6 research outputs found


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    Одним із вагомих (не в останню чергу з точки зору суспільної ваги) напрямків в колі наукових зацікавлень Ганни Кирилівни є краєзнавство, до якого не завжди «прихильно» ставиться академічна наука. Саме з краєзнавчої актуальності виводить Автор у передмові потребу у написанні роботи, присвяченої досить знаковій постаті на загальноукраїнському тлі і абсолютно виключній особистості на регіональному рівні – Михайлові Федоровичу Комарову (1844-1913) (с.4-5

    Der Einfluss von H2S auf Reanimierbarkeit und Hämodynamik nach Herzkreislaufstillstand und kardiopulmonaler Reanimation beim Schwein

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    Sudden cardiac death is one of the main causes of death in industrialised countries. Therefore, the development and improvement of treatments is one of the main focuses of current research. First attempts of resuscitation date back to Late Antiquity. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as known today is practiced since the 1960s and is complemented by additional therapeutic options such as mild therapeutic hypothermia (TH). TH can cause a reduction in metabolic rate associated with a better outcome for patients post-CPR. In 2005 Blackstone et al. showed that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can induce similar states of reduced metabolism in mice. Following studies showed cardio protective qualities of this gasotransmitter. Due to their cardiovascular similarity to humans animal experiments with pigs are widely agreed to facilitate the implementation of new findings into clinical practice. The present study investigated the influence of H2S on resuscitability, long term survival post-CPR, hemodynamic parameters, blood gas and troponin T. Ventricular fibrillation was induced at anaesthetised, mechanically ventilated pigs, which were resuscitated via CPR. Depending on the study group either Na2S as a H2S Donor in high or low dose or physiologic salt solution was applied during CPR. A significant influence in resuscitability was not observed. Those animals being treated with a high dose of H2S predeceased those animals which were treated with either low dose of H2S or placebo. Hemodynamic effects of the study medication, including decrease in mean arterial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and cardiac output and increase in heart rate, were registered in both H2S groups, though more pronounced in the high dose group. Acidosis and hypercapnia were more distinct and serum levels of troponin T were higher in both H2S groups compared to the placebo group. These results indicate a decrease in end-diastolic filling pressures in the left heart and therefore an aggravation in cardiac capacity. In addition, a more severe ischaemic damage of the myocardium after application of high dose H2S can be shown. These results are in contrast to many preliminary studies. A dose dependent therapeutic effect of H2S could be demonstrated. However H2S has a small therapeutic index. Therefore, further studies to investigate the optimal dose of applied medication should be conducted. Hence, a lower dose of H2S might also lead to sufficient positive therapeutic effects but lower negative effects on haemodynamics. Furthermore the time of drug application should be varied. A higher dose of adrenalin during CPR could prevent rapid decrease in MAP as was observed after H2S application. This will have to be the focus of future studies

    За кадры. 1987. № 57 (2707)

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