9 research outputs found

    Excited rotational states of molecules in a superfluid

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    We combine experimental and theoretical approaches to explore excited rotational states of molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets using CS2_2 and I2_2 as examples. Laser-induced nonadiabatic molecular alignment is employed to measure spectral lines for rotational states extending beyond those initially populated at the 0.37 K droplet temperature. We construct a simple quantum mechanical model, based on a linear rotor coupled to a single-mode bosonic bath, to determine the rotational energy structure in its entirety. The calculated and measured spectral lines are in good agreement. We show that the effect of the surrounding superfluid on molecular rotation can be rationalized by a single quantity -- the angular momentum, transferred from the molecule to the droplet.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; 5 pages, 3 figure

    Molecular sunscreen: water protects pyrrole from radiation damage

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    Radiation-induced damage of biological matter is an ubiquitous problem in nature. The influence of the hydration environment is widely discussed, but its exact role remains elusive. We present the experimental observation of a hydrogen-bonded water molecule acting as a radiation protection agent for ionized pyrrole, a prototypical aromatic biomolecule. Pure samples of pyrrole and pyrrole(H2_2O) were outer-valence ionized and the subsequent damage and relaxation processes were studied. Bare pyrrole fragmented through the breaking of the C-C or N-C covalent bonds. However, for pyrrole(H2_2O), we observed a strong protection of the pyrrole ring through the dissociative release of neutral water or by transferring an electron or proton across the hydrogen bond. Furthermore, for pyrrole(H2_2O) a smaller probability for double ionization was observed. Overall, a single water molecule strongly reduces the fragmentation probability and thus the persistent radiation damage of ionized pyrrole.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Rotational coherence spectroscopy of molecules in helium nanodroplets: Reconciling the time and the frequency domains

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    Alignment of OCS, CS2_2 and I2_2 molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets is measured as a function of time following rotational excitation by a non-resonant, comparatively weak ps laser pulse. The distinct peaks in the power spectra, obtained by Fourier analysis, are used to determine the rotational, B, and centrifugal distortion, D, constants. For OCS, B and D match the values known from IR spectroscopy. For CS2_2 and I2_2, they are the first experimental results reported. The alignment dynamics calculated from the gas-phase rotational Schr\"{o}dinger equation, using the experimental in-droplet B and D values, agree in detail with the measurement for all three molecules. The rotational spectroscopy technique for molecules in helium droplets introduced here should apply to a range of molecules and complexes.Comment: ASC and LC contributed equally. 7 pages, 3 figure

    Laser-induced Coulomb explosion imaging of alkali-metal dimers on helium nanodroplets

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    International audienceAlkali-metal dimers, Ak 2 , residing on the surface of He nanodroplets, are doubly ionized due to multiphoton absorption from an intense 50-fs laser pulse leading to fragmentation into a pair of alkali-metal cations. Based on the measured kinetic energy distributions P(E kin) of the Ak + fragment ions, we retrieve the distribution of internuclear distances P(R) via the Ak 2+ 2 potential curve. Results are obtained for Na 2 , K 2 , Rb 2 , and Cs 2 in both the 1 1 g + ground state and the lowest-lying triplet state 1 3 u + and for Li 2 in the 1 3 u + state. For Li 2 , K 2 , and Rb 2 , the center of the measured P(R) is close to the center of the wave function (R) of the vibrational ground state in the 1 1 g + and 1 3 u + states, whereas for Na 2 and Cs 2 small shifts are observed. For all the Ak 2 , the width of the measured P(R) is broader than | (R)| 2 by a factor of 2-4. We discuss that resonance effects in the multiphoton ionization and interaction of the Ak + ion with the He droplet give rise to the observed deviations of P(R) from | (R)| 2. Despite these deviations, we deem that timed Coulomb explosion will allow imaging of vibrational wave packets in alkali-metal dimers on He droplets surfaces

