38 research outputs found

    Residency Requirements for Voting and the Tensions of a Mobile Society

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    It is the purpose of this article to determine the extent to which persons otherwise qualified to vote are disenfranchised by the complex of state residency requirements and to assess the practical and constitutional aspects of any statutory prospects for change

    The Impact of Judicial Decisions: New Dimensions in Supreme Court-Congressional Relations, 1945-1968

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    This research report is an investigation of Congressional roll call behavior and interest group activity in response to Supreme Court decisions involving civil rights and liberties, and economic, labor and welfare issues. The report is designed to explore the nature and relative stability of those variables which may influence Congressmen when they vote on judiciary-oriented roll calls in the above mentioned issue categories

    Judicial Secrecy and Institutional Legitimacy: Max Weber Revisited

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    243 hlm.; 21 cm

    Jeremy Bentham, the Contract Clause and Justice John Archibald Campbell

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    Conflicts between the desire to meet the felt needs of society and the desire to maintain existing property rights have long perplexed modern governments. The methods adopted for the resolution of such conflicts quite naturally reflect the prevailing social and political ideology in each nation. In the United States in the period of the Philadelphia Convention, the prevailing temper, at least among the influential, was one of insistence upon the preservation of the sanctity of private property. This insistence and the widespread public reverence for law and judicial institutions determined that state interference with or modification of private contracts be subject to a constitutional limitation prohibiting impairment of the obligation of a contract. The constitutional framers, themselves extensive property holders and creditors, did not suggest in their debates that this prohibition be extended to contracts of a public character. However, such an extension was made within three decades of the framing of the Constitution through the judicial decision-making process of the Supreme Court of the United States

    Residency Requirements for Voting and the Tensions of a Mobile Society

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    It is the purpose of this article to determine the extent to which persons otherwise qualified to vote are disenfranchised by the complex of state residency requirements and to assess the practical and constitutional aspects of any statutory prospects for change