8,738 research outputs found

    Three-body breakup within the fully discretized Faddeev equations

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    A novel approach is developed to find the three-body breakup amplitudes and cross sections within the modified Faddeev equation framework. The method is based on the lattice-like discretization of the three-body continuum with a three-body stationary wave-packet basis in momentum space. The approach makes it possible to simplify drastically all the three- and few-body breakup calculations due to discrete wave-packet representations for the few-body continuum and simultaneous lattice representation for all the scattering operators entering the integral equation kernels. As a result, the few-body breakup can be treated as a particular case of multi-channel scattering in which part of the channels represents the true few-body continuum states. As an illustration for the novel approach, an accurate calculations for the three-body breakup process n+dn+n+pn+d\to n+n+p with non-local and local NNNN interactions are calculated. The results obtained reproduce nicely the benchmark calculation results using the traditional Faddeev scheme which requires much more tedious and time-consuming calculations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Disorder Induced Stripes in d-Wave Superconductors

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    Stripe phases are observed experimentally in several copper-based high-Tc superconductors near 1/8 hole doping. However, the specific characteristics may vary depending on the degree of dopant disorder and the presence or absence of a low- temperature tetragonal phase. On the basis of a Hartree-Fock decoupling scheme for the t-J model we discuss the diverse behavior of stripe phases. In particular the effect of inhomogeneities is investigated in two distinctly different parameter regimes which are characterized by the strength of the interaction. We observe that small concen- trations of impurities or vortices pin the unidirectional density waves, and dopant disorder is capable to stabilize a stripe phase in parameter regimes where homogeneous phases are typically favored in clean systems. The momentum-space results exhibit universal features for all coexisting density-wave solutions, nearly unchanged even in strongly disordered systems. These coexisting solutions feature generically a full energy gap and a particle-hole asymmetry in the density of states.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Understanding the dynamical structure of pulsating stars. HARPS spectroscopy of the delta Scuti stars rho Pup and DX Cet

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    High-resolution spectroscopy is a powerful tool to study the dynamical structure of pulsating stars atmosphere. We aim at comparing the line asymmetry and velocity of the two delta Sct stars rho Pup and DX Cet with previous spectroscopic data obtained on classical Cepheids and beta Cep stars. We obtained, analysed and discuss HARPS high-resolution spectra of rho Pup and DX Cet. We derived the same physical quantities as used in previous studies, which are the first-moment radial velocities and the bi-Gaussian spectral line asymmetries. The identification of f=7.098 (1/d) as a fundamental radial mode and the very accurate Hipparcos parallax promote rho Pup as the best standard candle to test the period-luminosity relations of delta Sct stars. The action of small-amplitude nonradial modes can be seen as well-defined cycle-to-cycle variations in the radial velocity measurements of rho Pup. Using the spectral-line asymmetry method, we also found the centre-of-mass velocities of rho Pup and DX Cet, V_gamma = 47.49 +/- 0.07 km/s and V_gamma = 25.75 +/- 0.06 km/s, respectively. By comparing our results with previous HARPS observations of classical Cepheids and beta Cep stars, we confirm the linear relation between the atmospheric velocity gradient and the amplitude of the radial velocity curve, but only for amplitudes larger than 22.5 km/s. For lower values of the velocity amplitude (i.e., < 22.5 km/s), our data on rho Pup seem to indicate that the velocity gradient is null, but this result needs to be confirmed with additional data. We derived the Baade-Wesselink projection factor p = 1.36 +/- 0.02 for rho Pup and p = 1.39 +/- 0.02 for DX Cet. We successfully extended the period-projection factor relation from classical Cepheids to delta Scuti stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (in press

    Title Stabilization of Membrane Pores by Packing

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    We present a model for pore stabilization in membranes without surface tension. Whereas an isolated pore is always unstable (since it either shrinks tending to re-seal or grows without bound til to membrane disintegration), it is shown that excluded volume interactions in a system of many pores can stabilize individual pores of a given size in a certain range of model parameters. For such a multipore membrane system, the distribution of pore size and associated pore lifetime are calculated within the mean field approximation. We predict that, above certain temperature when the effective line tension becomes negative, the membrane exhibits a dynamic sieve-like porous structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Variational Calculations of the 12C^{12}C Nucleus Structure in a 3α\alpha Model Using a Deep Potential with Forbidden States

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    The energy spectrum of the 12C^{12}C nucleus with (Jπ,T)=(0+,0)(J^{\pi}, T)=(0^+,0) and (2+,0)(2^+,0) is investigated in the framework of the multicluster dynamical model by using a deep αα\alpha \alpha-potential with forbidden states in the S and D waves. A very high sensitivity of the compact ground and first excited 21+2^+_1 states energy levels to the description of the two-body forbidden states wave functions has been estabilished. It is shown also that the chosen method of orthogonalizing pseudopotentials yields convergent results for the energies of the excited (02+,0)(0^+_2,0) and (03+,0)(0^+_3,0) states of the 12C^{12}C nucleus with a well developed cluster like structure

