184 research outputs found

    Host DNA depletion can increase the sensitivity of Mycobacterium spp. detection through shotgun metagenomics in sputum

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    Identification and phenotypic drug-susceptibility testing for mycobacteria are time-consuming and challenging but essential for managing mycobacterial infections. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies can increase diagnostic speed and quality, but standardization is still lacking for many aspects (e.g., unbiased extraction, host depletion, bioinformatic analysis). Targeted PCR approaches directly on sample material are limited by the number of targets that can be included. Unbiased shotgun metagenomics on direct material is hampered by the massive amount of host DNA, which should be removed to improve the microbial detection sensitivity. For this reason, we developed a method for NGS-based diagnosis of mycobacteria directly from patient material. As a model, we used the non-tuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) Mycobacterium abscessus. We first compared the efficiency of three different DNA extraction kits for isolating DNA (quality and concentration). The two most efficient kits were then used in a follow-up study using artificial sputum. Finally, one extraction kit was selected and further evaluated for DNA isolation from a patients’ sputum mixture spiked with M. abscessus at three concentrations (final concentrations 108, 107, 106 CFU/ml). The spiked sputum samples were processed with and without saponin treatment (ST) in combination with DNAse treatment prior to bacterial DNA extraction to evaluate the recovery of bacteria and depletion of host DNA by PCR and Illumina sequencing. While Ct values of the qPCR targeting mycobacterial ITS DNA remained rather stable, Ct values in the qPCR targeting the human β-actin gene increased by five Ct values in ST samples. In subsequent Illumina sequencing, a decrease of 89% of reads mapped to the human genome was observed in ST samples. The percentage of reads mapped to M. abscessus (108 CFU/ml) increased by 89%, and the sequencing depth increased two times when undergoing ST. In conclusion, the sensitivity of M. abscessus detection in artificial sputum was increased using a saponin pre-treatment step. The saponin followed by the DNase I treatment approach could be efficiently applied to detect and characterize mycobacterial infections, including tuberculosis, directly from sputum

    Postictal serotonin levels are associated with peri-ictal apnea.

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    ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between serum serotonin (5-HT) levels, ictal central apnea (ICA), and postconvulsive central apnea (PCCA) in epileptic seizures.MethodsWe prospectively evaluated video EEG, plethysmography, capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), and ECG for 49 patients (49 seizures) enrolled in a multicenter study of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Postictal and interictal venous blood samples were collected after a clinical seizure for measurement of serum 5-HT levels. Seizures were classified according to the International League Against Epilepsy 2017 seizure classification. We analyzed seizures with and without ICA (n = 49) and generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) with and without PCCA (n = 27).ResultsPostictal serum 5-HT levels were increased over interictal levels for seizures without ICA (p = 0.01), compared to seizures with ICA (p = 0.21). In patients with GCS without PCCA, serum 5-HT levels were increased postictally compared to interictal levels (p < 0.001), but not in patients with seizures with PCCA (p = 0.22). Postictal minus interictal 5-HT levels also differed between the 2 groups with and without PCCA (p = 0.03). Increased heart rate was accompanied by increased serum 5-HT levels (postictal minus interictal) after seizures without PCCA (p = 0.03) compared to those with PCCA (p = 0.42).ConclusionsThe data suggest that significant seizure-related increases in serum 5-HT levels are associated with a lower incidence of seizure-related breathing dysfunction, and may reflect physiologic changes that confer a protective effect against deleterious phenomena leading to SUDEP. These results need to be confirmed with a larger sample size study

    Direct Classification of All American English Phonemes Using Signals From Functional Speech Motor Cortex

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    Although brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can be used in several different ways to restore communication, communicative BCI has not approached the rate or efficiency of natural human speech. Electrocorticography (ECoG) has precise spatiotemporal resolution that enables recording of brain activity distributed over a wide area of cortex, such as during speech production. In this study, we investigated words that span the entire set of phonemes in the General American accent using ECoG with 4 subjects. We classified phonemes with up to 36% accuracy when classifying all phonemes and up to 63% accuracy for a single phoneme. Further, misclassified phonemes follow articulation organization described in phonology literature, aiding classification of whole words. Precise temporal alignment to phoneme onset was crucial for classification success. We identified specific spatiotemporal features that aid classification, which could guide future applications. Word identification was equivalent to information transfer rates as high as 3.0 bits/s (33.6 words min), supporting pursuit of speech articulation for BCI control

    Automated Analysis of Risk Factors for Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression

