4 research outputs found

    Discretization of differential geometry for computational gauge theory

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    This thesis develops a framework for discretizing field theories that is independent of the chosen coordinates of the underlying geometry. This independence enables the framework to be more easily utilized in a variety of domains such as those with non-trivial geometry and topology. To do this, we build on discretizations of exterior calculus including Discrete Exterior Calculus and Finite Element Exterior Calculus. We apply these methods to discrete differential geometric objects by providing a new definition of the discrete exterior derivative on dual cochains, allowing us to incorporate more general boundary conditions and prove a discrete version of adjointness of the discrete exterior derivative and the codifferential. We also provide a definition of fundamental constructions of discrete vector bundles such as the Whitney sum, tensor bundle and pullback bundles, and a definition of a discrete covariant exterior derivative on general vector-valued kk-cochains that extends to endomorphism-valued cochains while leading to discrete analogs of properties of endomorphism-valued forms. As part of our investigations of discrete vector bundles, we consider the problem of under what conditions the structure group of a discrete vector bundle can be simplified and give algorithms to perform the reduction when such a reduction is possible. We also develop discrete variational mechanics deriving the Euler-Lagrange equations for both fully-discrete (both space and time are discretized) as well as semi-discrete (space is discretized and time is left smooth) theories with and without gauge symmetries. We further derive a discrete analog of Noether's theorem and define discrete analogs of conserved current and charge densities. We apply our discretization scheme to classic examples including complex scalar field theory and electrodynamics as well as to non-Abelian Yang-Mills. Our last application is to Abelian Chern-Simons, where we consider fully- and semi-discrete discretizations utilizing both primal and dual complexes to provide simpler discrete descriptions of physical quantities and demonstrate our ability to recover other topological properties of smooth theories. In examining discretizations of topological charge, we extend a definition of the first Chern class to all vector bundles, and in addition we discuss possible discretization of the second Chern class. Finally, we consider a generalization of the Cheeger-Buser inequalities to a ``hockey puck shaped" domain in R3\mathbb{R}^3, showing how the eigenvalues of the one-form Laplacian change as the hockey puck shape approaches that of a solid torus. Our framework for discretizing field theories enables broader use of techniques in exterior calculus to improve numerical methods for solving physical and geometric systems

    Averaging Property of Wedge Product and Naturality in Discrete Exterior Calculus

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    In exterior calculus on smooth manifolds, the exterior derivative and wedge product are natural with respect to smooth maps between manifolds, that is, these operations commute with pullback. In discrete exterior calculus (DEC), simplicial cochains play the role of discrete forms, the coboundary operator serves as the discrete exterior derivative, and the antisymmetrized cup product provides a discrete wedge product. We show that these discrete operations in DEC are natural with respect to abstract simplicial maps. A second contribution is a new averaging interpretation of the discrete wedge product in DEC. We also show that this wedge product is the same as Wilson's cochain product defined using Whitney and de Rham maps.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2104.10277. Note from authors in response to arXiv admin note: The material in this submission was split off from arXiv:2104.10277 and version 2 of arXiv:2104.10277 does not contain the material in this submission. This revision includes material about cochain product using Whitney forms and connection to C-infinity algebra