99 research outputs found

    Color-charge separation in trapped SU(3) fermionic atoms

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    Cold fermionic atoms with three different hyperfine states with SU(3) symmetry confined in one-dimensional optical lattices show color-charge separation, generalizing the conventional spin charge separation for interacting SU(2) fermions in one dimension. Through time-dependent DMRG simulations, we explore the features of this phenomenon for a generalized SU(3) Hubbard Hamiltonian. In our numerical simulations of finite size systems, we observe different velocities of the charge and color degrees of freedom when a Gaussian wave packet or a charge (color) density response to a local perturbation is evolved. The differences between attractive and repulsive interactions are explored and we note that neither a small anisotropy of the interaction, breaking the SU(3) symmetry, nor the filling impedes the basic observation of these effects

    Adiabatic Tracking of a State: a New Route to Nonequilibrium Physics

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    We present a novel numerical approach to track the response of a quantum system to an external perturbation that is progressively switched-on. The method is applied, within the framework of the density matrix renormalization group technique, to track current-carrying states of interacting fermions in one dimension and in presence of an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux. This protocol allows us to access highly excited states. We also discuss the connection with the entanglement entropy of these excited states

    Quantum Coherence in an Exactly Solvable One-dimensional Model with Defects

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    Using the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method we construct an integrable Heisenberg-XXZ-model, or equivalently a model for spinless fermions with nearest-neighbour interaction, with defects. Each defect involves three sites with a fine tuning between nearest-neighbour and next-nearest-neighbour terms. We investigate the finite size corrections to the ground state energy and its dependence on an external flux as a function of a parameter ν\nu, characterizing the strength of the defects. For intermediate values of ν\nu, both quantities become very small, although the ground state wavefunction remains extended.Comment: accepted by Europhys. Lett., latex, 7 pages. A postscript version including the figures is available at: http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/theo2/Publications

    Is spin-charge separation observable in a transport experiment?

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    We consider a one-dimensional chain consisting of an interacting area coupled to non-interacting leads. Within the area, interaction is mediated by a local on-site repulsion. Using real time evolution within the Density Matrix Renormalisation Group (DMRG) scheme, we study the dynamics of wave packets in this two-terminal transport setup. In contrast to previous works, where excitations were created by adding potentials to the Hamiltonian, we explicitly create left moving single particle excitations in the right lead as the starting condition. Our simulations show that such a transport setup allows for a clear detection of spin-charge separation using time-resolved spin-polarised density measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. accepted by Europhysics Letter

    Spinon confinement and the Haldane gap in SU(n) spin chains

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    We use extensive DMRG calculations to show that a classification of SU(n) spin chains with regard to the existence of spinon confinement and hence a Haldane gap obtained previously for valence bond solid models applies to SU(n) Heisenberg chains as well. In particular, we observe spinon confinement due to a next-nearest neighbor interaction in the SU(4) representation 10 spin chain.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Numerical Evaluation of Shot Noise using Real Time Simulations

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    We present a method to determine the shot noise in quantum systems from knowledge of their time evolution - the latter being obtained using numerical simulation techniques. While our ultimate goal is the study of interacting systems, the main issues for the numerical determination of the noise do not depend on the interactions. To discuss them, we concentrate on the single resonant level model, which consists in a single impurity attached to non-interacting leads, with spinless fermions. We use exact diagonalisations (ED) to obtain time evolution, and are able to use known analytic results as benchmarks. We obtain a complete characterization of finite size effects at zero frequency, where we find that the finite size corrections scale G2\propto G^2, GG the differential conductance. We also discuss finite frequency noise, as well as the effects of damping in the leads.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    DMRG evaluation of the Kubo formula -- Conductance of strongly interacting quantum systems

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    In this paper we present a novel approach combining linear response theory (Kubo) for the conductance and the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). The system considered is one-dimensional and consists of non-interacting tight binding leads coupled to an interacting nanostructure via weak links. Electrons are treated as spinless fermions and two different correlation functions are used to evaluate the conductance. Exact diagonalization calculations in the non-interacting limit serve as a benchmark for our combined Kubo and DMRG approach in this limit. Including both weak and strong interaction we present DMRG results for an extended nanostructure consisting of seven sites. For the strongly interacting structure a simple explanation of the position of the resonances is given in terms of hard-core particles moving freely on a lattice of reduced size.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Minor typos correcte

    Shot noise in the self-dual Interacting Resonant Level Model

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    By using two independent and complementary approaches, we compute exactly the shot noise in an out-of-equilibrium interacting impurity model, the Interacting Resonant Level model at its self-dual point. An analytical approach based on the Thermodynamical Bethe Ansatz allows to obtain the density matrix in the presence of a bias voltage, which in turn allows for the computation of any observable. A time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique, that has proven to yield the correct result for a free model (the Resonant Level Model) is shown to be in perfect agreement with the former method.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure