1,684 research outputs found

    Method of making inflatable honeycomb Patent

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    Technique for making foldable, inflatable, plastic honeycomb core panels for use in building and bridge structures, light and radio wave reflectors, and spacecraf

    Inflatable honeycomb Patent

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    Inflatable honeycomb panel element for lightweight structures usable in space stations and other constructio

    Manned space station Patent

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    Manned space station launched in packaged condition and self erecting in orbi

    Iron and Zinc Deficiencies in Selected Calcareous Soils of Southern Utah

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    The response of field corn to iron and zinc fertilization was studied using a split plot experimental design in Millard County, Utah, in cooperation with the Utah State University Extension Agent and a local farmer. mainplot treatment applications consisted, on an acre basis, of (1) 5 t ons of sulfuric acid, (2) 1 ton sulfuric acid, (3) 1.8 tons gypsum, (4) check plot. Subplot treatments were (1) Fe at 5 lbs/Ac, (2) Zn at 10 lbs/Ac, (3) Fe and Zn at 5 and 10 lb / Ac, respectively, (4) check plot. The iron and zinc applications were essentially rendered unavailable by reactions of the applied iron and zinc with the highly calcareous soil matrix. Experimental variability and the relatively low rates of applied micronutrients combined to produce insignificant yield responses to micronutrient fertilization. Another study was conducted to predict the soil iron critical level. Five soils from Millard County, representing some of the soils low in iron and zinc, were selected for a greenhouse study. All five of the soils were equally divided into three groups and assigned one of three pretreatments. One- third of the soils were stressed by successive croppings with corn and oats. One-third of the soils were fertilized with Fe chelate and ZnSO4 at 5 ppm each as a pretreatment. And one-third of the soils did not receive a pretreatment. The pretreatments were designed to obtain a broader range of soil iron concentrations. After the pre treatments were completed on all of the soils, a randomized block experimental design was employed to measure potential yield increases in corn produced by the addition of Fe chelate . Two corn genotypes, an iron-efficient corn inbred (WF9) and an iron efficient corn mutant (Ysl/Ysl), were utilized in the gr eenhouse study. The treatments were (1) 5 ppm Fe chelate plus corn inbred WF9, (2) 5 ppm Fe chelate plus corn mutant Ysl/Ysl, (3) no Fe addition plus corn inbred WF9 , (4) no Fe addition plus corn mutant Ysl/Ysl. Significant yield responses to Fe fertilization were determined by an LSD statistical test . Generally, soils with a DTPA extractable iron level greater than 5 ppm did not respond to applied iron. Similar yield responses were obtained for the iron-efficient and ironinefficient varieties. A tentative critical level of DTPA extractable iron of 5 ppm was proposed for the calcareous soils of Millard County, Utah

    Valve effectively controls amount of contaminant in flow stream

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    Contaminant valve with a coaxial groove rotor uniformly deposits contaminant into a flow stream under full pressure and flow conditions. The valve tests filters and filter elements of hydraulic oil, fuel, or lubricant systems without any detrimental effect on the performance

    Shape of sessile drops in the large-Bond-number ‘pancake’ limit

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    We revisit the classical problem of calculating the pancake-like shape of a sessile drop at large Bond numbers. Starting from a formulation where drop volume and contact angle are prescribed, we develop an asymptotic scheme which systematically produces approximations to the two key pancake parameters, height and radius. The scheme is based on asymptotic matching of a ‘flat region’ where capillarity is negligible and an ‘edge region’ near the contact line. Major simplifications follow from the distinction between algebraically and exponentially small terms, together with the use of two exact integral relations. The first represents a force balance in the vertical direction. The second, which can be interpreted as a radial force balance on the drop edge (up to exponentially small terms), generalises an approximate force balance used in classical treatments. The resulting approximations for the geometric pancake parameters, which go beyond known leading-order results, are compared with numerical calculations tailored to the pancake limit. These, in turn, are facilitated by an asymptotic approximation for the exponentially small apex curvature, which we obtain using a Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin method. We also consider the comparable two-dimensional problem, where similar integral balances explicitly determine the pancake parameters in closed form up to an exponentially small error

    Speed of rolling droplets

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    We analyze the near-rolling motion of two-dimensional nonwetting drops down a gently inclined plane. Inspired by the scaling analysis of Mahadevan & Pomeau [Phys. Fluids 11, 2449 (1999)], we focus upon the limit of small Bond numbers, B≪1, where the drop shape is nearly circular and the internal flow is approximately a rigid-body rotation except close to the flat spot at the base of the drop. Our analysis reveals that the leading-order dissipation is contributed by both the flow in the flat-spot region and the correction to rigid-body rotation in the remaining liquid domain. The resulting leading-order approximation for the drop velocity U is given by We analyze the near-rolling motion of two-dimensional nonwetting drops down a gently inclined plane. Inspired by the scaling analysis of Mahadevan & Pomeau [Phys. Fluids 11, 2449 (1999)], we focus upon the limit of small Bond numbers, B≪1, where the drop shape is nearly circular and the internal flow is approximately a rigid-body rotation except close to the flat spot at the base of the drop. Our analysis reveals that the leading-order dissipation is contributed by both the flow in the flat-spot region and the correction to rigid-body rotation in the remaining liquid domain. The resulting leading-order approximation for the drop velocity U is given by We analyze the near-rolling motion of two-dimensional nonwetting drops down a gently inclined plane. Inspired by the scaling analysis of Mahadevan & Pomeau [Phys. Fluids 11, 2449 (1999)], we focus upon the limit of small Bond numbers, B≪1, where the drop shape is nearly circular and the internal flow is approximately a rigid-body rotation except close to the flat spot at the base of the drop. Our analysis reveals that the leading-order dissipation is contributed by both the flow in the flat-spot region and the correction to rigid-body rotation in the remaining liquid domain. The resulting leading-order approximation for the drop velocity U is given by μUγ∼α2Bln1B, wherein μ is the liquid viscosity, γ the interfacial tension and α the inclination angle

    Stokes resistance of a solid cylinder near a superhydrophobic surface. Part 1. Grooves perpendicular to cylinder axis

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    An important class of canonical problems which is employed in quantifying the slip-periness of microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces is concerned with the calculationof the hydrodynamic loads on adjacent solid bodies whose size is large relative to themicrostructure period. The effect of superhydophobicity is most pronounced when thelatter period is comparable with the separation between the solid probe and the su-perhydrophobic surface. We address the above distinguished limit, considering a simpleconfiguration where the superhydrophobic surface is formed by a periodically groovedarray, in which air bubbles are trapped in a Cassie state, and the solid body is an in-finite cylinder. In the present Part, we consider the case where the grooves are alignedperpendicular to the cylinder and allow for three modes of rigid-body motion: rectilinearmotion perpendicular to the surface; rectilinear motion parallel to the surface, in thegrooves direction; and angular rotation about the cylinder axis. In this scenario, the flowis periodic in the direction parallel to the axis. Averaging over the small-scale periodicityyields a modified lubrication description where the small-scale details are encapsulatedin two auxiliary two-dimensional cell problems which respectively describe pressure- andboundary-driven longitudinal flow through an asymmetric rectangular domain, boundedby a compound surface from the bottom and a no-slip surface from the top. Once theintegral flux and averaged shear stress associated with each of these cell problems arecalculated as a function of the slowly varying cell geometry, the hydrodynamic loadsexperienced by the cylinder are provided as quadratures of nonlinear functions of thelatter distributions over a continuous sequence of cells
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