1,593 research outputs found

    On the exactness of the Semi-Classical Approximation for Non-Relativistic One Dimensional Propagators

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    For one dimensional non-relativistic quantum mechanical problems, we investigate the conditions for all the position dependence of the propagator to be in its phase, that is, the semi-classical approximation to be exact. For velocity independent potentials we find that: (i) the potential must be quadratic in space, but can have arbitrary time dependence. (ii) the phase may be made proportional to the classical action, and the magnitude (``fluctuation factor'') can also be found from the classical solution. (iii) for the driven harmonic oscillator the fluctuation factor is independent of the driving term.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figures, published in journal of physics

    Analysis of a three-component model phase diagram by Catastrophe Theory

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    We analyze the thermodynamical potential of a lattice gas model with three components and five parameters using the methods of Catastrophe Theory. We find the highest singularity, which has codimension five, and establish its transversality. Hence the corresponding seven-degree Landau potential, the canonical form Wigwam or A6A_6, constitutes the adequate starting point to study the overall phase diagram of this model.Comment: 16 pages, Latex file, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exact propagators on the lattice with applications to diffractive effects

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    The propagator of the discrete Schr\"odinger equation is computed and its properties are revealed through a Feynman path summation in discrete space. Initial data problems such as diffraction in discrete space and continuous time are studied analytically by the application of the new propagator. In the second part of this paper, the analogy between time propagation and 2D scattering by 1D obstacles is explored. New results are given in the context of diffraction by edges within a periodic medium. A connection with tight-binding arrays and photonic crystals is indicated.Comment: Final version with two appendices. Published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Comment on "Why quantum mechanics cannot be formulated as a Markov process"

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    In the paper with the above title, D. T. Gillespie [Phys. Rev. A 49, 1607, (1994)] claims that the theory of Markov stochastic processes cannot provide an adequate mathematical framework for quantum mechanics. In conjunction with the specific quantum dynamics considered there, we give a general analysis of the associated dichotomic jump processes. If we assume that Gillespie's "measurement probabilities" \it are \rm the transition probabilities of a stochastic process, then the process must have an invariant (time independent) probability measure. Alternatively, if we demand the probability measure of the process to follow the quantally implemented (via the Born statistical postulate) evolution, then we arrive at the jump process which \it can \rm be interpreted as a Markov process if restricted to a suitable duration time. However, there is no corresponding Markov process consistent with the Z2Z_2 event space assumption, if we require its existence for all times tR+t\in R_+.Comment: Latex file, resubm. to Phys. Rev.

    Three manifestations of the pulsed harmonic potential

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    We consider, in turn, three systems being acted upon by a regularly pulsed harmonic potential (PHP). These are i) a classical particle, ii) a quantum particle, and iii) a directed line. We contrast the mechanics of the first two systems by parameterizing their bands of stability and periodicity. Interesting differences due to quantum fluctuations are examined in detail. The fluctuations of the directed line are calculated in the two cases of a binding PHP, and an unbinding PHP. In the latter case there is a finite maximum line length for a given potential strength.Comment: 34 Revtex pages, with 5 attached figure

    Spin relaxation dynamics of quasiclassical electrons in ballistic quantum dots with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    We performed path integral simulations of spin evolution controlled by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the semiclassical regime for chaotic and regular quantum dots. The spin polarization dynamics have been found to be strikingly different from the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) spin relaxation in bulk systems. Also an important distinction have been found between long time spin evolutions in classically chaotic and regular systems. In the former case the spin polarization relaxes to zero within relaxation time much larger than the DP relaxation, while in the latter case it evolves to a time independent residual value. The quantum mechanical analysis of the spin evolution based on the exact solution of the Schroedinger equation with Rashba SOI has confirmed the results of the classical simulations for the circular dot, which is expected to be valid in general regular systems. In contrast, the spin relaxation down to zero in chaotic dots contradicts to what have to be expected from quantum mechanics. This signals on importance at long time of the mesoscopic echo effect missed in the semiclassical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Space-Time Evolution of the Oscillator, Rapidly moving in a random media

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    We study the quantum-mechanical evolution of the nonrelativistic oscillator, rapidly moving in the media with the random vector fields. We calculate the evolution of the level probability distribution as a function of time, and obtain rapid level diffusion over the energy levels. Our results imply a new mechanism of charmonium dissociation in QCD media.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Path Integral Approach for Spaces of Non-constant Curvature in Three Dimensions

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    In this contribution I show that it is possible to construct three-dimensional spaces of non-constant curvature, i.e. three-dimensional Darboux-spaces. Two-dimensional Darboux spaces have been introduced by Kalnins et al., with a path integral approach by the present author. In comparison to two dimensions, in three dimensions it is necessary to add a curvature term in the Lagrangian in order that the quantum motion can be properly defined. Once this is done, it turns out that in the two three-dimensional Darboux spaces, which are discussed in this paper, the quantum motion is similar to the two-dimensional case. In \threedDI we find seven coordinate systems which separate the Schr\"odinger equation. For the second space, \threedDII, all coordinate systems of flat three-dimensional Euclidean space which separate the Schr\"odinger equation also separate the Schr\"odinger equation in \threedDII. I solve the path integral on \threedDI in the (u,v,w)(u,v,w)-system, and on \threedDII in the (u,v,w)(u,v,w)-system and in spherical coordinates

    Quantum creep and variable range hopping of one-dimensional interacting electrons

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    The variable range hopping results for noninteracting electrons of Mott and Shklovskii are generalized to 1D disordered charge density waves and Luttinger liquids using an instanton approach. Following a recent paper by Nattermann, Giamarchi and Le Doussal [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91}, 56603 (2003)] we calculate the quantum creep of charges at zero temperature and the linear conductivity at finite temperatures for these systems. The hopping conductivity for the short range interacting electrons acquires the same form as for noninteracting particles if the one-particle density of states is replaced by the compressibility. In the present paper we extend the calculation to dissipative systems and give a discussion of the physics after the particles materialize behind the tunneling barrier. It turns out that dissipation is crucial for tunneling to happen. Contrary to pure systems the new metastable state does not propagate through the system but is restricted to a region of the size of the tunneling region. This corresponds to the hopping of an integer number of charges over a finite distance. A global current results only if tunneling events fill the whole sample. We argue that rare events of extra low tunneling probability are not relevant for realistic systems of finite length. Finally we show that an additional Coulomb interaction only leads to small logarithmic corrections.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; references adde

    Brownian Motion and Polymer Statistics on Certain Curved Manifolds

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    We have calculated the probability distribution function G(R,L|R',0) of the end-to-end vector R-R' and the mean-square end-to-end distance (R-R')^2 of a Gaussian polymer chain embedded on a sphere S^(D-1) in D dimensions and on a cylinder, a cone and a curved torus in 3-D. We showed that: surface curvature induces a geometrical localization area; at short length the polymer is locally "flat" and (R-R')^2 = L l in all cases; at large scales, (R-R')^2 is constant for the sphere, it is linear in L for the cylinder and reaches different constant values for the torus. The cone vertex induces (function of opening angle and R') contraction of the chain for all lengths. Explicit crossover formulas are derived.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, RevTex, uses amssymb.sty and multicol.sty, to appear in Phys. Rev