244 research outputs found

    Femoral cartilage damage occurs at the zone of femoral head necrosis and can be accurately detected on traction MR arthrography of the hip in patients undergoing joint preserving hip surgery.

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    The primary purpose was to answer the following question: What is the location and pattern of necrosis and associated chondrolabral lesions and can they be accurately detected on traction MR arthrography compared with intra-operative findings in patients undergoing hip preservation surgery for femoral head necrosis (FHN)? Retrospective, diagnostic case series on 23 patients (23 hips; mean age 29 ± 6 years) with diagnosis of FHN undergoing open/arthroscopic joint preserving surgery for FHN and pre-operative traction MR arthrography of the hip. A MR-compatible device for weight-adapted application of leg traction (15-23 kg) was used and coronal, sagittal and radial images were acquired. Location and pattern of necrosis and chondrolabral lesions was assessed by two readers and compared with intra-operative findings to calculate diagnostic accuracy of traction MR arthrography. On MRI all 23 (100%) hips showed central FHN, most frequently antero-superiorly (22/23, 96%) where a high prevalence of femoral cartilage damage was detected (18/23, 78%), with delamination being the most common (16/23, 70%) damage pattern. Intra-operative inspection showed central femoral head cartilage damage most frequently located antero-superiorly (18/23, 78%) with femoral cartilage delamination being most common (14/23, 61%). Traction MR arthrography enabled detection of femoral cartilage damage with a sensitivity/specificity of 95%/75% for reader 1 and 89%/75% for reader 2. To conclude, femoral cartilage damage occurs at the zone of necrosis and can be accurately detected using traction MR arthrography of the hip which may be helpful for surgical decision making in young patients with FHN

    Im Niemandsland zwischen Rawindra, Aran und Kanthaipan

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    Diese Arbeit ist eine biographische Studie über Sir George Scott Robertson, dessen ethnographisches Werk „The Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush“ eine der wichtigsten Quellen für die kulturhistorische Forschung Kafiristans bzw. Nuristans darstellt. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Ambivalenz seiner Person als überzeugter Akteur des britischen Imperialismus im viktorianischen Zeitalter einerseits und als Ethnograph andererseits. Die Geschichte Englands im 19. Jahrhundert steht im ersten Teil der Arbeit im Mittelpunkt, denn sie bietet eine wichtige Grundlage für ein umfassendes Verständnis der Biographie Robertsons. Dabei stehen die gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche in England im Vordergrund, die sich in der steten Entmachtung der Aristokratie und der Etablierung eines Arbeiter- und Mittelstandes manifestierten. Als ein Beispiel für die politischen und ideologischen Auswirkungen dieser Umbrüche wird die Geschichte des „Great Game“, dem Ringen um Territorien und Einfluss zwischen Russland und England in Zentralasien, ebenso beleuchtet, wie die Neudefinition des „Gentleman“ als Ideal des viktorianischen Mittelstandes. Eingebunden in diesen allgemeinen Teil ist die darauf folgende Darstellung des Lebens Sir George Scott Robertsons zu verstehen, wobei der Fokus vor allem auf seiner Rolle als „Imperialist und Feldforscher“ liegt. Von der Familiengeschichte der Robertsons, über seine Karriere als „Great Gambler“ an den Grenzen des britischen Empires, bis hin zu seinen Jahren in England als Wissenschaftler, Geschäftsmann und Politiker, wird Robertsons Biographie als eine typische im Kontext des viktorianischen Englands und als außergewöhnlich im Bezug auf seine Person dargestellt. Zuletzt liegt der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf Robertsons ethnographischem Werk „The Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush“. Das Buch stellt den Höhepunkt und Abschluss einer langen Beschäftigung britischer Reisender, Beamter und Offiziere im 19.Jahrhundert mit „Kafiristan“, im Nordosten Afghanistans, dar. Der Verlauf dieser Tradition wird ebenso zusammengefasst, wie die weitere Geschichte dieser Region, die nach der Machtübernahme Afghanistans, in „Nuristan“ umbenannt wurde und seit 2004 eine der 34 Provinzen Afghanistans ist. Robertsons Ethnographie und seine theoretische bzw. methodische Grundlagen werden vorgestellt und dessen zeitgenössische Rezeption geschildert. Den Abschluss bildet schließlich die Betrachtung der wissenschaftlichen Bedeutung von „The Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush“ im 20.Jahrundert, die anhand der Forschung im deutschsprachigen Raum vor dem 20.Weltkrieg in Nuristan beispielhaft vor Augen geführt wird

