7 research outputs found

    Kabbala and its symbolism

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    Razrađujući projekat "Revitalizacija malih jevrejskih opština u Srbiji" urednici "Pinkasa" su članovima jevrejske zajednice, рге svega u malim opštinama, ponudili kratke, interesantne tekstove sa jevrejskom tematikom, pogodne za čitanje, ali i za organizovanje razgovora u opštinama. Komisija za kulturu i obrazovanje Saveza i Odbor projekta odštampali su tekstove u sveskama (pinkasima) sa temama iz jevrejske istorije (opšte i jugoslovenske), iz umetnosti i nauke, o problemima Holokausta, antisemitizma, jevrejskog identiteta i sl. U jednom od tih tekstova Geršom Šolem tumači Kabalu i njenu simboliku. Kabala, doslovno ״predanje“, odnosno predanje božanskih stvari, jeste Jevrejska mistika. Njena istorija je duga i tokom mnogih vekova snažno je uticala na one krugove u jevrejskom narodu koji su težili dubljem razumevanju tradicionalnih oblika i predstava jevrejstva. Pisani izraz često veoma intenzivnog stvaralaštva kabalista sačuvan je od kasnog srednjeg veka u veoma obimnoj književnosti. Središnje književno delo ovog pokreta, knjiga Zohar (Knjiga sjaja), koja potiče s kraja 13. veka, dugo vremena je u svesti najširih krugova imala rang svetog teksta, njena vrednost nije osporavana, a time ni njen kanonski ugled. To se pokazalo i u ove naše dane kada su, posle osnivanja države izrael, na avionskom "čarobnom ćilimu" u Izrael stigli, gotovo u punom broju, Jevreji iz Jemena, odvojene i čvrsto u sebe zatvorene zajednice iz južne Arabije. Sve što su imali morali su ostaviti tamo odakle su pošli; ali, sa ono malo stvari od kojih nisu hteli da se odvoje, mnogi su doneli svoj primerak knjige Zohar, čije je proučavanje među njima i danas živo.Elaborating on the project "Revitalization of Small Jewish Communities in Serbia", the editors of "Pinkas" offered to members of the Jewish community, mostly in small communities, several short, interesting texts on Jewish topics, suitable for reading and organizing conversations in communities. The Commission for Culture and Education of the Federation and the Project Board printed texts in notebooks (Pinkas) on topics from Jewish history (general and Yugoslav), art and science, problems of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, Jewish identity, etc. In one of these texts, Gershom Scholem interprets Kabbalah and its symbolism. Kabbalah, literally "tradition" is the tradition of divine things, this is Jewish mysticism. Kabbalah's history is long and for many centuries strongly influenced those circles in the Jewish people who sought a deeper understanding of the traditional forms and notions of Judaism. The written expression of the often very intense work of Kabbalists has been preserved since the late Middle Ages in very extensive literature. The central literary work of this movement, the book Zohar (Book of Shine), which dates from the end of the 13th century, long time have had the rank of a sacred text in the consciousness of the widest circles, its value is not disputed, and thus its canonical reputation. This was also shown when Jews from Yemen, a separate and tightly closed community from southern Arabia, after the founding of the state of Israel arrived in Israel on a "magic carpet" plane. Everything which they had they must leave; but, with the few things they did not want to be separated from - many brought their copy of the book The Zohar, the study of which is still alive among them today.Deo iz knjige "Zur Kabbala und Ihrer Symbolik" preveo sa nemačkog Eugen Verber (from the book "Zur Kabbala und Ihrer Symbolik" translated from German by Eugen Verber).Pinkas 10 - tema: Jevrejski misticizam (topic: Jewish mysticism)