1,955 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities in different regions of the gastrointestinal tract in Panaque nigrolineatus, a wood-eating fish

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    The Neotropical detritivorous catfish Panaque nigrolineatus imbibes large quantities of wood as part of its diet. Due to the interest in cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin degradation pathways, this organism provides an interesting model system for the detection of novel microbial catabolism. In this study, we characterize the microbial community present in different regions of the alimentary tract of P. nigrolineatus fed a mixed diet of date palm and palm wood in laboratory aquaria. Analysis was performed on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries derived from anterior and posterior regions of the alimentary tract and the auxiliary lobe (AL), an uncharacterized organ that is vascularly attached to the midgut. Sequence analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction revealed distinct microbial communities in each tissue region. The foregut community shared many phylotypes in common with aquarium tank water and included Legionella and Hyphomicrobium spp. As the analysis moved further into the gastrointestinal tract, phylotypes with high levels of 16S rRNA sequence similarity to nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium and Agrobacterium spp. and Clostridium xylanovorans and Clostridium saccharolyticum, dominated midgut and AL communities. However, the hindgut was dominated almost exclusively by phylotypes with the highest 16S rRNA sequence similarity to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum. Species richness was highest in the foregut (Chao(1) = 26.72), decreased distally through the midgut (Chao(1) = 25.38) and hindgut (Chao(1) = 20.60), with the lowest diversity detected in the AL (Chao(1) = 18.04), indicating the presence of a specialized microbial community. Using 16S rRNA gene phylogeny, we report that the P. nigrolineatus gastrointestinal tract possesses a microbial community closely related to microorganisms capable of cellulose degradation and nitrogen fixation. Further studies are underway to determine the role of this resident microbial community in Panaque nigrolineatus

    Fast Computation of Voigt Functions via Fourier Transforms

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    This work presents a method of computing Voigt functions and their derivatives, to high accuracy, on a uniform grid. It is based on an adaptation of Fourier-transform based convolution. The relative error of the result decreases as the fourth power of the computational effort. Because of its use of highly vectorizable operations for its core, it can be implemented very efficiently in scripting language environments which provide fast vector libraries. The availability of the derivatives makes it suitable as a function generator for non-linear fitting procedures.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    NĂ€herungsverfahren zur Lösung eines Transportproblems der diskreten SchĂŒttgutoptimierung

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    Gegenstand der Betrachtung ist ein spezielles Tourenproblem der SchĂŒttgutoptimierung. Man stelle sich als RealitĂ€tsbezug ein Transportunternehmen vor, das eine Anzahl von gleichartigen Fahrzeugen in einem Fuhrpark stationiert hat. Vorgegebene Mengen von SchĂŒttgut mĂŒssen von einer Kiesgrube zu mehreren Baustellen transportiert werden. Dabei sind Be- und Entladezeiten, unterschiedliche mittlere Geschwindigkeiten fĂŒr Leer- bzw. Lastfahrten und Schichtzeiten zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Gesucht ist eine optimale Anzahl von einzusetzenden Fahrzeugen und die zugehörigen TourenplĂ€ne mit dem Ziel der Minimierung der Transportkosten unter Beachtung der LiefervertrĂ€ge. Die Lösung des Problems erfolgt in zwei Phasen. Zuerst wird die Frage geklĂ€rt, wieviele Fahrzeuge bei minimalem Kostenniveau einzusetzen und welche zu den Leerfahrten gehörigen Teilstrecken wie oft zu befahren sind. Anschließend wird mit heuristischen Verfahren versucht, die Menge der zu fahrenden Teilstrecken so auf die Fahrzeuge aufzuteilen, daß fĂŒr jedes Fahrzeug eine zulĂ€ssige Tour entsteht. Zur komplexen Lösung einer denkbaren Aufgabe liegt ein Programm in der Programmiersprache PASCAL vor. Die erzielten numerischen Resultate belegen, daß auch fĂŒr Probleme grĂ¶ĂŸerer Dimension eine Optimallösung oder sehr gute NĂ€herungen in vernĂŒnftiger Zeit gefunden werden

    Examination of a culturable microbial population from the gastrointestinal tract of the wood-eating loricariid catfish Panaque nigrolineatus