    A simple model for high rotational excitations of molecules in a superfluid

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    Recently it became possible to study highly excited rotational states of molecules in superfluid helium through nonadiabatic alignment experiments (Cherepanov et al 2021 Phys. Rev. A 104 L061303). This calls for theoretical approaches that go beyond explaining renormalized values of molecular spectroscopic constants, which suffices when only the lowest few rotational states are involved. As the first step in this direction, here we present a basic quantum mechanical model describing highly excited rotational states of molecules in superfluid helium nanodroplets. We show that a linear molecule immersed in a superfluid can be seen as an effective symmetric top, similar to the rotational structure of radicals, such as OH or NO, but with the angular momentum of the superfluid playing the role of the electronic angular momentum in free molecules. The simple theory sheds light onto what happens when the rotational angular momentum of the molecule increases beyond the lowest excited states accessible by infrared spectroscopy. In addition, the model allows to estimate the effective rotational and centrifugal distortion constants for a broad range of species and to explain the crossover between light and heavy molecules in superfluid 4He in terms of the many-body wavefunction structure. Some of the above mentioned insights can be acquired by analyzing a simple 2 × 2 matrix

    Molecular sunscreen: water protects pyrrole from radiation damage

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    Radiation-induced damage of biological matter is an ubiquitous problem in nature. The influence of the hydration environment is widely discussed, but its exact role remains elusive. We present the experimental observation of a hydrogen-bonded water molecule acting as a radiation protection agent for ionized pyrrole, a prototypical aromatic biomolecule. Pure samples of pyrrole and pyrrole(H2_2O) were outer-valence ionized and the subsequent damage and relaxation processes were studied. Bare pyrrole fragmented through the breaking of the C-C or N-C covalent bonds. However, for pyrrole(H2_2O), we observed a strong protection of the pyrrole ring through the dissociative release of neutral water or by transferring an electron or proton across the hydrogen bond. Furthermore, for pyrrole(H2_2O) a smaller probability for double ionization was observed. Overall, a single water molecule strongly reduces the fragmentation probability and thus the persistent radiation damage of ionized pyrrole

    Excited rotational states of molecules in a superfluid

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    We combine experimental and theoretical approaches to explore excited rotational states of molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets using CS2 and I2 as examples. Laser-induced nonadiabatic molecular alignment is employed to measure spectral lines for rotational states extending beyond those initially populated at the 0.37 K droplet temperature. We construct a simple quantum-mechanical model, based on a linear rotor coupled to a single-mode bosonic bath, to determine the rotational energy structure in its entirety. The calculated and measured spectral lines are in good agreement. We show that the effect of the surrounding superfluid on molecular rotation can be rationalized by a single quantity, the angular momentum, transferred from the molecule to the droplet

    Nonadiabatic laser-induced alignment dynamics of molecules on a surface

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    We demonstrate that a sodium dimer, Na2(13Σ+u), residing on the surface of a helium nanodroplet, can be set into rotation by a nonresonant 1.0 ps infrared laser pulse. The time-dependent degree of alignment measured, exhibits a periodic, gradually decreasing structure that deviates qualitatively from that expected for gas-phase dimers. Comparison to alignment dynamics calculated from the time-dependent rotational Schrödinger equation shows that the deviation is due to the alignment dependent interaction between the dimer and the droplet surface. This interaction confines the dimer to the tangential plane of the droplet surface at the point where it resides and is the reason that the observed alignment dynamics is also well described by a 2D quantum rotor model

    Femtosecond rotational dynamics of D2 molecules in superfluid helium nanodroplets

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    Rotational dynamics of D2 molecules inside helium nanodroplets is induced by a moderately intense femtosecond pump pulse and measured as a function of time by recording the yield of HeD+ ions, created through strong-field dissociative ionization with a delayed femtosecond probe pulse. The yield oscillates with a period of 185 fs, reflecting field-free rotational wave packet dynamics, and the oscillation persists for more than 500 periods. Within the experimental uncertainty, the rotational constant BHe of the in-droplet D2 molecule, determined by Fourier analysis, is the same as Bgas for an isolated D2 molecule. Our observations show that the D2 molecules inside helium nanodroplets essentially rotate as free D2 molecules