197 research outputs found

    Generation Z And Their Use Of Learning Management System In Programming Courses

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    Generation Z students have grown up with ICT (information and communication technology) and are therefore used to being online more or less simultaneously on different types of media. Universities have different kinds of Learning Management Systems (LMS) with different possibilities for engagement. In the Electrical Engineering B. Eng. program at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) we use a system called Learn. It has features for setting up individual study plans as well as common plans. Features such as surveys, quizzes, peer reviews are built in. We are interested in the students\u27 use of the LMS, their engagement and the relation to their achievement in the examination. The research questions we would like to answer are: How much do the students use Learn? What kind of materials do the students prefer? Is there any correlation between the use of materials on Learn and the grade? Is there any correlation between the score in quizzes and the grade? In this paper, we would like to describe and compare how much students use the materials in two different courses on the 2nd semester Digital Electronics and Programming (id 62734) and on the 4th semester Digital Design (id 62711). To answer these questions, we use data from Learn. And we conduct two qualitative surveys, one about students\u27 motivation, (Sekala, A et. al, 2023) and the other one as a part of the final course-evaluations in spring 2023

    Den dobbelte eros: En diskussion af forholdet mellem seksualitet og kærlighed

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    Artiklen tager sit udgangspunkt i Freuds afhandling »Om den mest almindelige devaluering af kærlighedslivet« (1912). Den diskuterer Freuds syn på den psykiske impotens og det spaltede kærlighedsliv hos manden. På denne baggrund behandles Freuds skelnen mellem den ømme og den seksuelle strømning i mennesket. Hans opfattelse af den ømme strømnings udelukkende ødipale og seksuelt afledte natur problematiseres. Dens præ-ødipale baggrund undersøges ved hjælp af en objekt-relationel forklaringsramme.The article starts with a summary of Freud's paper »On the universal tendency to de basement in the sphere of love« (I 912). It deals with Freud's view on the psychical impotence and the split male attitude towards love. With this in mind, Freud's distinction between the sensitive and the sexual aspect in people is discussed. However, it is argued that Freud's view of the sensitive aspect as a purely oedipal and sexually diverted phenomen is not understandable. An object-relational concept facilitates the investigation of its important pre-oedipal background

    Green Technology

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    Green Technology es un proyecto innovador desarrollado en la Ingeniørhøjskolen de Copenhague dentro del programa "EPS Project". El proyecto busca reducir el gasto en energía y agua que se produce diariamente en la Universidad fomentando un comportamiento mas sostenible por parte de los alumnos y del personal del centro. Para ello tras varios meses de estudio, se realizó una pagina web en la que los usuarios podían acceder al consumo diario, mensual y anual de energía y agua en su universidad y si lo consideraban necesario acceder al menú " Take action" en el que se mostraban consejos prácticos a poner en marcha dentro de la universidad para disminuir el consumo. Al tomarse las mediciones todos los días los usuarios podían darse cuenta de como sus acciones individuales eran importantes para reducir el consumo global dentro del edificio. Con este proyecto intentamos abordar esta problemática tan de actualidad en nuestros días poniendo al usuario como objetivo principal y como clave para el cambio
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