59 research outputs found

    Two Projects from the metaLAB (at) Harvard

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    The presentation of these two projects the metaLAB (at) Harvard complements Jeffrey Schnapp's interview published in the section Perspectives of this issue of Humanist Studies and the Digital Age. The first project, A Flitting Atlas of the Human Gaze, performs an art historical experiment. The second project, Their Names, is an online Denkmal or monument that visualizes the names of 28,000+ fatal encounters with American police dating from the year 2000 up until the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020

    Two Projects from the metaLAB (at) Harvard

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    The presentation of these two projects the metaLAB (at) Harvard complements Jeffrey Schnapp's interview published in the section Perspectives of this issue of Humanist Studies and the Digital Age. The first project, A Flitting Atlas of the Human Gaze, performs an art historical experiment. The second project, Their Names, is an online Denkmal or monument that visualizes the names of 28,000+ fatal encounters with American police dating from the year 2000 up until the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020

    Education, Technology, and Humans: An Interview with Jeffrey Schnapp

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    The interview reconstructs Jeffrey Schnapp's brilliant career from his origins as a scholar of Dante and the Middle Ages to his current multiple interdisciplinary interests. Among other things, Schnapp deals with knowledge design, media history and theory, history of the book, the future of archives, museums, and libraries. The main themes of the interview concern the relationships between technology and pedagogy, the future of reading, and artificial intelligence

    PER UNA STORIA DELLA FENOMENOLOGIA DEL DESIGN; numero monografico di AIS/design Journal

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    Questo numero di “AIS/Design Journal: Storia e Ricerche”, a cura di Giampiero Bosoni, Elena Dellapiana e Jeffrey Schnapp, è il primo della nuova direzione. Fascicolo miscellaneo, su invito, sotto il cappello delle “Fenomenologie del design” raccoglie saggi che, a partire da robuste basi archivistiche di natura diversa, si agglutinano intorno ai fenomeni che compongono la definizione del design e i suoi linguaggi di riferimento: la semiotica, lo storytelling, e poi il prodotto, l’allestimento, la moda, la grafica, i protagonisti


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    Editoriale al numero della rivista in qualità di nuovo co-direttor

    Orchestrating Cultural Heritage:Exploring the Automated Analysis and Organization of Charles S. Peirce's PAP Manuscript

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    This preliminary study introduces an innovative approach to the analysis and organization of cultural heritage materials, focusing on the archive of Charles S. Peirce. Given the diverse range of artifacts, objects, and documents comprising cultural heritage, it is essential to efficiently organize and provide access to these materials for the wider public. However, Peirce's manuscripts pose a particular challenge due to their extensive quantity, which makes comprehensive organization through manual classification practically impossible. In response to this challenge, our paper proposes a methodology for the automated analysis and organization of Peirce's manuscripts. We have specifically tested this approach on the renowned 115-page manuscript known as PAP. This study represents a significant step forward in establishing a research direction for the development of a larger project. By incorporating novel computational methods, this larger project has the potential to greatly enhance the field of cultural heritage organization

    Understanding Digital Humanities

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    2012 In the first decade of the 21 st century, the researchers in the humanities and humanistic social sciences have gradually started to adopt computational and visualization tools. The majority of this work often referred as "digital humanities" has focused on textual data (e.g., literature, historical records, or social media) and spatial data (e.g., locations of people, places, or events visualization and computational analysis of large collections of images and video suitable for researchers in media studies, the humanities, and the social sciences who do not have technical background, and to apply these techniques to progressively large media data sets. Our second goal was theoretical -to examine existing practices and assumptions of visualization and computational data analysis (thus the name "Software Studies"), and articulate new research questions enabled by humanistic computational work with "big cultural data" in general, and visual media specifically. 3 This chapter draws on the number of my articles written since we started the lab where I discuss history of visualization, the techniques that we developed for visualizing large sets of visual media, and their applications to various types of media. 4 The reader is advised to consult these 1 For recent discussions of digital humanities, see David M

    Decolonising Archives

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    "The e-publication Decolonising Archives aims to show how archives bear testimony to what was, even more so than collections. Archives present documents that allow one to understand what happened and in which order. Today Internet technology, combined with rapid moves made on the geopolitical chessboard, make archives a contested site of affirmation, recognition and denial. As such, it is of great importance to be aware of processes of colonialisation and decolonisation taking place as new technology can both be used to affirm existing hegemonic colonial relationships or break them open." -- Publisher's website