4 research outputs found

    Books in Arabic Script

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    The chapter approaches the book in Arabic script as the indispensable means for the transmission of knowledge across Eurasia and Africa, within cultures and across cultural boundaries, since the seventh century ad. The state of research can be divided into manuscript and print studies, but there is not yet a history of the book in Arabic script that captures its plurilinear development for over fourteen hundred years. The chapter explores the conceptual and practical challenges that impede the integration of the book in Arabic script into book history at large and includes an extensive reference list that reflects its diversity. The final published version was slightly updated, and includes seven illustrations of six Qurans from the holdings of Columbia University Libraries, four manuscripts and two printed versions. Moreover, the illustrations are images of historical artifacts which are in the public domain - despite Wiley's copyright claim

    Biographische und litterarische Nachrichten von ehemaligen Lehrern der hebräischen Litteratur in Tübingen

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    von Christian Friedrich SchnurrerAus der Sammlung des Leo Baeck Institute, digitalisiert in Kooperation mit dem Center for Jewish History, N

    Bibliothecae Arabicae specimen. [I]-VII

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