3,549 research outputs found

    Algebraic order and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in an exciton-polariton gas

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    We observe quasi-long range coherence in a two-dimensional condensate of exciton-polaritons. Our measurements are the first to confirm that the spatial correlation algebraically decays with a slow power-law, whose exponent quantitatively behaves as predicted by the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless theory. The exciton-polaritons are created by non-resonant optical pumping of a micro-cavity sample with embedded GaAs quantum-wells at liquid helium temperature. Michelson interference is used to measure the coherence of the photons emitted by decaying exciton-polaritons

    Beyond COVID-19: Designing Inclusive Public Health Surveillance by Including Wastewater Monitoring

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    Wastewater-based epidemiology is a promising and expanding public health surveillance method. The current wastewater testing trajectory to monitor primarily at community wastewater treatment plants was necessitated by immediate needs of the pandemic. Going forward, specific consideration should be given to monitoring vulnerable and underserved communities to ensure inclusion and rapid response to public health threats. This is particularly important when clinical testing data are insufficient to characterize community virus levels and spread in specific locations. Now is a timely call to action for equitably protecting health in the United States, which can be guided with intentional and inclusive wastewater monitoring

    Adposition and Case Supersenses v2.5: Guidelines for English

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    This document offers a detailed linguistic description of SNACS (Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses; Schneider et al., 2018), an inventory of 50 semantic labels ("supersenses") that characterize the use of adpositions and case markers at a somewhat coarse level of granularity, as demonstrated in the STREUSLE corpus (https://github.com/nert-gu/streusle/; version 4.3 tracks guidelines version 2.5). Though the SNACS inventory aspires to be universal, this document is specific to English; documentation for other languages will be published separately. Version 2 is a revision of the supersense inventory proposed for English by Schneider et al. (2015, 2016) (henceforth "v1"), which in turn was based on previous schemes. The present inventory was developed after extensive review of the v1 corpus annotations for English, plus previously unanalyzed genitive case possessives (Blodgett and Schneider, 2018), as well as consideration of adposition and case phenomena in Hebrew, Hindi, Korean, and German. Hwang et al. (2017) present the theoretical underpinnings of the v2 scheme. Schneider et al. (2018) summarize the scheme, its application to English corpus data, and an automatic disambiguation task

    Verifying Policy Enforcers

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    Policy enforcers are sophisticated runtime components that can prevent failures by enforcing the correct behavior of the software. While a single enforcer can be easily designed focusing only on the behavior of the application that must be monitored, the effect of multiple enforcers that enforce different policies might be hard to predict. So far, mechanisms to resolve interferences between enforcers have been based on priority mechanisms and heuristics. Although these methods provide a mechanism to take decisions when multiple enforcers try to affect the execution at a same time, they do not guarantee the lack of interference on the global behavior of the system. In this paper we present a verification strategy that can be exploited to discover interferences between sets of enforcers and thus safely identify a-priori the enforcers that can co-exist at run-time. In our evaluation, we experimented our verification method with several policy enforcers for Android and discovered some incompatibilities.Comment: Oliviero Riganelli, Daniela Micucci, Leonardo Mariani, and Yli\`es Falcone. Verifying Policy Enforcers. Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), 2017. (to appear

    Double Trouble: The Problem of Construal in Semantic Annotation of Adpositions

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    We consider the semantics of prepositions, revisiting a broad-coverage annotation scheme used for annotating all preposition tokens in a 55,000-word corpus of English. In an attempt to resolve problematic cases in English and apply the scheme to adpositions and case markers in other languages, we reconsider the assumption that an adposition’s lexical contribution is equivalent to the role/relation that it mediates, embracing the potential for construal to manage complexity and avoid sense proliferation. We suggest a framework to represent both the scene role and the adposition\u27s lexical function, and discuss how it would allow for a simpler inventory of labels

    Implementing quality by design for biotech products: are regulators on track?

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    Quality by design (QbD) is an innovative approach to drug development that has started to be implemented into the regulatory framework, but currently mainly for chemical drugs. The recent marketing authorization of the first monoclonal antibody developed using extensive QbD concepts in the European Union paves the way for future further regulatory approvals of complex products employing this cutting-edge technological concept. In this paper, we report and comment on insights and lessons learnt from the non-public discussions in the European Medicines Agency's Biologicals Working Party and Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use on the key issues during evaluation related to the implementation of an extensive QbD approach for biotechnology-derived medicinal products. Sharing these insights could prove useful for future developments in QbD for biotech products in general and monoclonal antibodies in particular

    Nephropathic cystinosis associated with cardiomyopathy: A 27-year clinical follow-up

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    BACKGROUND: Nephropathic cystinosis is an autosomal recessive disease resulting from intracellular accumulation of cystine leading to multiple organ failure. CASE REPORT: We describe the clinical course of a patient managed from the age of six until his death at the age of 33 years. He underwent multiple surgery, including two renal transplants, developed transplant renal artery stenosis that was managed medically, and progressive heart failure at the age of 33 years. His death from a ruptured pseudoaneurysm associated with a restrictive cardiomyopathy is noteworthy. A limited cardiac autopsy revealed the presence of cystine crystals in interstitial cardiac histiocytes and one myocardial cell, along with 1000-fold higher tissue cystine content of the left ventricular myocardium compared to patients without cystinosis, suggesting the possibility of direct cystine mediated metabolic injury

    A model of top-down gain control in the auditory system

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    To evaluate a model of top-down gain control in the auditory system, 6 participants were asked to identify 1-kHz pure tones differing only in intensity. There were three 20-session conditions: (1) four soft tones (25, 30, 35, and 40 dB SPL) in the set; (2) those four soft tones plus a 50-dB SPL tone; and (3) the four soft tones plus an 80-dB SPL tone. The results were well described by a top-down, nonlinear gain-control system in which the amplifier’s gain depended on the highest intensity in the stimulus set. Individual participants’ identification judgments were generally compatible with an equal-variance signal-detection model in which the mean locations of the distribution of effects along the decision axis were determined by the operation of this nonlinear amplification system
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