141 research outputs found

    Le toucher: les effets du toucher chez la personne ùgée vivant en EMS

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    Le but de ce travail est de vĂ©rifier les effets du toucher chez ce type de population afin que les infirmiĂšres en connaissent les bĂ©nĂ©fices et soient sensibilisĂ©es Ă  l’utiliser dans leur pratique quotidienne. L’auteur de cette revue a choisi de dĂ©velopper, dans un premier temps, les concepts du toucher et de la personne ĂągĂ©e afin que le lecteur ait une meilleure comprĂ©hension du thĂšme. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, quelques Ă©lĂ©ments concernant la mĂ©thode de travail seront communiquĂ©s. Par la suite, le chapitre consacrĂ© aux rĂ©sultats de cette recherche nous montrera les effets positifs du toucher et dĂ©veloppera d’autres aspects tels que le toucher comme moyen de communication, les parties du corps touchĂ©es et la formation des professionnelles. Ces rĂ©sultats, ainsi que la qualitĂ© des Ă©tudes seront traitĂ©s et discutĂ©s. Une conclusion mettra en avant les implications pour la pratique infirmiĂšre et les recherches futures qui pourraient ĂȘtre effectuĂ©es

    Les reprĂ©sentations de l’éducation physique et sportive par les enseignants de l’école primaire (5-8H)

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    Ce travail de recherche vise Ă  faire un Ă©tat des lieux des reprĂ©sentations des enseignants (5-8H) au niveau de leur enseignement de l’éducation physique et sportive (EPS). Pour ce faire, 10 enseignants (5 hommes, 5 femmes), de niveaux d’expĂ©rience diffĂ©rents, ont tout d’abord rĂ©pondu Ă  un questionnaire qui s’articulait autour de 7 dimensions bien prĂ©cises : l’importance de l’EPS sur le parcours scolaire de l’élĂšve, l’utilitĂ© de la branche pour l’élĂšve, les Ă©ventuels apports sur le dĂ©veloppement personnel de l’élĂšve, l’attrait et le sentiment de compĂ©tence pour la pratique sportive personnelle ainsi que l’enseignement de l’EPS, les difficultĂ©s propres Ă  l’enseignement de l’EPS et la volontĂ© d’enseigner la branche. Nous avons ensuite procĂ©dĂ© Ă  des entretiens de type qualitatif afin d’approfondir les tendances ressorties du questionnaire. Les principaux rĂ©sultats de notre recherche dĂ©montrent que les enseignants sont conscients du trĂšs faible poids accordĂ© Ă  l’EPS sur le cursus scolaire tout en soulevant son utilitĂ© sur le dĂ©veloppement personnel de l’élĂšve. De plus, nous avons ressorti des Ă©lĂ©ments de la pratique sportive personnelle pouvant influencer l’enseignement de l’EPS Ă  plusieurs niveaux. Au regard de cette recherche, nous pouvons mettre en Ă©vidence la lĂ©gitimitĂ© de la place de l’EPS dans la grille horaire de la semaine

    Retinal Degeneration Progression Changes Lentiviral Vector Cell Targeting in the Retina

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    In normal mice, the lentiviral vector (LV) is very efficient to target the RPE cells, but transduces retinal neurons well only during development. In the present study, the tropism of LV has been investigated in the degenerating retina of mice, knowing that the retina structure changes during degeneration. We postulated that the viral transduction would be increased by the alteration of the outer limiting membrane (OLM). Two different LV pseudotypes were tested using the VSVG and the Mokola envelopes, as well as two animal models of retinal degeneration: light-damaged Balb-C and Rhodopsin knockout (Rho-/-) mice. After light damage, the OLM is altered and no significant increase of the number of transduced photoreceptors can be obtained with a LV-VSVG-Rhop-GFP vector. In the Rho-/- mice, an alteration of the OLM was also observed, but the possibility of transducing photoreceptors was decreased, probably by ongoing gliosis. The use of a ubiquitous promoter allows better photoreceptor transduction, suggesting that photoreceptor-specific promoter activity changes during late stages of photoreceptor degeneration. However, the number of targeted photoreceptors remains low. In contrast, LV pseudotyped with the Mokola envelope allows a wide dispersion of the vector into the retina (corresponding to the injection bleb) with preferential targeting of MĂŒller cells, a situation which does not occur in the wild-type retina. Mokola-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors may serve to engineer these glial cells to deliver secreted therapeutic factors to a diseased area of the retina

    Discovering privileged topologies of molecular knots with self-assembling models

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    Despite the several available strategies to build complex supramolecular constructs, only a handful of different molecular knots have been synthesised so far. Here, in response to the quest for further designable topologies, we use Monte Carlo sampling and molecular dynamics simulations, informed by general principles of supramolecular assembly, as a discovery tool for thermodynamically and kinetically accessible knot types made of helical templates. By combining this approach with the exhaustive enumeration of molecular braiding patterns applicable to more general template geometries, we find that only few selected shapes have the closed, symmetric and quasi-planar character typical of synthetic knots. The corresponding collection of admissible topologies is extremely restricted. It covers all known molecular knots but it especially includes a limited set of novel complex ones that have not yet been obtained experimentally, such as 10124 and 15n41185, making them privileged targets for future self-assembling experiments

    Narrowing the knowledge gaps for melanoma

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    Cutaneous melanoma originates from pigment producing melanocytes or their precursors and is considered the deadliest form of skin cancer. For the last 40 years, few treatment options were available for patients with late-stage melanoma. However, remarkable advances in the therapy field were made recently, leading to the approval of two new drugs, the mutant BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib and the immunostimulant ipilimumab. Although these drugs prolong patients' lives, neither drug cures the disease completely, emphasizing the need for improvements of current therapies. Our knowledge about the complex genetic and biological mechanisms leading to melanoma development has increased, but there are still gaps in our understanding of the early events of melanocyte transformation and disease progression. In this review, we present a summary of the main contributing factors leading to melanocyte transformation and discuss recent novel findings and technologies that will help answer some of the key biological melanoma questions and lay the groundwork for novel therapies