    Can gadolinium contrast agents be replaced with saline for direct MR arthrography of the hip? A pilot study with arthroscopic comparison.

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    OBJECTIVE To compare image quality and diagnostic performance of preoperative direct hip magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) performed with gadolinium contrast agent and saline solution. METHODS IRB-approved retrospective study of 140 age and sex-matched symptomatic patients with femoroacetabular impingement, who either underwent intra-articular injection of 15-20 mL gadopentetate dimeglumine (GBCA), 2.0 mmol/L ("GBCA-MRA" group, n = 70), or 0.9% saline solution ("Saline-MRA" group, n = 70) for preoperative hip MRA and subsequent hip arthroscopy. 1.5 T hip MRA was performed including leg traction. Two readers assessed image quality using a 5-point Likert scale (1-5, excellent-poor), labrum and femoroacetabular cartilage lesions. Arthroscopic diagnosis was used to calculate diagnostic accuracy which was compared between groups with Fisher's exact tests. Image quality was compared with the Mann-Whitney U tests. RESULTS Mean age was 33 years ± 9, 21% female patients. Image quality was excellent (GBCA-MRA mean range, 1.1-1.3 vs 1.1-1.2 points for Saline-MRA) and not different between groups (all p > 0.05) except for image contrast which was lower for Saline-MRA group (GBCA-MRA 1.1 ± 0.4 vs Saline-MRA 1.8 ± 0.5; p  0.999/p = 0.904) and acetabular (GBCA-MRA 86%/ 83% versus Saline-MRA 89%/87%; p = 0.902/p = 0.901) and femoral cartilage lesions (GBCA-MRA 97%/ 99% versus Saline-MRA 97%/97%; both p > 0.999). CONCLUSION Diagnostic accuracy and image quality of Saline-MRA and GBCA-MRA is high in assessing chondrolabral lesions underlining the potential role of non-gadolinium-based hip MRA. KEY POINTS • Image quality of Saline-MRA and GBCA-MRA was excellent for labrum, acetabular and femoral cartilage, ligamentum teres, and the capsule (all p > 0.18). • The overall image contrast was lower for Saline-MRA (Saline-MRA 1.8 ± 0.5 vs. GBCA-MRA 1.1 ± 0.4; p  0.999), acetabular cartilage damage (89% vs. 86%; p = 0.902), femoral cartilage damage (97% vs. 97%; p > 0.999), and extensive cartilage damage (97% vs. 93%; p = 0.904)

    Hip MRI in flexion abduction external rotation for assessment of the ischiofemoral interval in patients with hip pain-a feasibility study.

