330 research outputs found

    Cross-reactivity among iodinated contrast agents: should we be concerned?

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    Background Although several papers deal with "cross-reactivity" in patients with iodinated contrast medium (ICM) hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs), there is no in-depth knowledge of this phenomenon. To define ICM-groups as potential reaction partners and to identify any potential clinical relevance in patients with ICM-HSRs. Methods The literature database PubMed was searched for eligible papers dealing with ICM-allergy and "cross-reactivity". The data presented by the papers was analyzed and individual patient data was extracted for re-evaluation based on a definition for both 'polyvalent reactivity' and 'cross-reactivity' as well as for chemical structure-dependent ICM-groups. Results Twenty-five original papers (with n=340 extracted patients) formed the study population. Incidences of polyvalent reactivity were non-significantly higher than incidences of cross-reactivity (both range from 0% to 100%). Crossover evaluation in reaction pairings (culprit ICM A with ICM B versus culprit ICM B with ICM A) showed concordance of only 30%. Data support rather non-cross-reactivity (individual reaction pattern) than cross-reactivity constellations. Conclusions The obtained results favour an individual reaction pattern, rather than a reactivity driven by chemical structures and so-called cross-reactivity

    Hydrogen-induced reversible spin-reorientation transition and magnetic stripe domain phase in bilayer Co on Ru(0001)

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    Imaging the change in the magnetization vector in real time by spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy, we observed a hydrogen-induced, reversible spin-reorientation transition in a cobalt bilayer on Ru(0001). Initially, hydrogen sorption reduces the size of out-of-plane magnetic domains and leads to the formation of a magnetic stripe domain pattern, which can be understood as a consequence of reducing the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy. Further hydrogen sorption induces a transition to an in-plane easy-axis. Desorbing the hydrogen by heating the film to 400 K recovers the original out-of-plane magnetization. By means of ab-initio calculations we determine that the origin of the transition is the local effect of the hybridization of the hydrogen orbital and the orbitals of the Co atoms bonded to the absorbed hydrogen.Comment: 5 figure

    Validation of the German Revised Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination for Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment, Mild Dementia in Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration

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    Background/Aims: The diagnostic accuracy of the German version of the revised Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE-R) in identifying mild cognitive impairment (MCI), mild dementia in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild dementia in frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) in comparison with the conventional Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was assessed. Methods: The study encompasses 76 cognitively healthy elderly individuals, 75 patients with MCI, 56 with AD and 22 with FTLD. ACE-R and MMSE were validated against an expert diagnosis based on a comprehensive diagnostic procedure. Statistical analysis was performed using the receiver operating characteristic method and regression analyses. Results: The optimal cut-off score for the ACE-R for detecting MCI, AD, and FTLD was 86/87, 82/83 and 83/84, respectively. ACE-R was superior to MMSE only in the detection of patients with FTLD {[}area under the curve (AUC): 0.97 vs. 0.92], whilst the accuracy of the two instruments did not differ in identifying MCI and AD. The ratio of the scores of the memory ACE-R subtest to verbal fluency subtest contributed significantly to the discrimination between AD and FTLD (optimal cut-off score: 2.30/2.31, AUC: 0.77), whereas the MMSE and ACE-R total scores did not. Conclusion: The German ACE-R is superior to the most commonly employed MMSE in detecting mild dementia in FTLD and in the differential diagnosis between AD and FTLD. Thus it might serve as a valuable instrument as part of a comprehensive diagnostic workup in specialist centres/clinics contributing to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the cause of dementia. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    Capacitance fluctuations causing channel noise reduction in stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley systems

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    Voltage-dependent ion channels determine the electric properties of axonal cell membranes. They not only allow the passage of ions through the cell membrane but also contribute to an additional charging of the cell membrane resulting in the so-called capacitance loading. The switching of the channel gates between an open and a closed configuration is intrinsically related to the movement of gating charge within the cell membrane. At the beginning of an action potential the transient gating current is opposite to the direction of the current of sodium ions through the membrane. Therefore, the excitability is expected to become reduced due to the influence of a gating current. Our stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley like modeling takes into account both the channel noise -- i.e. the fluctuations of the number of open ion channels -- and the capacitance fluctuations that result from the dynamics of the gating charge. We investigate the spiking dynamics of membrane patches of variable size and analyze the statistics of the spontaneous spiking. As a main result, we find that the gating currents yield a drastic reduction of the spontaneous spiking rate for sufficiently large ion channel clusters. Consequently, this demonstrates a prominent mechanism for channel noise reduction.Comment: 18 page

    Using interactive lecture demonstrations to invigorate chemistry lectures

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    Demonstrations are commonly used in Chemistry lectures to illustrate chemical phenomena and as entertainment. Interactive lecture demonstrations have been introduced into first year undergraduate classes which more deliberately connect the demonstration with the course content. Through the development of worksheets, students are actively engaged with predicting, observing and explaining the results of the demonstration. Evaluation of this approach through surveys and class observation suggest that students found it engaging and effective for their learning

