3 research outputs found

    Buiding in Dubai and Abu Dhabi - Field excursion of the faculty of civil engineering of the HTWG Konstanz 2009

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    Die 1,8-Millionenstadt Dubai und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate sind eine der Regionen der Welt mit den größten Bauaktivitäten. Der Exkursionsbericht schildert die Eindrücke bei der Exkursion der Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen der HTWG Konstanz im März 2009. Auf dem Programm standen die Baustellen der künstlichen Palmeninsel "Palm Jebel Ali", des "Iris Bay"-Turms mit seiner außergewöhnlichen Architektur sowie des "Latifa Tower", einem "normalen" Hochhaus von 255 Meter Höhe. Geotechnik im Wüstensand unter der Leitung deutscher Firmen waren ebenso zu sehen wie der Bau des weltweit größten Trinkwasserreservoirs. Weitere Höhepunkte der Reise waren die Baustellen des "Khalifa National Stadium" und der 1455 Meter langen Saadiyat-Brücke in Abu Dhabi, die die zukünftige Kulturmeile Abu Dhabis auf der Saadiyat Insel mit dem Festland verbinden wird.Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are one of the regions in the world with the greatest building activities. The report depicts the impressions during a student field excursion of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Germany, in March 2009

    Lives of Skin Lesions in Monkeypox: Histomorphological, Immunohistochemical, and Clinical Correlations in a Small Case Series

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    Monkeypox (mpox), a former rare viral zoonosis, has increasingly made it into the public eye since the major outbreak that started in May 2022. Mpox presents with skin lesions that change over time and go through different stages (macular, papular, pustular, and early and late ulceration). In this study, we evaluated skin biopsies of all stages. Therefore, five biopsies from four patients were analyzed histologically, immunohistochemically with anti-Vaccinia virus antibodies, and electron-microscopically. Notably, the early macular stage only showed subtle viropathic changes; it did not express of Orthopoxvirus proteins in immunohistochemistry and therefore can easily be missed histologically. In later stages, immunohistochemistry with anti-Vaccinia virus antibodies might be useful to distinguish mpox from differential diagnoses such as herpes virus infections. In the ulcerative stages, the identified occlusive vasculopathic changes could be an explanation for the severe pain of the lesions reported by some patients. Despite the small number of samples examined, our analysis suggests that the histological findings of mpox are highly dependent on the stage of the biopsied lesion. Therefore, knowledge of all different stages of histology is necessary to reliably diagnose mpox histologically, especially when molecular testing is not available