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    Fish play a critical role in nutrient cycling and organic matter flow in aquatic environments. However, little is known about the microbial diversity within the gastrointestinal tracts that may be essential in these degradation activities. Panaque nigrolineatus is a loricariid catfish found in the Neotropics that have a rare dietary strategy of consuming large amounts of woody material in its natural environment. As a consequence, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of P. nigrolineatus is continually exposed to high levels of cellulose and other recalcitrant wood compounds and is, therefore, an attractive, uncharacterized system to study microbial community diversity. Our previous 16S rRNA gene surveys demonstrated that the GI tract microbial community includes phylotypes having the capacity to degrade cellulose and fix molecular nitrogen. In the present study we verify the presence of a resident microbial community by fluorescence microscopy and focus on the cellulose-degrading members by culture-based and 13C-labeled cellulose DNA stable-isotope probing (SIP) approaches. Analysis of GI tract communities generated from anaerobic microcrystalline cellulose enrichment cultures by 16S rRNA gene analysis revealed phylotypes sharing high sequence similarity to known cellulolytic bacteria including Clostridium, Cellulomonas, Bacteroides, Eubacterium and Aeromonas spp. Related bacteria were identified in the SIP community, which also included nitrogen-fixing Azospirillum spp. Our ability to enrich for specialized cellulose-degrading communities suggests that the P. nigrolineatus GI tract provides a favorable environment for this activity and these communities may be involved in providing assimilable carbon under challenging dietary conditions

    The Large Scale X-ray Emission from M87

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    We describe asymmetrical features in a long exposure X-ray map of M87 made with the ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI). A bright triangular region is marked by a linear `spur' along one edge. The structure of this spur suggests an interpretation of a tangential view of a shock front 18 kpc long. None of the brighter features are spatially coincident with radio or optical structures so we concur with earlier investigators that most of the emission arises from thermal processes.Comment: 6 pages latex, including 3 postscript figures. Uses psfig and LAMUPHYS (Springer) macro. To be published in 'The M87 Ringberg Workshop', September 1997, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics Series, Roeser and Meisenheimer, ed

    New Insights into Cosmic Ray induced Biosignature Chemistry in Earth-like Atmospheres

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    With the recent discoveries of terrestrial planets around active M-dwarfs, destruction processes masking the possible presence of life are receiving increased attention in the exoplanet community. We investigate potential biosignatures of planets having Earth-like (N2_2-O2_2) atmospheres orbiting in the habitable zone of the M-dwarf star AD Leo. These are bombarded by high energetic particles which can create showers of secondary particles at the surface. We apply our cloud-free 1D climate-chemistry model to study the influence of key particle shower parameters and chemical efficiencies of NOx and HOx production from cosmic rays. We determine the effect of stellar radiation and cosmic rays upon atmospheric composition, temperature, and spectral appearance. Despite strong stratospheric O3_3 destruction by cosmic rays, smog O3_3 can significantly build up in the lower atmosphere of our modeled planet around AD Leo related to low stellar UVB. N2_2O abundances decrease with increasing flaring energies but a sink reaction for N2_2O with excited oxygen becomes weaker, stabilizing its abundance. CH4_4 is removed mainly by Cl in the upper atmosphere for strong flaring cases and not via hydroxyl as is otherwise usually the case. Cosmic rays weaken the role of CH4_4 in heating the middle atmosphere so that H2_2O absorption becomes more important. We additionally underline the importance of HNO3_3 as a possible marker for strong stellar particle showers. In a nutshell, uncertainty in NOx and HOx production from cosmic rays significantly influences biosignature abundances and spectral appearance.Comment: Manuscript version after addressing all referee comments. Published in Ap

    Global distribution of ship tracks from one year of AATSRdata

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    The perturbation of a cloud layer by ship-generated aerosol changes the cloud reflectivity and is identified by elongated structures in satellite images, known as ship tracks. As ship tracks indicate a pollution of the clean marine environment and also affect the radiation budget below and above the cloud, it is important to investigate their radiative and climate impact. In this study we use satellite data to examine the effects of ship tracks on a particular scene as well as on the global scale. The cloud optical and microphysical properties are derived using a semi-analytical retrieval technique combined with a look-up-table approach. Within the ship tracks a significant change in the droplet number concentration, the effective radius and the optical thickness are found compared to the unaffected cloud. The resulting cloud properties are used to calculate the radiation budget below and above the cloud. Local impacts are shown for a selected scene from MODIS on Terra. The mean reflectance at top of atmosphere (TOA) is increased by 40.8 Wm-2. For a particular scene chosen close to the West Coast of North America on 10th February 2003, ship emissions increase the backscattered solar radiation at TOA by 2.0Wm-2, corresponding to a negative radiative forcing (RF). A global distribution of ship tracks derived from one year of AATSR data shows high spatial and temporal variability with highest occurrence of ship tracks westward of North America and the southwest coast of Africa, but small RF on the global scale