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    Rationale: Currently, there is some ambiguity over the role of postictal generalized electro-encephalographic suppression (PGES) as a biomarker in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Visual analysis of PGES, known to be subjective, may account for this. In this study, we set out to perform an analysis of PGES presence and duration using a validated signal processing tool, specifically to examine the association between PGES and seizure features previously reported to be associated with visually analyzed PGES. Methods: This is a prospective, multicenter epilepsy monitoring study of autonomic and breathing biomarkers of SUDEP in adult patients with intractable epilepsy. We studied videoelectroencephalogram (vEEG) recordings of generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) in a cohort of patients in whom respiratory and vEEG recording were carried out during the evaluation in the epilepsy monitoring unit. A validated automated EEG suppression detection tool was used to determine presence and duration of PGES. Results: We studied 148 GCS in 87 patients. PGES occurred in 106/148 (71.6%) seizures in 70/87 (80.5%) of patients. PGES mean duration was 38.7 ± 23.7 (37; 1–169) seconds. Presence of tonic phase during GCS, including decerebration, decortication and hemi-decerebration, were 8.29 (CI 2.6–26.39, p = 0.0003), 7.17 (CI 1.29–39.76, p = 0.02), and 4.77 (CI 1.25–18.20, p = 0.02) times more likely to have PGES, respectively. In addition, presence of decerebration (p = 0.004) and decortication (p = 0.02), older age (p = 0.009), and hypoxemia duration (p = 0.03) were associated with longer PGES durations. Conclusions: In this study, we confirmed observations made with visual analysis, that presence of tonic phase during GCS, longer hypoxemia, and older age are reliably associated with PGES. We found that of the different types of tonic phase posturing, decerebration has the strongest association with PGES, followed by decortication, followed by hemi-decerebration. This suggests that these factors are likely indicative of seizure severity and may or may not be associated with SUDEP. An automated signal processing tool enables objective metrics, and may resolve apparent ambiguities in the role of PGES in SUDEP and seizure severity studies

    Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor and probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This is the first report of the case of a patient with a natural history of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor associated with probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. These tumors are benign, arising within the supratentorial cortex. Over 100 cases have been reported in the literature since the first description by Daumas-Duport in 1988.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 24- year-old Caucasian woman had a long period of intractable complex partial seizures, sometimes with tonic-clonic generalization and neuropsychological abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a cortico-subcortical parietal tumor with all the characteristics of these types of tumors. After 14 years of evolution, our patient died suddenly during sleep.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of probable sudden unexplained death in symptomatic epilepsy due to dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor with natural history. Early and complete excision, with functional studies before and during the surgery, leads to better control of seizures, avoiding neuropsychological changes and the risk of death. Patients with refractory epilepsy should be evaluated for any sleep disorders and should have complete cardiology assessments including electrocardiographic evaluation of cardiac rhythm disturbances.</p

    Comparative efficacy of two fipronil spot-on formulations against experimental tick infestations (Ixodes ricinus) in dogs

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    A parallel-group-design, randomized, unicentre and blinded controlled study was undertaken to assess the efficacy of a new fipronil-based spot-on formulation applied once to dogs against experimental Ixodes ricinus infestations. Six dogs served as negative controls (group 1), six dogs served as positive controls (group 2) receiving the original fipronil spot-on (Frontline® spot-on Dog, Merial) at a dosage of 0.67 mL for a dog weighing from 2 to 10 kg and 1.34 mL for a dog weighing from 10.1 to 20 kg and six dogs were treated with a 10% w/v fipronil-based spot-on solution (Effipro® Spot-on, Virbac SA) at an identical dosage (group 3, 0.67 mL for a dog weighing from 2 to 10 kg and 1.34 mL for a dog weighing from 10.1 to 20 kg). Each dog was sedated and subsequently infested with 50 unfed adult I. ricinus on days −7, −2, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. Forty-eight hours after the treatment and 48 h after each challenge (days −5, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and 37), the population of the remaining ticks was assessed for each animal. Geometric mean tick counts obtained were reduced by 99% and 94% on day 2 in groups 2 and 3, respectively, compared to the negative control group. Dogs were protected from re-infestations with an efficacy of >90% for 3 weeks in group 2 and for 5 weeks in group 3. Both 10% w/v fipronil-based spot-on solutions, despite different vehicles, were equally able to eradicate tick infestation, to prevent new infestations and were equally well tolerated

    Using Motor Tempi to Understand Rhythm and Grammatical Skills in Developmental Language Disorder and Typical Language Development

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    Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) show relative weaknesses on rhythm tasks beyond their characteristic linguistic impairments. The current study compares preferred tempo and the width of an entrainment region for 5- to 7-year-old typically developing (TD) children and children with DLD and considers the associations with rhythm aptitude and expressive grammar skills in the two populations. Preferred tempo was measured with a spontaneous motor tempo task (tapping tempo at a comfortable speed), and the width (range) of an entrainment region was measured by the difference between the upper (slow) and lower (fast) limits of tapping a rhythm normalized by an individual’s spontaneous motor tempo. Data from N = 16 children with DLD and N = 114 TD children showed that whereas entrainment-region width did not differ across the two groups, slowest motor tempo, the determinant of the upper (slow) limit of the entrainment region, was at a faster tempo in children with DLD vs. TD. In other words, the DLD group could not pace their slow tapping as slowly as the TD group. Entrainment-region width was positively associated with rhythm aptitude and receptive grammar even after taking into account potential confounding factors, whereas expressive grammar did not show an association with any of the tapping measures. Preferred tempo was not associated with any study variables after including covariates in the analyses. These results motivate future neuroscientific studies of low-frequency neural oscillatory mechanisms as the potential neural correlates of entrainment-region width and their associations with musical rhythm and spoken language processing in children with typical and atypical language development

    Seizure Clusters, Seizure Severity Markers, and SUDEP Risk.

