37 research outputs found

    Template-based verification of heap-manipulating programs

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    We propose a shape analysis suitable for analysis engines that perform automatic invariant inference using an SMT solver. The proposed solution includes an abstract template domain that encodes the shape of a program heap based on logical formulae over bit-vectors. It is based on a points-to relation between pointers and symbolic addresses of abstract memory objects. Our abstract heap domain can be combined with value domains in a straight-forward manner, which particularly allows us to reason about shapes and contents of heap structures at the same time. The information obtained from the analysis can be used to prove reachability and memory safety properties of programs manipulating dynamic data structures, mainly linked lists. The solution has been implemented in 2LS and compared against state-of-the-art tools that perform the best in heap-related categories of the well-known Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP). Results show that 2LS outperforms these tools on benchmarks requiring combined reasoning about unbounded data structures and their numerical contents

    SCFI: State Machine Control-Flow Hardening Against Fault Attacks

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    Fault injection (FI) is a powerful attack methodology allowing an adversary to entirely break the security of a target device. As finite-state machines (FSMs) are fundamental hardware building blocks responsible for controlling systems, inducing faults into these controllers enables an adversary to hijack the execution of the integrated circuit. A common defense strategy mitigating these attacks is to manually instantiate FSMs multiple times and detect faults using a majority voting logic. However, as each additional FSM instance only provides security against one additional induced fault, this approach scales poorly in a multi-fault attack scenario. In this paper, we present SCFI: a strong, probabilistic FSM protection mechanism ensuring that control-flow deviations from the intended control-flow are detected even in the presence of multiple faults. At its core, SCFI consists of a hardened next-state function absorbing the execution history as well as the FSM's control signals to derive the next state. When either the absorbed inputs, the state registers, or the function itself are affected by faults, SCFI triggers an error with no detection latency. We integrate SCFI into a synthesis tool capable of automatically hardening arbitrary unprotected FSMs without user interaction and open-source the tool. Our evaluation shows that SCFI provides strong protection guarantees with a better area-time product than FSMs protected using classical redundancy-based approaches. Finally, we formally verify the resilience of the protected state machines using a pre-silicon fault analysis tool

    Incremental bounded model checking for embedded software

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    Program analysis is on the brink of mainstream usage in embedded systems development. Formal verification of behavioural requirements, finding runtime errors and test case generation are some of the most common applications of automated verification tools based on bounded model checking (BMC). Existing industrial tools for embedded software use an off-the-shelf bounded model checker and apply it iteratively to verify the program with an increasing number of unwindings. This approach unnecessarily wastes time repeating work that has already been done and fails to exploit the power of incremental SAT solving. This article reports on the extension of the software model checker CBMC to support incremental BMC and its successful integration with the industrial embedded software verification tool BTC EMBEDDED TESTER. We present an extensive evaluation over large industrial embedded programs, mainly from the automotive industry. We show that incremental BMC cuts runtimes by one order of magnitude in comparison to the standard non-incremental approach, enabling the application of formal verification to large and complex embedded software. We furthermore report promising results on analysing programs with arbitrary loop structure using incremental BMC, demonstrating its applicability and potential to verify general software beyond the embedded domain

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    Safety verification and refutation by k-invariants and k-induction

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    Most software verification tools can be classified into one of a number of established families, each of which has their own focus and strengths. For example, concrete counterexample generation in model checking, invariant inference in abstract interpretation and completeness via annotation for deductive verification. This creates a significant and fundamental usability problem as users may have to learn and use one technique to find potential problems but then need an entirely different one to show that they have been fixed. This paper presents a single, unified algorithm kIkI, which strictly generalises abstract interpretation, bounded model checking and k-induction. This not only combines the strengths of these techniques but allows them to interact and reinforce each other, giving a ‘single-tool’ approach to verification

    Model and Proof Generation for Heap−Manipulating Programs

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    Abstract. Existing heap analysis techniques lack the ability to supply counterexamples in case of property violations. This hinders diagnosis, prevents test-case generation and is a barrier to the use of these tools among non-experts. We present a verification technique for reasoning about aliasing and reachability in the heap which uses ACDCL (a com-bination of the well-known CDCL SAT algorithm and abstract interpre-tation) to perform interleaved proof generation and model construction. Abstraction provides us with a tractable way of reasoning about heaps; ACDCL adds the ability to search for a model in an efficient way. We present a prototype tool and demonstrate a number of examples for which we are able to obtain useful concrete counterexamples.