15 research outputs found

    Tussen droom en daad Rapportage expertbevraging over professionalisering van leraren

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    Verslag van een symposium over docentprofessionalisering gehouden aan de Open Universiteit, Heerlen op 20 mei 2016 naar aanleiding van de oratie van Marjan Vermeulen en de afscheidsrede van Peter Sloe

    ADHO 2019 workshop Accelerating DH Education: Proceedings from the Black Box

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    Proceedings of a workshop on 'Accelerating DH Education' at the annual ADHO conference in Utrecht on 8th July 2019. Contents *Workshop summary and outcomes *Presentations *Original workshop abstract accepte

    Towards empirical analysis of educational innovations in organizations: An actor centred model based on the IAD framework

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    - There is a need for more empirical studies on internal institutional implementation- and adoption- mechanisms of open online education (Schophuizen, Kreijns, Stoyanov & Kalz, 2018). - There is no agreed upon approach that integrates the complex socio- technological interplay with the structuration of actors and the surrounding rules and resources in their multi-level environment. - The framework we propose fits better with attributes of OOE as a knowledge common by overcoming the dualism of individual vs. organization