141 research outputs found

    Alone in a Crowd

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    The problems of pipefitting and pregnancy, carpentry and child care, truck driving and femininity—these peculiar parings characterize the lives of an often unsung group of women. They are women who have entered the traditionally male-dominated world of the trades. They are women whom we meet in Alone in a Crowd, as twenty-five women who are blue-collar workers tell us in their own words what it is like to be a woman and a machinist or an electrician or a tugboat mate. Here are women who wear lipstick on the line and women who wear steel-toed boots in the yard, women who trade sexual wisecracks with their male coworkers and women who keep to themselves, women who want to get ahead and women who want out. In this book their actual voices speak to us about their nontraditional work and their nontraditional lives

    Employment Trends for Occupations Requiring no more than a High School Diploma or GED: 1992 and 2005

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    This article, the third in a series on employment trends, focuses on occupations requiring no postsecondary training. The first article (Geyer & Schroedel, 1995) concentrated on occupations requiring a Bachelor\u27s degree or higher, and the second article (Schroedel & Geyer, 1996) focused on occupations needing some postsecondary training, usually for one- or two-year college degrees. The next article will report on occupations requiring significant on-the-job training

    Employment Trends for Occupations Requiring Vocational and Associate’s Degrees

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    This article, second in a special series devoted to employment trends, focuses on occupations requiring some postsecondary training, usually for a one- to two-year Vocational or Associate’s degree. The first article (Geyer & Schroedel, 1995) concentrated on occupations requiring a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Forthcoming articles will report on occupations requiring (a) significant on-the-job trainings or (b) a secondary diploma or less education

    Parental Involvement in Career Development

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    Most deaf high school graduates in this study were actively learning about careers and making future plans. Most of their parents encouraged these activities through a variety of ways. These results were derived from interviews with 189 deaf seniorsin16 high schools and from a mail survey of their parents. Findings indicated that a majority of seniors had discussed their future plans with family members and most parents supported these plans. A majority of parents had also engaged in six types of activities to stimulate the career development of their deaf sons and daughters. Parents also reported numerous other ways they had assisted their deaf teenagers to prepare for more education and a future job. However, almost 75 present of parents reported the need for four kinds of career planning information. Implications for enhancing communication between parents and professionals as well as training parents were discussed

    An Approach for Developing National Guidelines for Postsecondary Support Services Programs

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    This paper presents a case for developing standards for specialized support programs serving deaf students in postsecondary institutions. A step-by-step plan for producing standards for the evaluation, development, and accreditation of these programs is outlined. Criteria for forming flexible standards which (1) account for variations in program size and type and (2) enhance support services which make postsecondary education more accessible for deaf students are clarified. The importance of teamwork between postsecondary specialists and generalists to link standards for special service programs to the process of accrediting regular institutions of higher education is emphasized. An example of accrediting a special college for deaf students is discussed. Results from a process of setting priorities for future actions in developing program standards which emerged from a professional conference are reported. Expected benefits of these standards to enhancing program quality are described

    Early Career Attainments of Employees who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Ten Years After College: Some Preliminary Findings

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    This paper addresses questions about the early career attainments and attitudes of a sample of 325 deaf and hard of hearing workers with postsecondary training and education. The overall goal is to identify the strategies that create job change and career advancement opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing workers. Specific questions addressed include: what kinds of jobs do these alumni have and what are their earnings? What are their attitudes about their jobs? How long have they worked on these jobs and have they been promoted? Overall, descriptive information bearing on these and similar questions suggest that postsecondary training and education has been effective as a strategy for early career preparation and advancement. Two other common strategies for career advancement seem evident: working for larger employers and having a willingness to make a long-term commitment to a career with the same employer

    Europäische Sicherheit: Reaktionen im Westen auf Russlands Initiative: Beiträge aus Fachzeitschriften und Think-Tank-Publikationen

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    Der russische Präsident Dmitri Medwedew wirbt seit Juni 2008 auf internationaler Bühne für die Schaffung einer gesamteuropäischen Sicherheitsgemeinschaft, die von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok reichen soll. Neben allen europäischen Staaten und Russland soll das Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsnetzwerk auch den USA und Kanada sowie Nato, OSZE und OVKS (Organisation des Vertrags über kollektive Sicherheit) als gleichberechtigten Mitgliedern offenstehen. Im Westen trifft Medwedews Vorstoß überwiegend auf Skepsis und Vorbehalte, wenn nicht offene Ablehnung. Dabei sollten jedoch die beiderseitigen Signale für mehr Kooperation und Vertrauen nicht übersehen werden. (Autorenreferat

    Die EU als imperiale und hegemoniale Macht: aus europäischen und amerikanischen Fachzeitschriften und Think Tank Publikationen 2008

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    So what is the nature of the beast? Die Frage, was für ein außenpolitisches Profil die Europäische Union eigentlich hat, wird in der Literatur schon lange kontrovers behandelt. Ist sie eine Zivilmacht, eine ökonomische Großmacht oder lediglich ein handlungsunfähiges politisches Mehrebenensystem? In Reaktion auf die Weiterentwicklung der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Union und ihre wachsenden weltwirtschaftlichen Einflussmöglichkeiten wird der EU neuerdings das Potential zu einer imperialen und hegemonialen Politik attestiert. Der folgende Überblick soll zeigen, welche Argumente ausgewählte Autoren in europäischen und amerikanischen Fachzeitschriften zu der Ansicht verleiten, dass die EU trotz ihrer internen Verfassungskrise einen Großmachtanspruch formulieren kann. (Autorenreferat
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