20 research outputs found

    Orchestrating Cultural Heritage:Exploring the Automated Analysis and Organization of Charles S. Peirce's PAP Manuscript

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    This preliminary study introduces an innovative approach to the analysis and organization of cultural heritage materials, focusing on the archive of Charles S. Peirce. Given the diverse range of artifacts, objects, and documents comprising cultural heritage, it is essential to efficiently organize and provide access to these materials for the wider public. However, Peirce's manuscripts pose a particular challenge due to their extensive quantity, which makes comprehensive organization through manual classification practically impossible. In response to this challenge, our paper proposes a methodology for the automated analysis and organization of Peirce's manuscripts. We have specifically tested this approach on the renowned 115-page manuscript known as PAP. This study represents a significant step forward in establishing a research direction for the development of a larger project. By incorporating novel computational methods, this larger project has the potential to greatly enhance the field of cultural heritage organization

    Gorilla Art. Intorno a una lettera inedita di Karl Vossler a Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

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    During Spring 1914, within his tournées in Germany, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti knew that Karl Vossler presented his well known Italienische Literaturgeschichte (1900; 2° ed. 1908) to a wider public at Freies Deutsches Hochstift in Frankfurt, by pointing out briefly the influence of Futurism on Italian literature, As always Marinetti hurried to write a letter to Vossler, furnished with many futurist texts.This essay focused on Vossler articulated reply, sent to Marinetti on 28 July 1914, the day of War declaration by Austria-Hungary to Serbia.Nella primavera nel 1914, probabilmente durante una delle sue tournées tedesche, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti venne a sapere che, nel proporre a un pubblico più ampio la sua già nota Italienische Literaturgeschichte (1900; 2° ed. 1908), Karl Vossler aveva tenuto una serie di conferenze al Freies Deutsches Hochstift di Francoforte, concluse da una breve analisi dell'impatto del Futurismo sulla scena letteraria italiana.Marinetti si mobilitò alla sua solita maniera, affrettandosi a scrivere una lettera corredata di allegati futuristi. L'articolata risposta di Vossler, datata 28 luglio 1914, il fatidico giorno della dichiarazione di guerra dell'Austria-Ungheria contro la Serbia, è l'oggetto di questo contributo

    The library beyond the book

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    With textbook readers and digital downloads proliferating, it is easy to imagine a time when printed books will vanish. Such forecasts miss the mark, argue Jeffrey Schnapp and Matthew Battles. Future bookshelves will not be wholly virtual, and libraries will thrive although in a variety of new social, cultural, and architectural forms. Schnapp and Battles combine deep study of the library s history with a record of institutional and technical innovation at metaLAB, a research group at the forefront of the digital humanities. They gather these currents in The Library Beyond the Book," exploring what libraries have been in the past to speculate on what they will become: hybrid places that intermingle books and ebooks, analog and digital formats, paper and pixels. Libraries have always been mix-and-match spaces, and remix is their most plausible future scenario. Speculative and provocative, The Library Beyond the Book" explains book culture for a world where the physical and the virtual blend with ever increasing intimacy.

    Orchestrating Cultural Heritage:Exploring the Automated Analysis and Organization of Charles S. Peirce's PAP Manuscript

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    This preliminary study introduces an innovative approach to the analysis and organization of cultural heritage materials, focusing on the archive of Charles S. Peirce. Given the diverse range of artifacts, objects, and documents comprising cultural heritage, it is essential to efficiently organize and provide access to these materials for the wider public. However, Peirce's manuscripts pose a particular challenge due to their extensive quantity, which makes comprehensive organization through manual classification practically impossible. In response to this challenge, our paper proposes a methodology for the automated analysis and organization of Peirce's manuscripts. We have specifically tested this approach on the renowned 115-page manuscript known as PAP. This study represents a significant step forward in establishing a research direction for the development of a larger project. By incorporating novel computational methods, this larger project has the potential to greatly enhance the field of cultural heritage organization

    Three Pieces of Asphalt

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    Surprise Machines: Revealing Harvard Art Museums’ Image Collection

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    Abstract Surprise Machines is a project of experimental museology that sets out to visualize the entire image collection of the Harvard Art Museums, with a view to opening up unexpected vistas on more than 200,000 objects usually inaccessible to visitors. The project is part of the exhibition organized by metaLAB (at) Harvard entitled Curatorial A(i)gents and explores the limits of artificial intelligence to display a large set of images and create surprise among visitors. To achieve this feeling of surprise, a choreographic interface was designed to connect the audience’s movement with several unique views of the collection