7 research outputs found
Can Mobile Phone Data Improve Emergency Response to Natural Disasters?
Peter Gething and Andrew Tatem discuss the potential impact of mobile phone positioning data on disaster response and highlight challenges that must be addressed if use of this technology is to develop
Measuring and modelling coastal dune development in the Netherlands
In the past couple of years, new coastal-dune research has sprung up in the Netherlands. In this paper, we give an overview ofongoing projects at Wageningen UR, Deltares, TU Delft and UTwente: how these are connected and what type of questions areaddressed. There is an increasing demand for the understanding and prediction of coastal dune dynamics, both on the short (year) andlong (100 years) term. We approach this from a variety of angles: scientific and applied, short-term and long-term, data-driven andmodel-based, biotic and abiotic, process-based and rule-based, and focused on components and integrated. We give examples of resultsand end with a discussion of the benefits of this integrated approach
Measuring and modelling coastal dune development in the Netherlands
In the past couple of years, new coastal-dune research has sprung up in the Netherlands. In this paper, we give an overview ofongoing projects at Wageningen UR, Deltares, TU Delft and UTwente: how these are connected and what type of questions areaddressed. There is an increasing demand for the understanding and prediction of coastal dune dynamics, both on the short (year) andlong (100 years) term. We approach this from a variety of angles: scientific and applied, short-term and long-term, data-driven andmodel-based, biotic and abiotic, process-based and rule-based, and focused on components and integrated. We give examples of resultsand end with a discussion of the benefits of this integrated approach