64 research outputs found

    OncoLog Volume 48, Number 10, October 2003

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    \u27Hitting Bladder Cancer on All Fronts\u27: Researchers Focus on Improving Therapies and Identifying Biomarkers Restoring Erectile Function in Patients Treated for Prostate Cancer: Efforts across Disciplines Address Physical, Psychological, and Emotional Factors Related to Sexual Potency House Call: Note to Self: Get Screened for Colon Cancer DiaLog: Sexual Function and Prostate Cancer: The Importance of Realistic Expectations, by Leslie R. Schover, PhD, Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciencehttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1123/thumbnail.jp

    Mobility and Migrations in the Rural Areas of Mediterranean EU Countries

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    AbstractThis chapter focuses on the ambivalent nature of contemporary migrations in European rural areas. The growing presence of immigrants in these areas is a direct result of the restructuring of agriculture and global agri-food chains. Evidence indicates that while agricultural work and rural settings are decreasingly attractive to local populations, they represent a favourable environment to international newcomers, due to the higher chances to access livelihood resources. The non-visibility and informality that characterise rural settings and agricultural work arrangements provide on the one side opportunities for employment, while also fostering illegal labour practices and situations of harsh exploitation

    The Study of Irregular Migration

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    AbstractThe study of irregular migration as a specific social phenomenon took off during the 70s in the US. Since then, the academic interest has continually grown and spread, first to Europe and, in the last years, to other regions worldwide. This interest can certainly be related to the increasing attention paid to the study of migrations more in general (Castles & Miller, 1993). The trend can be linked to those broad and complex social and economic changes, often subsumed under the concept of globalization. The specific focus on irregular migration, though gaining momentum throughout the 1980s, reached preeminent attention in the 1990s. On both sides of the Atlantic, the explosion of the so-called "migration crisis" (Zolberg & Benda, 2001) and the emergence of irregular migration as a widespread social fact raised the attention of public opinion and academics alike. Moreover, in recent years, what seemed at first to be an issue concerning only the high-income regions of the planet, now involves also medium and low-income ones, making irregular migration a truly global structural phenomenon (Cvajner & Sciortino, 2010a; Düvell, 2006)

    Irregular Migration Theories

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