611 research outputs found

    Calderwood Writing Initiative

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    Since 2010, UMass Boston has received funding from the Calderwood Writing Initiative to improve the quality of the teaching of writing in Boston area schools through two major programs that constitute this collaborative work

    School-to-Work and Service-Learning

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    School-to-work systems show young people how their classroom experiences relate to their work and to their lives, typically through internships, apprenticeships, or other work-based learning experiences. Other methods of positive youth development, such as service-learning, can also provide opportunities for the real world application of classroom-developed skills. As a work-based learning component in a school-to-work system, service-learning extends learning beyond the classroom into real world contexts where young people acquire not only basic math, science, English, and communication skills, but also broader problem-solving and decision-making skills. However, instead of focusing primarily on occupational skills sought by employers, service-learning addresses community issues and integrates academic learning with community service projects to develop these broader workplace competencies. In this respect, service-learning and school-to-work are linked through their efforts to connect young people with their communities--service-learning through community service and school-to-work through workforce participation

    Final Report and Collaborative Action Plan

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    Report to the Maryland Governor and General Assembly Pursuant to House Bill 1287 (2017)

    Report of the Commission to Study the Adequacy and Equity of Certain Cost Components of the School Funding Formula

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    The Commission was created by Resolves 2014, chapter 114, legislation that originated with the Joint Standing Committee on Education of the 126th Maine Legislature. Five members were appointed by the President of the Maine Senate; seven members were appointed by the Speaker of the House. The final two members were the Commissioner of Education or designee, and the Chair of the State Board of Education or designee. The names of Commission members and the organizations they represent, are included in Appendix B. What follows are descriptions and materials related to each section of the Resolve and the final recommendations made by the commission for each section. Materials used by the commission during their deliberations appear in a series of appendices

    South Carolina per capita personal income

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    This map gives by county, the average per capita personal income. In 2003 the average income for South Carolina was 26,144whiletheUSaveragein2004was26,144 while the US average in 2004 was 33,041

    SC First Steps CDEPP 4K approved providers 2011-2012

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    This paper gives the names, addresses and telephone numbers of approved providers in the Child Development Education Pilot Program for the years 2011-2012

    Vision 2013

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    This summary focuses on three themes: support and strengthen South Carolina's targeted school readiness interventions ; maximize the state's child-focused resources and optimize their associated structural supports ; support readiness-focused public policy efforts across South Carolina

    Annual Report - 2005

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    This annual report from South Carolina First Steps provides statistics on school readiness and early education and explains results of First Steps programs in health, early education, families, child care, accountability, and partnerships. The report also provides highlights of strategies by county