14 research outputs found

    Gesundheitskompetenz im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Konzeptionelle und empirische Beiträge zu Zielgruppenspezifität, Interventionsmöglichkeiten, schulischen und digitalen Herangehensweisen der Gesundheitskompetenzförderung aus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive

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    Schulenkorf T. Gesundheitskompetenz im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Konzeptionelle und empirische Beiträge zu Zielgruppenspezifität, Interventionsmöglichkeiten, schulischen und digitalen Herangehensweisen der Gesundheitskompetenzförderung aus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2024

    Tool-HLCA: An intervention to promote the health literacy of school-aged children

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    Schulenkorf T, Okan O, Bauer U. Tool-HLCA: An intervention to promote the health literacy of school-aged children. European Journal of Public Health . 2021;31(Suppl. 3):55-56.Background School-aged children are often exposed to health-related information from digital sources. However, there are no interventions in schools to help them deal with these appropriately. Installing health literacy in schools succeeds more easily if it can be linked to existing curricular requirements. This study aims to implement a toolbox to address (digital) health literacy of school-aged children (grades 7 and 8) in German secondary schools by combining existing media frameworks with health literacy. Methods Based on analysing a mandatory curriculum on media literacy in the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia in Germany and elaborating its commonalities with health literacy, we developed the toolbox for strengthening (digital) health literacy in school-aged children. Currently, the toolbox is being piloted in the school-setting in order to gain feedback from children and teachers. Results The mandatory media literacy framework for classroom teaching in German schools addresses the health literacy core competencies find, understand, appraise and use information. By using that framework and integrating health as a topic, this toolbox fits to the German core curriculum and will ensure that the toolbox is familiar and can be used with low thresholds by schoolteachers. The toolbox addresses digital health literacy including exercises to evaluate health-related information on different online platforms. It provides topic-specific tasks (e.g. coronavirus, vaccination, nutrition) and evaluation criteria for identifying mis- and disinformation. Conclusions The toolbox is an opportunity to enhancing (digital) health literacy in school-aged children by highlighting the intersections of the mandatory curriculum on media literacy and the core competencies of health literacy. In the long term, this kind of curriculum analysis serves as a methodological blueprint for educationalists to integrate health literacy into schools in many ways

    International Understandings of Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence—A Qualitative-Explorative Analysis of Global Expert Interviews

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    Schulenkorf T, Sørensen K, Okan O. International Understandings of Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence—A Qualitative-Explorative Analysis of Global Expert Interviews. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(3): 1591.(1) Background: With regard to children and adolescents, health literacy should only not be understood as an individual ability, but rather as dependent based on its contextual determinants. The study examines how experts define health literacy in childhood and adolescence and discusses whether they include these factors. (2) Methods: In 48 interviews with experts from 32 countries, specific questions for defining health literacy in childhood and adolescence were analyzed. Data analysis was conducted according to the summary of the qualitative content analysis. Main categories and subcategories were developed exploratively and inductively. (3) Results: No expert had an official definition of health literacy in childhood or adolescence. There were more experts who located health literacy only at the individual level alone than those who located it at both the individual and contextual levels. On the individual level, there was a focus on information processing, knowledge, behavior, and skills. At the contextual level, system responsibility, the ability of others, and relationship between age and development were the main points. (4) Conclusions: To develop an adequate method of dealing with health literacy in the target group, there must be a target group-specific consideration of the dependencies, ages, and developmental stages of that group. While this is considered as consensus in scientific discourse, it has seemingly not yet been adopted in development-related policies internationally

    Intervention to promote Health Literacy in Children and Adolescents

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    Schulenkorf T, Okan O, Goedecke A, Bauer U. Intervention zur Förderung der Gesundheitskompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: Das Soziale in Medizin und Gesellschaft – Aktuelle Megatrends fordern uns heraus. Gesundheitswesen. Vol 83. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme ; 2021: 685.Einleitung Interventionen zur Förderung von Gesundheitskompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sind bislang sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene rar. Daher fokussiert diese Studie die Entwicklung einer Intervention zur Stärkung der Gesundheitskompetenz von Schulkindern der 7. und 8. Klassenstufe in Form einer „Toolbox“ in NRW. Methoden Die Toolbox wurde auf Basis einer systematischen Literaturrecherche, der Vorgaben zur digitalen Bildung und der Schulcurricula entwickelt. Ein Pre-Test fand bereits Ende des Jahres 2019 statt. Des Weiteren soll die Toolbox dieses Jahr im Schulsetting pilotiert werden. Kooperationen mit schuladministrativen Stellen wurden etabliert und sollen die Implementierung der Toolbox erleichtern. Ergebnisse Durch den Medienkompetenzrahmen NRW, welcher auf der Strategie zur „Bildung in der digitalen Welt“ der Kultusministerkonferenz basiert, adressiert die Toolbox die Dimensionen von Gesundheitskompetenz: Suchen & Finden, Verstehen, Bewerten und Anwenden von Gesundheitsinformationen. Durch die Nutzung des Medienkompetenzrahmens, der Integration des Themas Gesundheit und der Beachtung der curricularen Vorgaben lässt sich die Toolbox integrativ in der Schule verwenden. Die Toolbox bietet verschiedene Übungen zur Fokussierung auf eine der Gesundheitskompetenz-Dimensionen, aber auch Querschnittsübungen, die mehrere Komponenten verknüpfen. Fazit Die Toolbox kann zur Stärkung der Gesundheitskompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter eingesetzt werden. Für Lehrkräfte stellt die Toolbox nicht nur ein Instrument dar, um Gesundheitskompetenz zu adressieren, sondern gleichzeitig die Vorgaben zur digitalen bzw. Medienbildung abzudecken. Das langfristige Ziel des Projekts ist die Ausweitung auf verschiedene Altersgruppen und Regionen in Deutschland

