implications for recent trade disruptions