812 research outputs found


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    This paper reviews pastoral lease arrangements across Australia and considers the extent to which these affect the emergence of non-pastoral land uses. Some 44 per cent of Australia is made up of pastoral leases. The predominant use of these leases is for grazing livestock (primarily sheep and cattle). However, there is increasing demand for this land to be used for non-pastoral uses, such as tourism, farming of nonconventional livestock (such as goats, kangaroos and camels) and conservation of native wildlife. More neutral and outcome-focused pastoral leasing arrangements may better facilitate pastoral and non-pastoral land uses in the future.Land Economics/Use,

    Signalling Effects of a Large Player in a Global Game of Creditor Coordination

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    In case of multiple creditors a coordination problem can arise when the borrowing firm runs into financial distress. Even if the project's value at maturity is enough to pay all creditors in full, some creditors may be tempted to foreclose on their loans. We develop a model of creditor coordination where a large creditor moves before a continuum of small creditors, and analyze the signalling effects of the large creditor''s investment decision on the subsequent behavior of the small creditors. The signalling effects crucially depend on the relative size of the large creditor and the relative precision of information. We derive conditions under which pure herding behavior is to be expected.

    Environmental regulatory arrangements and aquaculture production

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    Aquaculture production in Australia is subject to an unnecessarily complex array of legislation and agencies - covering environmental protection, land use planning, marine and coastal management, land tenure, and quarantine and translocation. Unwarranted, or poorly developed and implemented, arrangements can impose unnecessary costs on producers, consumers and the community, affect competitiveness, and adversely affect management of the environment. This paper assess environmental regulatory arrangements for aquaculture, identifies potential constraints on the aquaculture industry, and opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental regulatory arrangements.aquaculture, regulatory arrangements, environmental management, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    The Vicious Cycle of Insecurity

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    Increasing AAS use has detrimental effects on mental and physical health, creating a public health crisis. The need to rebuild beauty standards for a sustainable future has become more urgent than ever before. This poster aims to show that the use of anabolic steroids creates a feedback loop of insecurity and mental health problems, causing exponential usage of appearance and performance enhancing drugs. Beginning with the prevalence of AAS in the public eye, then leading to increases in body dissatisfaction, insecurity, and mental health disorders, which then leads to an increase of AAS usage, creates the cycle. This poster poses some ways to create healthier beauty standards for adolescent males

    Self Perceived Religiosity and Risky Behaviors

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    I analyzed the relationship between self-perceived religiosity and the prevalence of risky behaviors. The risky behaviors being measured included promiscuous sex, binge drinking, and recreational drug use. There were One hundred and eighteen participants who participated in the study by answering survey questions concerning the prevalence of their participation in risky behaviors as well as there church participation and perception of their religiosity. I predicted that there would be negative correlations between the defined risky behaviors and self-perceived religiosity. The survey information was then input into a statistical analysis program to gather data. After interpreting the data, it was found that there was a significant negative relationship between self perceived religiosity and binge drinking. The same significant negative correlation was found between self-perceived religiosity and promiscuous sex. A significant negative correlation was also found between self perceived religiosity and recreational drug use. This indicates that the more religious an individual perceives himself or herself to be, the less likely they are to participate in risky behaviors. I continued utilizing the data to suggest that the presence of a religious identity can greatly reduce risky behaviors. I then made suggestions for potential action and reform in society to offset the prevalence of risky behaviors

    Should Russia comply with EU food safety norms in the wheat sector?