    Mit Schwung und Energie durch den Tag. Partizipative Forschung zur Förderung der bewegungsbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz bei Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten

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    Bruland D, Voß M, Schulenkorf T, Latteck Ä-D. Mit Schwung und Energie durch den Tag. Partizipative Forschung zur Förderung der bewegungsbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz bei Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 2019;14(4):368-374

    Addressing Health Literacy in Schools in Germany: Concept Analysis of the Mandatory Digital and Media Literacy School Curriculum

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    Schulenkorf T, Krah V, Dadaczynski K, Okan O. Addressing Health Literacy in Schools in Germany: Concept Analysis of the Mandatory Digital and Media Literacy School Curriculum. Frontiers in Public Health. 2021;9:687389.It is generally agreed upon that the development of health literacy should be addressed from an early age onwards in order to empower children to develop their full health potential. Schools can be seen as an ideal venue for strengthening health literacy because they reach almost all school-aged children throughout their school years. The development of health literacy at a young age is a catalyst for healthy development throughout across the life span. Evidence shows that health and education are intertwined with favorable effects for health (e.g., health behavior, knowledge) and education outcomes (e.g., academic achievement). However, health literacy is often not sufficiently integrated into the school curriculum despite its importance to health and education. Integrating health literacy into schools is challenging, as both schools and teachers already face numerous educational requirements that may prevent them from addressing health in the classroom because they perceive it as an additional task. This is why taking a sensitive approach is important, adapted to the needs of schools and highlighting the benefits of health literacy. Installing health literacy in schools succeeds more easily if it can be linked to existing curricular requirements. In this context, curriculum and instruction on media literacy, information literacy, and digital literacy are most promising subjects to include health literacy because these concepts share many commonalities with health literacy and often are already part of the school curriculum. The aim of this article is to (1) analyze a mandatory curriculum on media literacy in the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, (2) highlight its intersections with health literacy, and (3) show how it can be used to address health literacy. The state media literacy framework is based on the federal standards for “digital education” developed by the German Conference on Education Ministries und Cultural Affairs (KMK). As education policy and practice is decentralized with sixteen federal states in Germany, each of them has got their own media literacy framework, or they are currently developing it. This curriculum analysis may serve as a methodological blueprint for educationalists, teachers, and policy-maker elsewhere in order to include health literacy into existing curricula both health and non-health. It may help to integrate health literacy into schools when combined with existing curricula

    Interventions to improve physical activity in daily life of people with intellectual disabilities. Detailed results presentation of a Scoping Review

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    Bruland D, Schulenkorf T, Nutsch N, Nadolny S, Latteck Ä-D. Interventions to improve physical activity in daily life of people with intellectual disabilities. Detailed results presentation of a Scoping Review. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.Today, low levels of physical activity are a major health problem for society and are associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases especially by people with intellectual disability. To our knowledge, target group concepts to promote physical activity addressing daily life are rarely. For this, the aim of our research project is to develop, test and validate a multi-modal target-group-oriented intervention. This intervention will promote a physically active lifestyle by promoting health-related literacy, Physical activity-related health competence and self-efficacy. The first step of the project is to review the current state of interventions promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disability with a focus on daily life activities. This article describes the approach and the findings of the conducted scoping review. In general, 33 articles could be included. They were sorted by overviews, systematic reviews, studies, and curriculum. For a good overlook and comparision data were mapped for each category, except the single curriculum. Likewise, for all categories the results were summarized via a qualitative thematic analysis in a narrative format. For this, we identify relevant statements in the articles according to our research questions: a) How is motivation of the participants discussed? b) How are the needs of participants integrated in the intervention? c) Are competencies/physical requirements for physical activity of users analyzed and if so, how? d) How are the interventions evaluated? We added categories if we think that they are important for our own intervention development. This report has three goals: a) It is a tool-box (pool of ideas) mainly with basic concepts and tested strategies for our own development but also with other information about e.g. barriers and facilitator. b) Above that, with the detailed results presentation, we would like to achieve good transparency on which data basis our intervention will be developed. c) We like to share our results with interested

