15 research outputs found

    Reservations to Participate in Biospecimen Research among Pacific Islanders

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    Background and Significance: Despite high rates of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Pacific Islanders (PIs) are underrepresented in clinical and genetic studies designed to identify the physiological causes of poor health outcomes. There are limited genetic data and biospecimen samples from PIs under study. This paper described why PIs have reservations about donating their biospecimen samples for research. Methods: Data were drawn from a pilot study designed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs surrounding biospecimen research among PIs in southern California. Utilizing a community-based participatory research approach, community and academic partners collected quantitative and qualitative data from a total of 60 PI adults with a mean age of 61 years (SD 13 years). Results: “Fear”, “God or Spirituality” and “Lack of Information or Knowledge” were the most cited reasons for not participating in biospecimen research. Respondents younger than age 65 years expressed more concerns about donating their biospecimen samples than those older than age 65 years (p<0.012). No significant gender differences were found (p=0.84). Conclusion: Our results emphasize the need to conduct relevant and appropriate biospecimen education among minority communities in order to address misconceptions and build support to increase PI and other minority participation in biospecimen-related studies

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Educational Workshops for Breast Cancer Prevention and Early Detection among Samoan and Pacific Islander Women in Southern California

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    Background: Samoans experience among the worst five-year breast cancer survival rates in the U.S., largely due to late stage diagnosis. There is great potential for screening interventions to reduce cancer mortality among Samoans. This paper examines the effectiveness of a culturally and linguistically tailored breast cancer education workshop for Samoan and other Pacific Islander women in Southern California. Methods: Educational workshops were conducted in churches, homes, and the Samoan National Nurses Association office to Pacific Islander women. Effectiveness was assessed using pre- and post-tests. Selfadministered questionnaires queried participants about demographics, access, personal or family breast cancer history, screening knowledge and behaviors, and plans to obtain screening (n=495). Results: Participants were predominantly Samoan, with 57% reporting they were ≥40 years of age. At pre-test, half of the participants did not know how to perform Breast Self Examination (BSE), 40% never had a Clinical Breast Examination (CBE), and 30% never had a mammogram. Less than 40% reported having a mammogram in the past two years. At post-test, 98% reported increased knowledge. Older women were more likely to report plans for screening at post-test. Conclusions: Health educators in Samoan and other Pacific Islander communities must recognize and appropriately address screening barriers such as cultural beliefs and lack of knowledge, and should consider working with important institutions such as the church

    Eliminating Tobacco Disparities Among Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders Through Policy Change

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    Although cigarette smoking in the general U.S. population has decreased considerably over the past several decades, prevalence rates among Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders (NHPI) have remained elevated by comparison with other groups. The aggregation of NHPI smoking data with that of Asians has drawn attention away from the serious smoking problems that NHPIs experience, thus, limiting funding, programs, and policies to reduce tobacco-related health disparities in their communities. In California, community-based organizations (CBOs) have played a major role in supporting the state's comprehensive tobacco control program, which is arguably one of the most successful in the nation. In this commentary, we describe the tobacco control activities of five NHPI-serving CBOs in Southern California and how they have provided anti-tobacco education for thousands of Native Hawaiians, Chamorros, Marshallese, Samoans, Tongans, and other Pacific Islander subgroups, and used advocacy and coalition building to promote smoke-free environment policies in their communities. The concerted efforts of the CBOs and their community members have made vital contributions to the reduction of tobacco-related disparities for NHPI populations in California

    Associations Between Women's Perception of Their Husbands'/Partners' Social Support and Pap Screening in Pacific Islander Communities.

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    Pacific Islanders experience high rates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality. This cross-sectional study examined the extent to which Samoan, Chamorro, and Tongan women's perceived receipt of social support from their husbands or male partners was associated with rates of routine cancer screening- specifically Pap testing. A total of 585 Pacific Islander women who live in the United States completed a self-report survey. Women who reported having a Pap test within the past 3 years had significantly higher scores on support from their husbands/male partners. Furthermore, the relationship of emotional support and informational support with increased Pap testing was significantly stronger for Tongan women. The findings suggest that men play an important role in promoting women's cancer prevention behaviors in Pacific Islander and potentially other collectivistic populations. Incorporating social support messages into interventions may be a simple yet effective strategy to increase women's Pap testing