425 research outputs found

    Satellite/radiosonde comparison

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    Collocated measurements of radiosonde and TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) data are compared to determine whether significant latitudinal, seasonal, or instrumental biases exist. Long-wave structure determined by each system is being examined for correlation. Because U.S. radiosonde data are archived uncorrected, an effort to correct the measurements is being considered. These corrections will be applied to 7 years of measurements. New comparisons will then be made using corrected radiosonde and TOVS data. A regression method is used to retrieve temperatures, and radiosonde zonal means are used to update the regression coefficients. Preliminary results of auto-correlation analysis indicate that detection of long-wave structure in each set of data is slightly different with some levels and locations experiencing different wave periods or amplitudes. Scatter diagrams and linear regression for each layer show bias in the mean temperatures. Winter-time measurements show poorer correlations due to noisy measurements

    Electrodynamics, wind and temperature

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    This RTOP provides for correlative meteorological wind and temperature measurements with atmospheric electrodynamic measurements. Meteorological rocketsondes were launched as part of a number of electrodynamic investigations in Alaska, Norway, Peru, Sweden, and at the Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia. Measurements obtained as part of the MAC/Epsilon campaign during October 1987 from Andoya, Norway, were in conjunction with electric field, ion mobility, conductivity, and energy deposition studies. The measurements obtained between 30 and 90 km are to evaluate and correlate changes in the atmospheric electrical structure caused by the neutral wind and temperature, or changes in the neutral atmosphere resulting from electrical anomalies

    Meteorological Sensor Calibration Facility

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    The meteorological sensor calibration facility is designed to test and assess radiosonde measurement quality through actual flights in the atmosphere. United States radiosonde temperature measurements are deficient in that they require correction for errors introduced by long- and short-wave radiation. The effect of not applying corrections results in a large bias between day time and night time measurements. This day/night bias has serious implications for users of radiosonde data, of which NASA is one. The derivation of corrections for the U.S. radiosonde is quite important. Determination of corrections depends on solving the heat transfer equation of the thermistor using laboratory measurements of the emissivity and absorptivity of the thermistor coating. The U.S. radiosonde observations from the World Meteorological Organization International Radiosonde Intercomparison were used as the data base to test whether the day/night height bias can be removed. Twenty-five noon time and 26 night time observations were used. Corrected temperatures were used to calculate new geopotentials. Day/night bias in the geopotentials decreased significantly when corrections were introduced. Some testing of thermal lag attendant with the standard carbon hygristor took place. Two radiosondes with small bead thermistors imbedded in the hygristor were flown. Detailed analysis was not accomplished; however, cursory examination of the data showed that the hygristor is at a higher temperature than the external thermistor indicates

    Radiosonde intercomparison

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    The largest amount of material ever collected from a radiosonde comparison was examined. Radiosondes from Australia, Finland, India, and the United States were involved. Data were received from 100 soundings, each of which was a simultaneous in situ test of four different instrument types. The simultaneous temperature comparison of participating operational radiosondes in daylight was about 1 C at the 100 hPa level and about 4 C at the 10 hPa level, while the corresponding comparison for geopotential was about 40 meters at 100 hPa and 100 meters at 10 hPa. Estimates of the reproducibility of standard level temperatures are given. The reproducibility obtained from the in situ comparisons is, in general, slightly better than corresponding results from monitoring measurements in a real-time mode at analysis centers. Conclusions from the intercomparison are many; the following call for particular attention: (1) fully automated radiosonde systems were able to reproduce geopotential measurements better than non-automated systems, mainly due to a decrease in observer mistakes; (2) observed temperature differences between radiosonde measurements were as large during the night as during the day; and (3) significant inconsistencies still exist between the night time and day time measurements, as well as significant bias errors in the pressure measurements of some radiosonde types

    Rocket temperature soundings

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    In situ rocket-borne measurements of temperature and wind contribute to a better determination and understanding of stratospheric behavior and, hence, to a better understanding of processes that control the dynamical and chemical behavior of this region. Concern over ozone depletion and the difficulty generally involved in determining actual ozone trends has generated significant interest in temperature behavior, especially trends. Recent analysis of rocketsonde acquired temperature data between 1969 and 1986 contains evidence that the stratosphere may indeed be cooling. It is the intention of the RTOP to continue to provide rocketsonde measurements to: maintain the long term data stratospheric-mesospheric data base already established for Wallops; provide ground truth for remote measurements; and continue studies of atmospheric structure and morphology of disturbances and anomalous events as resources permit