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    Rationale: Seizure clusters may be related to Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). Two or more generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) were captured during video electroencephalography in 7/11 (64%) patients with monitored SUDEP in the MORTEMUS study. It follows that seizure clusters may be associated with epilepsy severity and possibly with SUDEP risk. We aimed to determine if electroclinical seizure features worsen from seizure to seizure within a cluster and possible associations between GCS clusters, markers of seizure severity, and SUDEP risk. Methods: Patients were consecutive, prospectively consented participants with drug-resistant epilepsy from a multi-center study. Seizure clusters were defined as two or more GCS in a 24-h period during the recording of prolonged video-electroencephalography in the Epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU). We measured heart rate variability (HRV), pulse oximetry, plethysmography, postictal generalized electroencephalographic suppression (PGES), and electroencephalography (EEG) recovery duration. A linear mixed effects model was used to study the difference between the first and subsequent seizures, with a level of significance set at p < 0.05. Results: We identified 112 GCS clusters in 105 patients with 285 seizures. GCS lasted on average 48.7 Âą 19 s (mean 49, range 2-137). PGES emerged in 184 (64.6%) seizures and postconvulsive central apnea (PCCA) was present in 38 (13.3%) seizures. Changes in seizure features from seizure to seizure such as seizure and convulsive phase durations appeared random. In grouped analysis, some seizure features underwent significant deterioration, whereas others improved. Clonic phase and postconvulsive central apnea (PCCA) were significantly shorter in the fourth seizure compared to the first. By contrast, duration of decerebrate posturing and ictal central apnea were longer. Four SUDEP cases in the cluster cohort were reported on follow-up. Conclusion: Seizure clusters show variable changes from seizure to seizure. Although clusters may reflect epilepsy severity, they alone may be unrelated to SUDEP risk. We suggest a stochastic nature to SUDEP occurrence, where seizure clusters may be more likely to contribute to SUDEP if an underlying progressive tendency toward SUDEP has matured toward a critical SUDEP threshold

    Association of Peri-ictal Brainstem Posturing With Seizure Severity and Breathing Compromise in Patients With Generalized Convulsive Seizures

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between peri-ictal brainstem posturing semiologies with postictal generalized electroencephalographic suppression (PGES) and breathing dysfunction in generalized convulsive seizures (GCS). METHODS: In this prospective, multicenter analysis of GCS, ictal brainstem semiology was classified as (1) decerebration (bilateral symmetric tonic arm extension), (2) decortication (bilateral symmetric tonic arm flexion only), (3) hemi-decerebration (unilateral tonic arm extension with contralateral flexion) and (4) absence of ictal tonic phase. Postictal posturing was also assessed. Respiration was monitored with thoracoabdominal belts, video, and pulse oximetry. RESULTS: Two hundred ninety-five seizures (180 patients) were analyzed. Ictal decerebration was observed in 122 of 295 (41.4%), decortication in 47 of 295 (15.9%), and hemi-decerebration in 28 of 295 (9.5%) seizures. Tonic phase was absent in 98 of 295 (33.2%) seizures. Postictal posturing occurred in 18 of 295 (6.1%) seizures. PGES risk increased with ictal decerebration (odds ratio [OR] 14.79, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.18-35.39, p < 0.001), decortication (OR 11.26, 95% CI 2.96-42.93, p < 0.001), or hemi-decerebration (OR 48.56, 95% CI 6.07-388.78, p < 0.001). Ictal decerebration was associated with longer PGES (p = 0.011). Postictal posturing was associated with postconvulsive central apnea (PCCA) (p = 0.004), longer hypoxemia (p < 0.001), and Spo2 recovery (p = 0.035). CONCLUSIONS: Ictal brainstem semiology is associated with increased PGES risk. Ictal decerebration is associated with longer PGES. Postictal posturing is associated with a 6-fold increased risk of PCCA, longer hypoxemia, and Spo2 recovery. Peri-ictal brainstem posturing may be a surrogate biomarker for GCS severity identifiable without in-hospital monitoring. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that peri-ictal brainstem posturing is associated with the GCS with more prolonged PGES and more severe breathing dysfunction
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