    Curriculum program to promote mental health literacy. Students' evaluation of the intervention

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    Kirchhoff S, Fretian AM, Schulenkorf T, Bollweg TM, Bauer U. Unterrichtsprogramm zur Förderung von Mental Health Literacy. Bewertung der Intervention durch Schüler:innen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung . 2022.Background The relevance of mental health literacy (MHL) for youth as a supporting factor for dealing with mental health problems and illness has been stressed. Therefore, strengthening MHL becomes a focus of preventive interventions. As there are hardly any MHL programs in Germany, a Canadian program was adapted, implemented and evaluated. The program's effectiveness has been documented internationally (e.g., in terms of increased knowledge and stigma reduction); however, there are no reports of how the program was perceived by the target group. The present study focuses on the students' perception of the program to examine whether the program is suitable for German students. Objective The students' perception of the program is presented in terms of its acceptability, appropriateness, and needs based adequacy. Material and methods The adapted German version of the program was piloted and evaluated in schools in Bielefeld, Germany. Participating students rated the program by answering program-specific questions. Results On average students of the nine participating classes positively rated the overall program, different program aspects and its relevance to students of the same age. Additionally, the evaluation of open-ended statements confirms that the program addresses students' needs and interests regarding the topic of mental health as well as its ability to reach students of the heterogeneous sample. Conclusion The results suggest that the adapted program is suitable for students in German schools. Further studies are needed to consolidate these findings. Moreover, program evaluations should consider the perception of the target group, as this provides insights into the acceptance and adaptation needs of the program.Hintergrund Die Bedeutung von Mental Health Literacy (MHL) junger Menschen für den Umgang mit psychischen Belastungen und Erkrankungen wird vermehrt betont und deren Stärkung in präventiven Maßnahmen anvisiert. Da in Deutschland kaum MHL-Programme existieren, wurde ein kanadisches, MHL-basiertes Unterrichtsprogramm adaptiert, eingesetzt und evaluiert. Zum Programm liegen international Wirksamkeitsnachweise vor (z. B. bzgl. Wissenszuwachs, Stigmaverringerung), jedoch keine Berichte, wie das Programm von der Zielgruppe angenommen wird. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Rezeption der Schüler:innen und prüft, ob sich das Programm für deutsche Schüler:innen eignet. Ziel der Arbeit Es wird die Rezeption des Programms durch Schüler:innen dargestellt, um Akzeptanz, Eignung und Bedarfsangemessenheit zu erörtern. Material und Methoden Die deutsche Programmversion wurde in Bielefelder Schulen pilotiert und evaluiert. Über programmspezifische Fragen schätzten teilnehmende Schüler:innen das Programm ein. Ergebnisse Schüler:innen der 9 teilnehmenden Klassen bewerteten das Programm insgesamt, unterschiedliche Programmaspekte sowie die Relevanz für Schüler:innen gleichen Alters positiv. Auch die Auswertung offener Angaben bestätigt, dass das MHL-Programm an Bedarfe und Interessen zum Thema psychische Gesundheit anschließt und Schüler:innen der heterogenen Stichprobe erreicht hat. Schlussfolgerung Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass sich das adaptierte Programm für Schüler:innen an deutschen Schulen eignet. Weitere Studien sind nötig, um dies zu bestätigen. Neben Wirksamkeitsprüfungen sollten Programmevaluationen die Einschätzung der Zielgruppe integrieren, da diese Hinweise bzgl. Akzeptanz und Entwicklungspotenzial liefert

    Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz und Soziale Medien – Programmatische Überlegungen für eine neue Forschungsperspektive

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    Schulenkorf T, Pinheiro P. Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz und Soziale Medien – Programmatische Überlegungen für eine neue Forschungsperspektive. In: Rathmann K, Dadaczynski K, Okan O, Messer M, eds. Gesundheitskompetenz. Springer Reference Pflege – Therapie – Gesundheit. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2020: 1-11

    Tool-HLCA: Gesundheitskompetenz in der Schule stärken

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    Schulenkorf T, Okan O. Tool-HLCA: Gesundheitskompetenz in der Schule stärken. In: Rathmann K, Dadaczynski K, Okan O, Messer M, eds. Gesundheitskompetenz. Springer Reference Pflege – Therapie – Gesundheit. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer ; 2020: 1-11