2,294 research outputs found

    Josephson squelch filter for quantum nanocircuits

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    We fabricated and tested a squelch circuit consisting of a copper powder filter with an embedded Josephson junction connected to ground. For small signals (squelch-ON), the small junction inductance attenuates strongly from DC to at least 1 GHz, while for higher frequencies dissipation in the copper powder increases the attenuation exponentially with frequency. For large signals (squelch-OFF) the circuit behaves as a regular metal powder filter. The measured ON/OFF ratio is larger than 50dB up to 50 MHz. This squelch can be applied in low temperature measurement and control circuitry for quantum nanostructures such as superconducting qubits and quantum dots.Comment: Corrected and completed references 6,7,8. Updated some minor details in figure

    Knotted Solitons in a Charged Two-Condensate Bose System

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    By making use of the decomposition of U(1) gauge potential theory and the \phi mapping method, we propose that a charged two-condensate Bose system possesses vortex lines and two classes of knotted solitons. The topological charges of the vortex lines are characterized by the Hopf indices and the Brower degrees of \phi-mapping, and the knotted solitons are described by the nontrivial Hopf invariant and the BF action, respectively.Comment: 12 pages,0 figure

    Mutation Analysis of the CYP21A2 Gene in the Iranian Population

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    Background: Defects in the CYP21A2 gene cause steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency, which is the most frequent cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Forty four affected families were investigated to identify the mutation spectrum of the CYP21A2 gene. Methods: Families were subjected to clinical, biochemical, and molecular analyses. Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction amplification was used for eight common mutations followed by dosage analysis to exclude CYP21A2 deletions. Results: The most frequent mutations detected were gene deletions and chimera (31.8). Other mutation frequencies were as follows: Q318X, 15.9; I2G, 14.8; I172N, 5.8; gene duplication, 5.7; R356W, 8; and E6 cluster mutations, 2.3. Direct sequencing of the CYP21A2 gene revealed R316X, P453S, c.484insT, and a change at the start codon. Different modules carried by patients were classified into five different haplotypes. The genotype phenotype correlation (positive predictive value) for group null, A, B, and C were 92.3, 85.7, 100, and 0, respectively. Conclusions: Methods used will be helpful for carrier detection and antenatal diagnosis, especially with inclusion of the multiplex ligation probe dependent amplification technique, which is easier for routine tests in comparison with other methods. Mutation frequencies indicate that Iranians are possible descendants of Asians and Europeans

    Spacetime Covariant Form of Ashtekar's Constraints

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    The Lagrangian formulation of classical field theories and in particular general relativity leads to a coordinate-free, fully covariant analysis of these constrained systems. This paper applies multisymplectic techniques to obtain the analysis of Palatini and self-dual gravity theories as constrained systems, which have been studied so far in the Hamiltonian formalism. The constraint equations are derived while paying attention to boundary terms, and the Hamiltonian constraint turns out to be linear in the multimomenta. The equivalence with Ashtekar's formalism is also established. The whole constraint analysis, however, remains covariant in that the multimomentum map is evaluated on {\it any} spacelike hypersurface. This study is motivated by the non-perturbative quantization program of general relativity.Comment: 22 pages, plain Tex, no figures, accepted for publication in Nuovo Cimento

    Conformal Einstein equations and Cartan conformal connection

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions for a space-time to be conformal to an Einstein space-time are interpreted in terms of curvature restrictions for the corresponding Cartan conformal connection

    Equivalence problem for the orthogonal webs on the sphere

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    We solve the equivalence problem for the orthogonally separable webs on the three-sphere under the action of the isometry group. This continues a classical project initiated by Olevsky in which he solved the corresponding canonical forms problem. The solution to the equivalence problem together with the results by Olevsky forms a complete solution to the problem of orthogonal separation of variables to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation defined on the three-sphere via orthogonal separation of variables. It is based on invariant properties of the characteristic Killing two-tensors in addition to properties of the corresponding algebraic curvature tensor and the associated Ricci tensor. The result is illustrated by a non-trivial application to a natural Hamiltonian defined on the three-sphere.Comment: 32 page

    On certain relationships between cosmological observables in the Einstein-Cartan gravity

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    We show that in the Einstein-Cartan gravity it is possible to obtain a relation between Hubble's expansion and the global rotation (vorticity) of the Universe. Gravitational coupling can be reduced to dimensionless quantity of order unity, fixing the scalar mass density and the resulting negative cosmological constant at spacelike infinity. Current estimates of the expansion and rotation (see also astro-ph/9703082) of the Universe favour the massive spinning particles as candidate particles for cold and hot dark matter. Nodland and Ralston vorticity (Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 3043) overestimates the value favoured by the Einstein-Cartan gravity for three orders of magnitude.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX styl

    Space-time defects and teleparallelism

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    We consider the class of space-time defects investigated by Puntigam and Soleng. These defects describe space-time dislocations and disclinations (cosmic strings), and are in close correspondence to the actual defects that arise in crystals and metals. It is known that in such materials dislocations and disclinations require a small and large amount of energy, respectively, to be created. The present analysis is carried out in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR). We evaluate the gravitational energy of these space-time defects in the framework of the TEGR and find that there is an analogy between defects in space-time and in continuum material systems: the total gravitational energy of space-time dislocations and disclinations (considered as idealized defects) is zero and infinit, respectively.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, to appear in the Class. Quantum Gravit

    Massive Electrodynamics and Magnetic Monopoles

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    Including torsion in the geometric framework of the Weyl-Dirac theory we build up an action integral, and obtain from it a gauge covariant (in the Weyl sense) general relativistic massive electrodynamics. Photons having an arbitrary mass, electric, and magnetic currents (Dirac's monopole) coexist within this theory. Assuming that the space-time is torsionless, taking the photons mass zero, and turning to the Einstein gauge we obtain Maxwell's electrodynamics.Comment: LaTex File, 9 pages, no figure

    Erratum: Linearly polarized probes of surface chirality [J. Chem. Phys. 103, 8296 (1995)]

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    We present a new nonlinear optical technique to study surface chirality. We demonstrate experimentally that the efficiency of second‐harmonic generation from isotropic chiral surfaces is different for excitation with fundamental light that is +45° and −45° linearly polarized with respect to the p‐polarized direction