16 research outputs found

    Hepatobiliary alterations in massive biliary ascariasis: histopathological aspects of an autopsy case Lesões hepatobiliares em ascaridíase biliar maciça: aspectos histopatológicos em um caso de autópsia

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    Hepatobiliary alterations found in an autopsy case of massive Biliary Ascariasis, are reported on histological grounds. Severe cholangitis was the main finding, but other changes were also detected, such as pyloric and intestinal metaplasia, hyperplasia of the epithelial lining, with intraductal papillomas and adenomatous proliferation. Remnants of the worm were observed tightly adhered to the epithelium, forming microscopic intrahepatic calculi. Mucopolysaccharides, especially acid, showed to be strongly positive on the luminal border, and in proliferated glands around the ducts. The authors discuss the similarity between such findings and Oriental Cholangiohepatitis, and suggest that inflammation and the presence of the parasitic remnants are responsible for the hyperplastic and metaplastic changes, similarly with what occurs in chlonorchiasis, fascioliasis and schistosomiasis.<br>Os autores apresentam os aspectos histopatológicos encontrados no fígado de um caso de autópsia de Ascaridíase Biliar maciça. A intensa colangite foi o aspecto predominante, mas outras lesões também foram encontradas, tais como metaplasia pilórica e intestinal, hiperplasia epitelial com papilomas intraductais, e por vezes padrão adenomatoso. Restos do helminto foram encontrados fortemente aderidos ao epitélio, sendo intensa a positividade de mucopolissacárides, principalmente ácidos, na borda luminal do epitélio ductal e em glândulas proliferadas ao redor dos ductos. Os autores discutem a semelhança da Ascaridíase Biliar com a Colangio Hepatite Oriental, e sugerem que o processo inflamatório e a presença de restos do verme são responsáveis pelas alterações hiperplásicas e metaplásicas, analogamente ao que ocorre na clonorquíase, fasciolíase e esquistossomose

    Assessment issues and new technologies: ePortfolio possibilities

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    The emergence of new information and communication technologies(ICTs) call for new ways of learning and teaching, and integral to this call is new ways of assessing. This chapter provides insights into how ICT offers educators valuable assessment tools with which to more appropriately assess 21st-century lifelong learnerswho increasingly experience learning in digital, networked learning contexts in which learning involves collaboration and constructing new knowledge. This chapter explores how the interests of learning improvement and accountability can be served using online resources, particularly ePortfolios, and how they can be enhanced by the use of Web 2.0 technologies. Issues and insights are provided through an exploration into how ICT can provide valuable assessment tools for diverse stakeholders, including students, parents, administrators and policy officers