    Diurnal experiment data report, 19-20 March 1974

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    Temperature and wind data are presented from 70 small meteorological sounding rockets launched from eight selected launch sites in the Western Hemisphere. Table 1 gives a complete listing of the launch sites involved and the altitude of temperature and wind observations successfully completed

    Results of the August 1977 Soviet and American meterological rocketsonde intercomparison held at Wallops Island, Virginia

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    A coordinated program of rocketsonde investigations along about 60 deg E and 70 deg W between the United States and U.S.S.R. is discussed. The rocketsonde instruments used by the U.S. and U.S.S.R. were compared and the results are presented. The U.S. Super Loki Datasonde and the U.S.S.R. M100B rocketsonde are discussed. Results indicate that the U.S/U.S.S.R. rocketsonde measurement agreement improved since the 1973 intercomparisons. It was learned that the mean of the differences of the temperatures compare to within 6 C at about 60 km and to within 2 C near 50 km. Wind measurements were also found to agree

    Preliminary estimates of radiosonde thermistor errors

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    Radiosonde temperature measurements are subject to errors, not the least of which is the effect of long- and short-wave radiation. Methods of adjusting the daytime temperatures to a nighttime equivalent are used by some analysis centers. Other than providing consistent observations for analysis this procedure does not provide a true correction. The literature discusses the problem of radiosonde temperature errors but it is not apparent what effort, if any, has been taken to quantify these errors. To accomplish the latter, radiosondes containing multiple thermistors with different coatings were flown at Goddard Space Flight Center/Wallops Flight Facility. The coatings employed had different spectral characteristics and, therefore, different adsorption and emissivity properties. Discrimination of the recorded temperatures enabled day and night correction values to be determined for the US standard white-coated rod thermistor. The correction magnitudes are given and a comparison of US measured temperatures before and after correction are compared with temperatures measured with the Vaisala radiosonde. The corrections are in the proper direction, day and night, and reduce day-night temperature differences to less than 0.5 C between surface and 30 hPa. The present uncorrected temperatures used with the Viz radiosonde have day-night differences that exceed 1 C at levels below 90 hPa. Additional measurements are planned to confirm these preliminary results and determine the solar elevation angle effect on the corrections. The technique used to obtain the corrections may also be used to recover a true absolute value and might be considered a valuable contribution to the meteorological community for use as a reference instrument

    Empirical wind model for the middle and lower atmosphere. Part 1: Local time average

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    The HWM90 thermospheric wind model was revised in the lower thermosphere and extended into the mesosphere and lower atmosphere to provide a single analytic model for calculating zonal and meridional wind profiles representative of the climatological average for various geophysical conditions. Gradient winds from CIRA-86 plus rocket soundings, incoherent scatter radar, MF radar, and meteor radar provide the data base and are supplemented by previous data driven model summaries. Low-order spherical harmonics and Fourier series are used to describe the major variations throughout the atmosphere including latitude, annual, semiannual, and longitude (stationary wave 1). The model represents a smoothed compromise between the data sources. Although agreement between various data sources is generally good, some systematic differences are noted, particularly near the mesopause. Root mean square differences between data and model are on the order of 15 m/s in the mesosphere and 10 m/s in the stratosphere for zonal wind, and 10 m/s and 4 m/s, respectively, for meridional wind

    Satellite (Timed, Aura, Aqua) and In Situ (Meteorological Rockets, Balloons) Measurement Comparability

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    Measurements using the inflatable falling sphere often are requested to provide density data in support of special sounding rocket launchings into the mesosphere and thermosphere. To insure density measurements within narrow time frames and close in space, the inflatable falling sphere is launched within minutes of the major test. Sphere measurements are reliable for the most part, however, availability of these rocket systems has become more difficult and, in fact, these instruments no longer are manufactured resulting in a reduction of the meager stockpile of instruments. Sphere measurements also are used to validate remotely measured temperatures and have the advantage of measuring small-scale atmospheric features. Even so, with the dearth of remaining falling spheres perhaps it is time to consider whether the remote measurements are mature enough to stand alone. Presented are two field studies, one in 2003 from Northern Sweden and one in 2010 from the vicinity of Kwajalein Atoll that compare temperature retrievals between satellite and in situ failing spheres. The major satellite instruments employed are SABER, MLS, and AIRS. The comparisons indicate that remotely measured temperatures mimic the sphere temperature measurements quite well. The data also confirm that satellite retrievals, while not always at the exact location required for individual studies, are adaptable enough and highly useful. Although the falling sphere will provide a measurement at a specific location and time, satellites only pass a given location daily or less often. This report reveals that averaged satellite measurements can provide temperatures and densities comparable to the falling sphere
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