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    The impressive volumes of wheat production in Russia on the one hand, and the good baking quality of Russian wheat on the other hand enabled Russia to become one of the important wheat producers and exporters of the world since the recent few years. However Russia has a long way to go in the “front” of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), i.e. food safety, standards. As part of a larger study, financed by the German Research Foundation, the current research addresses the objective of estimating the potentials of wheat production in Russia under more stringent food safety standards as the current Russian national SPS regulations are. The comparative advantage analysis based on the Domestic Resource Cost approach (DRC) is applied to estimate the possible compliance of Russian norms with EU SPS standards. The DRC analysis resulting in a ratio of 0,37 provides evidence of high social profitability of wheat chain in Stavropol region. Also the scenarios of compliance of Russian food safety norms with those of EU offers plausible solutions with DRC ratios varying within the range of 0,49 – 0,96 dependent on the fluctuations of model parameters. This is the third paper from the series of analysis of competitiveness of the Russian wheat sector under different food safety policies. The first paper estimated the policy of the full enforcement of national SPS regulations . The second work assessed the policy of compliance with the international SPS norms and considered also the sensitivity analysis under this policy. As far as the EU SPS norms are more stringent as the international standards, there is a necessity to assess also this policy option.DRC, wheat, food safety standards., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Creating Markets for Biodiversity: A Case Study of Earth Sanctuaries Ltd

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    This papers examines the activities and operations of the first publicly listed company in Australia with wildlife conservation as its primary goal. Earth Sanctuaries Ltd (ESL) is the first publicly listed company in Australia with wildlife conservation as its primary goal. Its focus to date is on conservation of small native mammals that are threatened by exotic predators and loss of habitat. Its strategy has been to acquire land, erect electrified vermin-proof fencing, remove feral animals, regenerate native vegetation and reintroduce selected native species. The paper finds that there does not appear to be a consistent and coordinated approach across jurisdictions for private conservation providers to access, keep, relocate and trade native wildlife, amplifying uncertainty for organisations which operate in several jurisdictions.biodiversity - environment - conservation - wildlife - Earth Sanctuaries - regulation - property rights - competitive neutrality - contestability - ecological outcomes - private sector conservation

    Problems of Strategic Management Formation in Russian Agrarian Sector

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    The rapid changes in Russian agriculture during the last fifteen years require development of particular strategies for efficient farm management. The West-European approaches of strategic management and planning decisions are not directly applicable in the Russian agricultural economy; Russian large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises act on different organisational principles, due to the specific peculiarities of their business mentality. The objective of the research is to adopt modern strategic management concepts to the peculiarities of Russian agriculture and to work out proposals on formation of strategic planning system in agricultural production. To this end it is necessary to define the strategic planning features which take into account the nature of modern stage of the development of Russian economy and the specific character of agricultural production; to indicate the preconditions which promote the wide implementation of strategic planning into economic practice; to establish the features of the concept of strategic planning for agricultural enterprises and to elaborate a methodical set of instructions providing formalized character to strategic planning. Applying the methodologies of monographic research and expert interviews, we conducted the analysis of peculiarities and problems of Russian agricultural production, revealed and systematized the features of development of strategy for agricultural enterprises. Based on the results of our investigation we developed strategic development models for the agricultural enterprises of Stavropol region applying the approach of Strength /Neutral / Weakness (SNW) analysis of the methodology of comparative advantage. The usefulness and empirical value of the developed models have been approved on the example of “LUCH” agricultural enterprise, which is the first in the region according to effectiveness indicators and the fourth according to its relative size.Farm Management,

    Qualitatives, räumliches Schließen zur Kollisionserkennung und Kollisionsvermeidung autonomer BDI-Agenten

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    Die Trends und Veränderungen in der Logistik führen zu einem dezentralen Ansatz der Steuerungssysteme, um die Komplexität logistischer Systeme zu reduzieren. Softwareagenten, insbesondere BDI-Agenten (Belief-Desire-Intention), als Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, bieten aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften geeignete Konzepte diesen Ansatz umzusetzen. Im räumlichen Kontext ist das Wissen der Agenten über ihre Umwelt häufig unsicher. Dieser Beitrag adressiert das Problem der autonomen, kollisionsfreien Bewegung von mehreren, interagierenden Agenten auf Basis von unsicherem Wissen im Kontext der Transportlogistik. Zu diesem Zweck bietet die Perspektive des qualitativ räumlichen Schließens geeignete Konzepte. Der Ansatz wird durch eine Multiagentensimulation in einem transportlogistischen Szenario, im Speziellen mit verschiedenen organisationstheoretischen Konzepten bezüglich des Verhaltens der Agenten ausgewertet