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    OBJECTIVES To assess the feasibility of flexion-abduction-external rotation (FABER) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hip to visualize changes in the ischiofemoral interval and ability to provoke foveal excursion over the acetabular rim. METHODS IRB-approved retrospective single-center study. Patients underwent non-contrast 1.5-T hip MRI in the neutral and FABER position. Two readers measured the ischiofemoral interval at three levels: proximal/distal intertrochanteric distance and ischiofemoral space. Subgroup analysis was performed for hips with/without high femoral torsion, or quadratus femoris muscle edema (QFME), respectively. A receiver operating curve with calculation of the area under the curve (AUC) for the prediction of QFME was calculated. The presence of foveal excursion in both positions was assessed. RESULTS One hundred ten patients (121 hips, mean age 34 ± 11 years, 67 females) were evaluated. FABER-MRI led to narrowing (both p < .001) of the ischiofemoral interval which decreased more at the proximal (mean decrease by 26 ± 7 mm) than at the distal (6 ± 7 mm) intertrochanteric ridge. With high femoral torsion/ QFME, the ischiofemoral interval was significantly narrower at all three measurement locations compared to normal torsion/no QFME (p < .05). Accuracy for predicting QFME was high with an AUC of .89 (95% CI .82-.94) using a threshold of ≤ 7 mm for the proximal intertrochanteric distance. With FABER-MRI foveal excursion was more frequent in hips with QFME (63% vs 25%; p = .021). CONCLUSION Hip MRI in the FABER position is feasible, visualizes narrowing of the ischiofemoral interval, and can provoke foveal excursion. CRITICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT FABER MRI may be helpful in diagnosing ischiofemoral impingement and detecting concomitant hip instability by overcoming shortcomings of static MR protocols that do not allow visualization of dynamic changes in the ischiofemoral interval and thus may improve surgical decision making. KEY POINTS • FABER MRI enables visualization of narrowing of the ischiofemoral interval proximal to the lesser trochanter. • Proximal intertrochanteric distance of ≤ 7 mm accurately predicts quadratus femoris muscle edema. • Foveal excursion was more frequent in hips with quadratus femoris muscle edema

    Präoperative MRT-Bildgebung bei Hüftdysplasie

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    BACKGROUND Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a known reason for hip pain for adolescents and young adults. Preoperative imaging is increasingly recognized as an important factor due to the recent advances in MR imaging. OBJECTIVES The aim of this article is to give an overview of preoperative imaging for DDH. The acetabular version and morphology, associated femoral deformities (cam deformity, valgus and femoral antetorsion) and intraarticular pathologies (labrum and cartilage damage) and cartilage mapping are described. METHODS After an initial evaluation with AP radiographs, CT or MRI represent the methods of choice for the preoperative evaluation of the acetabular morphology and cam deformity, and for the measurement of femoral torsion. Different measurement techniques and normal values should be considered, especially for patients with increased femoral antetorsion because this could lead to misinterpretation and misdiagnosis. MRI allows analysis of labrum hypertrophy and subtle signs for hip instability. 3D MRI for cartilage mapping allows quantification of biochemical cartilage degeneration and yields great potential for surgical decision-making. 3D-CT and, increasingly, 3D MRI of the hip to generate 3D pelvic bone models and subsequent 3D impingement simulation can help to detect posterior extraarticular ischiofemoral impingement. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Acetabular morphology can be divided in anterior, lateral and posterior hip dysplasia. Combined osseous deformities are common, such as hip dysplasia combined with cam deformity (86%). Valgus deformities were reported in 44%. Combined hip dysplasia and increased femoral antetorsion can occur in 52%. Posterior extraarticular ischiofemoral impingement between the lesser trochanter and the ischial tuberosity can occur in patients with increased femoral antetorsion. Typically, labrum damage and hypertrophy, cartilage damage, subchondral cysts can occur in hip dysplasia. Hypertrophy of the muscle iliocapsularis is a sign for hip instability. Acetabular morphology and femoral deformities (cam deformity and femoral anteversion) should be evaluated before surgical therapy for patients with hip dysplasia, considering the different measurement techniques and normal values of femoral antetorsion

    Are degenerative findings detected on traction MR arthrography of the hip associated with failure of arthroscopic femoroacetabular impingement surgery?

