38 research outputs found

    Fuzzy support vector machines for pattern classification

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    In response to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, the World Health Organization has advised all nations to prepare for the detection, investigation and management of confirmed and suspected EVD cases in order to prevent further spread through international travel. To gain insights into the state of preparedness of European hospitals, an electronic survey was circulated in August–September 2014 to 984 medical professionals representing 736 hospitals in 40 countries. The survey addressed the willingness and capacity to admit patients with suspected EVD as well as specific preparedness activities in response to the current Ebola crisis. Evaluable responses were received from representatives of 254 (32%) hospitals in 38 countries, mostly tertiary care centres, of which 46% indicated that they would admit patients with suspected EVD. Patient transfer agreements were in place for the majority of hospitals that would not admit patients. Compared with non-admitting hospitals, admitting hospitals were more frequently engaged in various preparedness activities and more often contained basic infrastructural characteristics such as admission rooms and laboratories considered important for infection control, but some gaps and concerns were also identified. The results of this survey help to provide direction towards further preparedness activities and prioritisation thereof

    Over winkeliers en handelaren die langs de deur kwamen

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    Herinneringen van mevrouw Ruizendaal-Schotsman aan de bezorging van waren aan huis in de jaren derti

    Note sur le Callitriche antarctica Engelm

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    Volume: 33Start Page: 224End Page: 22

    Biologie florale des Callitriche : \ue9tude sur quelques esp\ue8ces d\u27Espagne m\ue9ridionale

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    Volume: 4Start Page: 111End Page: 16

    Biologie florale des Callitriche (Callitrichaceae) : II. \uc9tude sur quelques esp\ue8ces d\u27Oc\ue9anie

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    Volume: 7Start Page: 357End Page: 37

    Une nouvelle esp\ue8ce de Callitriche (Callitrichaceae) de Papoua-Nouvelle-Guin\ue9e : C. cycloptera Schotsm

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    Volume: 7Start Page: 115End Page: 12

    Les Callitriche L. d\u27Afrique intertropicale continentale. III. Historique et description de trois nouvelles esp\ue8ces

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    Volume: 10Start Page: 3End Page: 1

    Deux Callitriche nouveaux pour la France

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    Volume: 34Start Page: 479End Page: 48