    Consistently Simulating a Wide Range of Atmospheric Scenarios for K2-18b with a Flexible Radiative Transfer Module

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    The atmospheres of small, potentially rocky exoplanets are expected to cover a diverse range in composition and mass. Studying such objects therefore requires flexible and wide-ranging modeling capabilities. We present in this work the essential development steps that lead to our flexible radiative transfer module, REDFOX, and validate REDFOX for the Solar system planets Earth, Venus and Mars, as well as for steam atmospheres. REDFOX is a k-distribution model using the correlated-k approach with random overlap method for the calculation of opacities used in the ÎŽ\delta-two-stream approximation for radiative transfer. Opacity contributions from Rayleigh scattering, UV / visible cross sections and continua can be added selectively. With the improved capabilities of our new model, we calculate various atmospheric scenarios for K2-18b, a super-Earth / sub-Neptune with ∌\sim8 M⊕_\oplus orbiting in the temperate zone around an M-star, with recently observed H2_2O spectral features in the infrared. We model Earth-like, Venus-like, as well as H2_2-He primary atmospheres of different Solar metallicity and show resulting climates and spectral characteristics, compared to observed data. Our results suggest that K2-18b has an H2_2-He atmosphere with limited amounts of H2_2O and CH4_4. Results do not support the possibility of K2-18b having a water reservoir directly exposed to the atmosphere, which would reduce atmospheric scale heights, hence too the amplitudes of spectral features inconsistent with the observations. We also performed tests for H2_2-He atmospheres up to 50 times Solar metallicity, all compatible with the observations.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Detectability of atmospheric features of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone around M dwarfs

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    We investigate the detectability of atmospheric spectral features of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone (HZ) around M dwarfs with the future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We use a coupled 1D climate-chemistry-model to simulate the influence of a range of observed and modelled M-dwarf spectra on Earth-like planets. The simulated atmospheres served as input for the calculation of the transmission spectra of the hypothetical planets, using a line-by-line spectral radiative transfer model. To investigate the spectroscopic detectability of absorption bands with JWST we further developed a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) model and applied it to our transmission spectra. High abundances of CH4_4 and H2_2O in the atmosphere of Earth-like planets around mid to late M dwarfs increase the detectability of the corresponding spectral features compared to early M-dwarf planets. Increased temperatures in the middle atmosphere of mid- to late-type M-dwarf planets expand the atmosphere and further increase the detectability of absorption bands. To detect CH4_4, H2_2O, and CO2_2 in the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet around a mid to late M dwarf observing only one transit with JWST could be enough up to a distance of 4 pc and less than ten transits up to a distance of 10 pc. As a consequence of saturation limits of JWST and less pronounced absorption bands, the detection of spectral features of hypothetical Earth-like planets around most early M dwarfs would require more than ten transits. We identify 276 existing M dwarfs (including GJ 1132, TRAPPIST-1, GJ 1214, and LHS 1140) around which atmospheric absorption features of hypothetical Earth-like planets could be detected by co-adding just a few transits. We show that using transmission spectroscopy, JWST could provide enough precision to be able to partly characterise the atmosphere of Earth-like TESS planets around mid to late M dwarfs.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    ROSAT HRI observations of Centaurus A

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    We present results from a sensitive high-resolution X-ray observation of the nearby active galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) with the ROSAT HRI. The 65~ksec X-ray image clearly distinguishes different components of the X-ray emission from Cen A: the nucleus and the jet, the diffuse galaxy halo, and a number of individual sources associated with the galaxy. The luminosity of the nucleus increased by a factor of two compared to an earlier ROSAT observation in 1990. The high spatial resolution of the ROSAT HRI shows that most of the knots in the jet are extended both along and perpendicular to the jet axis. We report the detection of a new X-ray feature, at the opposite side of the X-ray jet which is probably due to compression of hot interstellar gas by the expanding southwestern inner radio lobe.Comment: To be published in Astrophys. Journal Letters. 4 pages, 3 plate