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    OBJECTIVES To identify preoperative degenerative features on traction MR arthrography associated with failure after arthroscopic femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) surgery. METHODS Retrospective study including 102 patients (107 hips) undergoing traction magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) of the hip at 1.5 T and subsequent hip arthroscopic FAI surgery performed (01/2016 to 02/2020) with complete follow-up. Clinical outcomes were assessed using the International Hip Outcome Tool (iHOT-12) score. Clinical endpoint for failure was defined as an iHOT-12 of < 60 points or conversion to total hip arthroplasty. MR images were assessed by two radiologists for presence of 9 degenerative lesions including osseous, chondrolabral/ligamentum teres lesions. Uni- and multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the association between MRI findings and failure of FAI surgery. RESULTS Of the 107 hips, 27 hips (25%) met at least one endpoint at a mean 3.7 ± 0.9 years follow-up. Osteophytic changes of femur or acetabulum (hazard ratio [HR] 2.5-5.0), acetabular cysts (HR 3.4) and extensive cartilage (HR 5.1) and labral damage (HR 5.5) > 2 h on the clockface were univariate risk factors (all p  2 h on the clockface (HR 3.2, p = 0.01), central femoral osteophyte (HR 3.1, p = 0.02), and femoral cartilage damage with ligamentum teres damage (HR 3.0, p = 0.04). CONCLUSION Joint damage detected by preoperative traction MRA is associated with failure 4 years following arthroscopic FAI surgery and yields promise in preoperative risk stratification. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT Evaluation of negative predictors on preoperative traction MR arthrography holds the potential to improve risk stratification based on the already present joint degeneration ahead of FAI surgery. KEY POINTS • Osteophytes, acetabular cysts, and extensive chondrolabral damage are risk factors for failure of FAI surgery. • Extensive acetabular cartilage damage, central femoral osteophytes, and combined femoral cartilage and ligamentum teres damage represent independent negative predictors. • Survival rates following hip arthroscopy progressively decrease with increasing prevalence of these three degenerative findings

    Population-based simulation optimization for urban mass rapid transit networks

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    In this paper, we present a simulation-based headway optimization for urban mass rapid transit networks. The underlying discrete event simulation model contains several stochastic elements, including time-dependent demand and turning maneuver times as well as direction-dependent vehicle travel and passenger transfer times. Passenger creation is a Poisson process that uses hourly origin–destination-matrices based on anonymous mobile phone and infrared count data. The numbers of passengers on platforms and within vehicles are subject to capacity restrictions. As a microscopic element, passenger distribution along platforms and within vehicles is considered. The bi-objective problem, involving cost reduction and service level improvement, is transformed into a single-objective optimization problem by normalization and scalarization. Population-based evolutionary algorithms and different solution encoding variants are applied. Computational experience is gained from test instances based on real-world data (i.e., the Viennese subway network). A covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy performs best in most cases, and a newly developed encoding helps accelerate the optimization process by producing better short-term results. Document type: Articl

    How Does the dGEMRIC Index Change After Surgical Treatment for FAI? A Prospective Controlled Study: Preliminary Results.