    E46K Parkinson's-linked mutation enhances C-terminal-to-N-terminal contacts in alpha-synuclein

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with the deposition of fibrillar aggregates of the protein alpha-synuclein (alphaS) in neurons. Intramolecular contacts between the acidic C-terminal tail of alphaS and its N-terminal region have been proposed to regulate alphaS aggregation, and two originally described PD mutations, A30P and A53T, reportedly reduce such contacts. We find that the most recently discovered PD-linked alphaS mutation E46K, which also accelerates the aggregation of the protein, does not interfere with C-terminal-to-N-terminal contacts and instead enhances such contacts. Furthermore, we do not observe a substantial reduction in such contacts in the two previously characterized mutants. Our results suggest that C-terminal-to-N-terminal contacts in alphaS are not strongly protective against aggregation, and that the dominant mechanism by which PD-linked mutations facilitate alphaS aggregation may be altering the physicochemical properties of the protein such as net charge (E46K) and secondary structure propensity (A30P and A53T)

    Switch-peptides: design and characterization of controllable super-amyloid-forming host-guest peptides as tools for identifying anti-amyloid agents

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    Several amyloid-forming proteins are characterized by the presence of hydrophobic and highly amyloidogenic core sequences that play critical roles in the initiation and progression of amyloid fibril formation. Therefore targeting these sequences represents a viable strategy for identifying candidate molecules that could interfere with amyloid formation and toxicity of the parent proteins. However, the highly amyloidogenic and insoluble nature of these sequences has hampered efforts to develop high-throughput fibrillization assays. Here we describe the design and characterization of host-guest switch peptides that can be used for in vitro mechanistic and screening studies that are aimed at discovering aggregation inhibitors that target highly amyloidogenic sequences. These model systems are based on a host-guest system where the amyloidogenic sequence (guest peptide) is flanked by two beta-sheet-promoting (Leu-Ser)(n) oligomers as host sequences. Two host-guest peptides were prepared by using the hydrophobic core of Abeta comprising residues 14-24 (HQKLVFFAEDV) as the guest peptide with switch elements inserted within (peptide 1) or at the N and C termini of the guest peptide (peptide 2). Both model peptides can be triggered to undergo rapid self-assembly and amyloid formation in a highly controllable manner and their fibrillization kinetics is tuneable by manipulating solution conditions (for example, peptide concentration and pH). The fibrillization of both peptides reproduces many features of the full-length Abeta peptides and can be inhibited by known inhibitors of Abeta fibril formation. Our results suggest that this approach can be extended to other amyloid proteins and should facilitate the discovery of small-molecule aggregation inhibitors and the development of more efficacious anti-amyloid agents to treat and/or reverse the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative and systemic amyloid diseases

    MEK1 drives oncogenic signaling and interacts with PARP1 for genomic and metabolic homeostasis in malignant pleural mesothelioma.

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a lethal malignancy etiologically caused by asbestos exposure, for which there are few effective treatment options. Although asbestos carcinogenesis is associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS), the bona fide oncogenic signaling pathways that regulate ROS homeostasis and bypass ROS-evoked apoptosis in MPM are poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK is hyperactive and a molecular driver of MPM, independent of histological subtypes and genetic heterogeneity. Suppression of MAPK signaling by clinically approved MEK inhibitors (MEKi) elicits PARP1 to protect MPM cells from the cytotoxic effects of MAPK pathway blockage. Mechanistically, MEKi induces impairment of homologous recombination (HR) repair proficiency and mitochondrial metabolic activity, which is counterbalanced by pleiotropic PARP1. Consequently, the combination of MEK with PARP inhibitors enhances apoptotic cell death in vitro and in vivo that occurs through coordinated upregulation of cytotoxic ROS in MPM cells, suggesting a mechanism-based, readily translatable strategy to treat this daunting disease. Collectively, our studies uncover a previously unrecognized scenario that hyperactivation of the MAPK pathway is an essential feature of MPM and provide unprecedented evidence that MAPK signaling cooperates with PARP1 to homeostatically maintain ROS levels and escape ROS-mediated apoptosis

    The Antares Collaboration : Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015, The Hague)

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    The ANTARES detector, completed in 2008, is the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere. Located at a depth of 2.5 km in the Mediterranean Sea, 40 km off the Toulon shore, its main goal is the search for astrophysical high energy neutrinos. In this paper we collect the 21 contributions of the ANTARES collaboration to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015). The scientific output is very rich and the contributions included in these proceedings cover the main physics results, ranging from steady point sources, diffuse searches, multi-messenger analyses to exotic physics