    Support for graphicacy: a review of textbooks available to accounting students

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    This Teaching Note reports on the support available in textbooks for graphicacy that will help students understand the complexities of graphical displays. Graphical displays play a significant role in financial reporting, and studies have found evidence of measurement distortion and selection bias. To understand the complexities of graphical displays, students need a sound understanding of graphicacy and support from the textbooks available to them to develop that understanding. The Teaching Note reports on a survey that examined the textbooks available to students attending two Scottish universities. The support of critical graphicacy skills was examined in conjunction with textbook characteristics. The survey, which was not restricted to textbooks designated as required reading, examined the textbooks for content on data measurement and graphical displays. The findings highlight a lack of support for graphicacy in the textbooks selected. The study concludes that accounting educators need to scrutinize more closely the selection of textbooks and calls for more extensive research into textbooks as a pedagogic tool

    Peculiar properties of the cluster-cluster interaction induced by the Pauli exclusion principle

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    Role of the Pauli principle in the formation of both the discrete spectrum and multi-channel states of the binary nuclear systems composed of clusters is studied in the Algebraic Version of the resonating-group method. Solutions of the Hill-Wheeler equations in the discrete representation of a complete basis of the Pauli-allowed states are discussed for 4He+n, 3H+3H, and 4He+4He binary systems. An exact treatment of the antisymmetrization effects are shown to result in either an effective repulsion of the clusters, or their effective attraction. It also yields a change in the intensity of the centrifugal potential. Both factors significantly affect the scattering phase behavior. Special attention is paid to the multi-channel cluster structure 6He+6He as well as to the difficulties arising in the case when the two clustering configurations, 6He+6He and 4He+8He, are taken into account simultaneously. In the latter case the Pauli principle, even in the absence of a potential energy of the cluster-cluster interaction, leads to the inelastic processes and secures an existence of both the bound state and resonance in the 12Be compound nucleus.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 1 table; submitted to Phys.Rev.C Keywords: light neutron-rich nuclei, cluster model

    Coulomb drag between one-dimensional conductors

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    We have analyzed Coulomb drag between currents of interacting electrons in two parallel one-dimensional conductors of finite length LL attached to external reservoirs. For strong coupling, the relative fluctuations of electron density in the conductors acquire energy gap MM. At energies larger than Γ=const×vexp(LM/v)/L+Γ+\Gamma = const \times v_- \exp (-LM/v_-)/L + \Gamma_{+}, where Γ+\Gamma_{+} is the impurity scattering rate, and for L>v/ML>v_-/M, where vv_- is the fluctuation velocity, the gap leads to an ``ideal'' drag with almost equal currents in the conductors. At low energies the drag is suppressed by coherent instanton tunneling, and the zero-temperature transconductance vanishes, indicating the Fermi liquid behavior.Comment: 5 twocolumn pages in RevTex, added 1 eps-Figure and calculation of trans-resistanc

    Towards a microscopic theory of toroidal moments in bulk periodic crystals

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    We present a theoretical analysis of magnetic toroidal moments in periodic systems, in the limit in which the toroidal moments are caused by a time and space reversal symmetry breaking arrangement of localized magnetic dipole moments. We summarize the basic definitions for finite systems and address the question of how to generalize these definitions to the bulk periodic case. We define the toroidization as the toroidal moment per unit cell volume, and we show that periodic boundary conditions lead to a multivaluedness of the toroidization, which suggests that only differences in toroidization are meaningful observable quantities. Our analysis bears strong analogy to the modern theory of electric polarization in bulk periodic systems, but we also point out some important differences between the two cases. We then discuss the instructive example of a one-dimensional chain of magnetic moments, and we show how to properly calculate changes of the toroidization for this system. Finally, we evaluate and discuss the toroidization (in the local dipole limit) of four important example materials: BaNiF_4, LiCoPO_4, GaFeO_3, and BiFeO_3.Comment: replaced with final (published) version, which includes some changes in the text to improve the clarity of presentatio

    Non-monotonous crossover between capillary condensation and interface localisation/delocalisation transition in binary polymer blends

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    Within self-consistent field theory we study the phase behaviour of a symmetric binary AB polymer blend confined into a thin film. The film surfaces interact with the monomers via short range potentials. One surface attracts the A component and the corresponding semi-infinite system exhibits a first order wetting transition. The surface interaction of the opposite surface is varied as to study the crossover from capillary condensation for symmetric surface fields to the interface localisation/delocalisation transition for antisymmetric surface fields. In the former case the phase diagram has a single critical point close to the bulk critical point. In the latter case the phase diagram exhibits two critical points which correspond to the prewetting critical points of the semi-infinite system. The crossover between these qualitatively different limiting behaviours occurs gradually, however, the critical temperature and the critical composition exhibit a non-monotonic dependence on the surface field.Comment: to appear in Europhys.Let