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    BACKGROUND Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) allows an objective, noninvasive, and longitudinal quantification of biochemical cartilage properties. Although dGEMRIC has been used to monitor the course of cartilage degeneration after periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) for correction of hip dysplasia, such longitudinal data are currently lacking for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). QUESTIONS/PURPOSES (1) How does the mean acetabular and femoral dGEMRIC index change after surgery for FAI at 1-year followup compared with a similar group of patients with FAI treated without surgery? (2) Does the regional distribution of the acetabular and femoral dGEMRIC index change for the two groups over time? (3) Is there a correlation between the baseline dGEMRIC index and the change of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) at 1-year followup? (4) Among those treated surgically, can dGEMRIC indices distinguish between intact and degenerated cartilage? METHODS We performed a prospective, comparative, nonrandomized, longitudinal study. At the time of enrollment, the patients' decision whether to undergo surgery or choose nonoperative treatment was not made yet. Thirty-nine patients (40 hips) who underwent either joint-preserving surgery for FAI (20 hips) or nonoperative treatment (20 hips) were included. The two groups did not differ regarding Tönnis osteoarthritis score, preoperative PROMs, or baseline dGEMRIC indices. There were more women (60% versus 30%, p = 0.003) in the nonoperative group and patients were older (36 ± 8 years versus 30 ± 8 years, p = 0.026) and had lower alpha angles (65° ± 10° versus 73° ± 12°, p = 0.022) compared with the operative group. We used a 3.0-T scanner and a three-dimensional dual flip-angle gradient-echo technique for the dGEMRIC technique for the baseline and the 1-year followup measurements. dGEMRIC indices of femoral and acetabular cartilage were measured separately on the initial and followup radial dGEMRIC reformats in direct comparison with morphologic radial images. Regions of interest were placed manually peripherally and centrally within the cartilage based on anatomic landmarks at the clockface positions. The WOMAC, the Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, and the modified Harris hip score were used as PROMs. Among those treated surgically, the intraoperative damage according to the Beck grading was recorded and compared with the baseline dGEMRIC indices. RESULTS Although both the operative and the nonoperative groups experienced decreased dGEMRIC indices, the declines were more pronounced in the operative group (-96 ± 112 ms versus -16 ± 101 ms on the acetabular side and -96 ± 123 ms versus -21 ± 83 ms on the femoral side in the operative and nonoperative groups, respectively; p < 0.001 for both). Patients undergoing hip arthroscopy and surgical hip dislocation experienced decreased dGEMRIC indices; the decline in femoral dGEMRIC indices was more pronounced in hips after surgical hip dislocation (-120 ± 137 ms versus -61 ± 89 ms, p = 0.002). In the operative group a decline in dGEMRIC indices was observed in 43 of 44 regions over time. In the nonoperative group a decline in dGEMRIC indices was observed in four of 44 regions over time. The strongest correlation among patients treated surgically was found between the change in WOMAC and baseline dGEMRIC indices for the entire joint (R = 0.788, p < 0.001). Among those treated nonoperatively, no correlation between baseline dGEMRIC indices and change in PROMs was found. In the posterosuperior quadrant, the dGEMRIC index was higher for patients with intact cartilage compared with hips with chondral lesions (592 ± 203 ms versus 444 ± 205 ms, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS We found a decline in acetabular, femoral, and regional dGEMRIC indices for the surgically treated group at 1-year followup despite an improvement in all PROMs. We observed a similar but less pronounced decrease in the dGEMRIC index in symptomatic patients without surgical treatment indicating continuous cartilage degeneration. Although treatment of FAI is intended to alter the forces acting across the hip by eliminating impingement, its effects on cartilage biology are not clear. dGEMRIC provides a noninvasive method of assessing these effects. Longer term studies will be needed to determine whether the matrix changes of the bradytrophic cartilage seen here are permanent or clinically important. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level II, therapeutic study

    Development of acetabular retroversion in LCPD hips-an observational radiographic study from early stage to healing.

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    BACKGROUND Acetabular retroversion is observed frequently in healed Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD). Currently, it is unknown at which stage and with what prevalence retroversion occurs because in non-ossified hips, retroversion cannot be measured with standard radiographic parameters. METHODS In a retrospective, observational study; we examined pelvic radiographs in children with LCPD the time point of occurrence of acetabular retroversion and calculated predictive factors for retroversion. Between 2004 and 2017, we included 55 children with a mean age of 5.7 ± 2.4 years at diagnosis. The mean radiographic follow-up was 7.0 ± 4.4 years. We used two new radiographic parameters which allow assessment of acetabular version in non-ossified hips: the pelvic width index and the ilioischial angle. They are based on the fact that the pelvic morphology differs depending on the acetabular version. These parameters were compared among the four Waldenström stages and to the contralateral side. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine predictive factors for acetabular retroversion. RESULTS Both parameters differed significantly among the stages of Waldenström (p < 0.003 und 0.038, respectively). A more retroverted acetabulum was found in stage II and III (prevalence ranging from 54 to 56%) compared to stage I and IV (prevalence ranging from 23 to 39%). In hips of the contralateral side without LCPD, the prevalence of acetabular retroversion was 0% in all stages for both parameters. Predictive factors for retroversion were younger age at stage II and IV, collapse of the lateral pillar in stage II or a non-dysplastic hip. CONCLUSIONS This is the first study evaluating acetabular version in children with LCPD from early stage to healing. In the developing hip, LCPD may result in acetabular retroversion and is most prevalent in the fragmentation (stage II) and early healing stage (stage III). Partial correction of acetabular retroversion can occur after healing. This has a potential clinical impact on the timing and type of surgical correction, especially in pelvic osteotomies for correction of acetabular version. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, retrospective observational study
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