1,097 research outputs found

    Drive ‘Til You Qualify: Credit Quality and Household Location

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    A deeper understanding of the credit-sorting process is essential when considering the extent to which home foreclosures are driven by price contagion or an underlying spatial pattern of mortgage quality. Adapting household location theory, we find that credit constrained households follow “drive-\u27til-you-qualify” behavior leading to rising credit quality with distance from the CBD while unconstrained households exhibit declining credit quality. Individual level mortgage loan-to-income data for the 100 largest MSAs show credit constrained behavior either throughout the urban area or concentrated in the suburbs. Meta analysis of the credit sorting estimates identify MSA characteristics associated with each pattern

    Hyperketonaemia risk lower in organic cows housed in free stalls

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    The variation in the incidence of hyperketonaemia is marked between individual herds, and even though organic farms have some feeding related factors predisposing to hyperketonaemia, there are also some management practices (especially in loose housing systems) which might act as preventive factors. However, it may be advisable for organic farmers to favour moderate milk production when selecting cows for a herd

    The Impact of CMS CoP on Kidney Transplant Waiting Times

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    SRTR program reports provide detailed information on transplant center performance relative to risk-adjusted expected values. Designed to improve outcomes, the behavioral implications of these reports may generate a longer wait time for transplant. UNOS data for 28,839 deceased donor kidney transplants performed during 6/2007- 6/2010 and 79,725 registered patients waiting for a kidney transplant during this time period were merged with SRTR program report data; Patient-specific and transplant center controls were created. An indicator variable was constructed for whether or not a transplant center did not meet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Conditions of Participation (CoP) during a patient’s waiting period for a transplant. A censored Cox-proportional hazard model was utilized to investigate the impact of CMS CoP on the length of time until transplant. Data analysis reveals that a transplant center’s failure to meet either the 1-year graft or patient survival rates, according to CMS criteria, is associated with the expected waiting time until transplantation. Further the results suggest that centers may elect to transplant healthier patients and patients for whom they would receive a risk compensation in the SRTR model

    Case-control study developing Scottish Epilepsy Deaths Study score to predict epilepsy-related death

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    This study aims to develop a risk prediction model for epilepsy-related death in adults. In this age- and sex-matched case-control study, we compared adults (aged ≄16 years) who had epilepsy-related death between 2009-2016 to living adults with epilepsy in Scotland. Cases were identified from validated administrative national datasets linked to mortality records. ICD-10 cause-of-death coding was used to define epilepsy-related death. Controls were recruited from a research database and epilepsy clinics. Clinical data from medical records were abstracted and used to undertake univariable and multivariable conditional logistic regression to develop a risk prediction model consisting of four variables chosen a priori. A weighted sum of the factors present was taken to create a risk index - the Scottish Epilepsy Deaths Study Score (SEDS Score). Odds ratios (OR) were estimated with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). 224 deceased cases (mean age 48 years, 114 male) and 224 matched living controls were compared. In univariable analysis, predictors of epilepsy-related death were recent epilepsy-related accident and emergency (A&E) attendance (OR 5.1, 95% CI 3.2-8.3), living in deprived areas (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.6-4.0), developmental epilepsy (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.7-5.7), raised Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) score (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.2-5.2), alcohol abuse (OR 4.4, 95% CI 2.2-9.2), absent recent neurology review (OR 3.8, 95% CI 2.4-6.1), and generalised epilepsy (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.2-3.0). SEDS Score model variables were derived from the first four listed above, with CCI ≄2 given 1 point, living in the two most deprived areas given 2 points, having an inherited or congenital aetiology or risk factor for developing epilepsy given 2 points, and recent epilepsy-related A&E attendance given 3 points. Compared to having a SEDS Score of 0, those with a SEDS Score of 1 remained low risk, with OR 1.6 (95% CI 0.5-4.8). Those with a SEDS Score of 2-3 had moderate risk, with OR 2.8 (95% CI 1.3-6.2). Those with a SEDS Score of 4-5 and 6-8 were high risk, with OR 14.4 (95% CI 5.9-35.2) and 24.0 (95% CI 8.1-71.2), respectively. The SEDS Score may be a helpful tool for identifying adults at high risk of epilepsy-related death and requires external validation

    Relevanz suszeptibilitĂ€tsinduzierter geometrischer Fehlkodierungen fĂŒr die ValiditĂ€t MR-basierter Knorpelvolumen- und -dickenmessungen im Kniegelenk - Relevance of susceptibility-induced geometrical distortion for the accuracy of MR-based cartilage volume and thickness measurement

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the relevance of susceptibility-induced geometrical distortion to the accuracy of MR-based cartilage volume and thickness measurement in the human knee joint. Nine cadaveric knee joints were imaged in the sagittal plane with MRI at a resolution of a x 0.31 x 0.81 mmÂł, using a fat-suppressed gradient echo sequence, with a normal gradient orientation and also with the frequency- and phase-encoding directions changed. CT arthrographic data sets were then obtained. On the basis of 3-D constructions, we determined the cartilage volume and, with a 3-D minimal distance algorithm, the thickness distribution, of the patella, femur and tibia. Irrespective of the gradient orientation, good agreement was observed between MRI and CT arthrography in terms of cartilage volumes and maximum cartilage thickness. With a normal gradient orientation the volume was overestimated by 2.5 % in MRI, and 2.3 % when the gradients were changed. The maximum cartilage thickness was underestimated by 0.24 intervals (interval = 0.5 mm) with a normal gradient orientation, and by 0.22 intervals when the gradient orientation was changed. In none of the joint surfaces was a relevant difference between the two methods observed. It can be shown that, using high-resolution, fat-suppressed gradient-echo sequences - suseeptibility-induced geometrical distortion has no significant effect on the accuracy of KR-based cartilage volume and thickness measurements. MRI would therefore appear suitable for the design of patient-specific finite element models with the aim of analysing load transmission in diarthrodial joints and planning surgical interventions

    Systematic map of reproductive performance of female cattle in Africa

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    This protocol uses the Systematic Review Protocol for Animal Intervention Studies by Syrcle (www.syrcle.nl)This is a protocol for undertaking a systematic review of reproductive performance of female cattle in Africa. The objective of the review is to prepare a systematic evidence map of ruminant reproduction. The map will help to define the current state of ruminant reproduction in different production systems and ecosystems, and will identify current trends, barriers to improvements, and potential solutions
