1,659 research outputs found

    Vibrations and Relaxations in a Soft Sphere Glass: Boson Peak and Structure Factors

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    The dynamics of a soft sphere model glass, studied by molecular dynamics, is investigated. The vibrational density of states divided by ω2\omega^2 shows a pronounced boson peak. Its shape is in agreement with the universal form derived for soft oscillators interacting with sound waves. The excess vibrations forming the boson peak have mainly transverse character. From the dynamic structure factor in the Brillouin regime pseudo dispersion curves are calculated. Whereas the longitudinal phonons are well defined up to the pseudo zone boundary the transverse ones rapidly get over-damped and go through the Ioffe-Regel limit near the boson peak frequency. In the high qq regime constant-ω\omega scans of the dynamic structure factor for frequencies around the boson peak are clearly distinct from those for zone boundary frequencies. Above the Brillouin regime, the scans for the low frequency modes follow closely the static structure factor. This still holds after a deconvolution of the exact harmonic eigenmodes into local and extended m odes. Also the structure factor for local relaxations at finite temperatures resembles the static one. This semblance between the structure factors mirrors the collective motion of chain like structures in both low frequency vibrations and atomic hopping processes, observed in the earlier investigations

    Microscopic theory of refractive index applied to metamaterials: Effective current response tensor corresponding to standard relation n2=εeffμeffn^2 = \varepsilon_{\mathrm{eff}} \mu_{\mathrm{eff}}

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    In this article, we first derive the wavevector- and frequency-dependent, microscopic current response tensor which corresponds to the "macroscopic" ansatz D⃗=ε0εeffE⃗\vec D = \varepsilon_0 \varepsilon_{\mathrm{eff}} \vec E and B⃗=μ0μeffH⃗\vec B = \mu_0 \mu_{\mathrm{eff}} \vec H with wavevector- and frequency-independent, "effective" material constants εeff\varepsilon_{\mathrm{eff}} and μeff\mu_{\mathrm{eff}}. We then deduce the electromagnetic and optical properties of this effective material model by employing exact, microscopic response relations. In particular, we argue that for recovering the standard relation n2=εeffμeffn^2 = \varepsilon_{\mathrm{eff}} \mu_{\mathrm{eff}} between the refractive index and the effective material constants, it is imperative to start from the microscopic wave equation in terms of the transverse dielectric function, εT(k⃗,ω)=0\varepsilon_{\mathrm{T}}(\vec k, \omega) = 0. On the phenomenological side, our result is especially relevant for metamaterials research, which draws directly on the standard relation for the refractive index in terms of effective material constants. Since for a wide class of materials the current response tensor can be calculated from first principles and compared to the model expression derived here, this work also paves the way for a systematic search for new metamaterials.Comment: minor correction

    Linear electromagnetic wave equations in materials

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    After a short review of microscopic electrodynamics in materials, we investigate the relation of the microscopic dielectric tensor to the current response tensor and to the full electromagnetic Green function. Subsequently, we give a systematic overview of microscopic electromagnetic wave equations in materials, which can be formulated in terms of the microscopic dielectric tensor.Comment: consistent with published version in Phot. Nano. Fund. Appl. (2017

    Time-Temperature Superposition of Structural Relaxation in a Viscous Metallic Liquid

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    Bulk metallic glass-forming Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 has been investigated in its equilibrium liquid by quasielastic neutron scattering. The quasielastic signal exhibits a structural relaxation as known from nonmetallic viscous liquids. Even well above the melting point, the structural relaxation is nonexponential and obeys a universal time-temperature superposition. From the mean relaxation times average diffusivities have been determined, resulting in values on a 10^-10 m^2 s^-1 scale, 3 orders of magnitude slower than in simple metallic liquids

    General form of the full electromagnetic Green function in materials physics

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    In this article, we present the general form of the full electromagnetic Green function which is suitable for the application in bulk materials physics. In particular, we show how the seven adjustable parameter functions of the free Green function translate into seven corresponding parameter functions of the full Green function. Furthermore, for both the fundamental response tensor and the electromagnetic Green function, we discuss the reduction of the Dyson equation on the four-dimensional Minkowski space to an equivalent, three-dimensional Cartesian Dyson equation.Comment: consistent with published version in Chin. J. Phys. (2019

    Covariant Response Theory and the Boost Transform of the Dielectric Tensor

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    After a short critique of the Minkowski formulae for the electromagnetic constitutive laws in moving media, we argue that in actual fact the problem of Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic response theory is automatically solved within the framework of modern microscopic electrodynamics of materials. As an illustration, we first rederive the well-known relativistic transformation behavior of the microscopic conductivity tensor. Thereafter, we deduce from first principles the transformation law of the wavevector- and frequency-dependent dielectric tensor under Lorentz boost transformations.Comment: consistent with published version in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (2017
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