38 research outputs found

    Work processes for the development of integrated e-learning courses

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    Published in: Schlusmans, K.H.L.A., Koper, E.J.R., & Giesbertz, W.J., (2004). Work processes for the development of integrated e-learning courses. In W. Jochems, J. van Merrienboer, & E.J.R. Koper, Integrated eLearning (pp. 126-138). London: RoutledgeFalmer.More and more training centres and educational institutes are introducing web-based education. This involves much more than just publishing educational texts on the web. There is a real need for those institutes to adapt their existing processes of course development to meet the specific requirements of high quality online teaching materials In this chapter we first describe a method for the development of web based courses which was designed at the Educational Technology Expertise Center of the Open University of the Netherlands. In this method there is a strong demarcation between the development and the delivery of materials. The development process itself consists of four phases: analysis, design, realisation and testing. This method of development promotes working in course teams and division of labour. In each phase of the development process different fields of expertise are required. The most important fields of expertise are concerned with instructional design, subject matter, educational modelling languages and project management. Finally we present two cases in which web based course were developed along the lines of the development method at the Open University of the Netherlands and at the Higher School of Hotel Management of Maastricht. These cases allow us to draw lessons from the experiences and to adapt our method

    All by myself. Research into employees' informal learning experiences

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    Van der Klink, M., Boon, J., & Schlusmans, K. (2012). All by myself. Research into employees' informal learning experiences. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 12(1/2), 77-91.This article reports the findings of 24 interviews with academic employees on their informal learning at work. The article concludes with some critical remarks on the value of informal learning from the perspective of lifelong learnin

    Systematiek voor het organiseren van werkprocessen bij het ontwikkelen van onderwijs in EML

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    In dit stuk worden de werkprocessen beschreven voor het methodisch ontwerpen en ontwikkelen van onderwijs in EML. Het is tot stand gekomen door het consulteren van mensen die ervaring hebben opgedaan met het gebruik van Edubox in de Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht en in de pilot Bestuurskunde binnen de OUNL. Beijering, J. (2001) en Arendsen, G. & Crijns, M. (2000) Daarnaast is gebruik gemaakt van algemene bronnen met betrekking tot het ontwikkelen van mediumneutrale materialen (bij uitgevers bijvoorbeeld), algemene ontwikkelingsmethodieken en onderwijsontwikkelingsmethodieken. Ook is gebruik gemaakt van de ervaring die de OUNL in algemene zin heeft opgedaan met betrekking tot methodische onderwijsontwikkeling. Jochems, W., & Schlusmans, K. (1999), Koper, R., Rikers, J. e.a. (2000). Het stuk is geschreven voor algemeen gebruik en kan worden toegepast in verschillende onderwijssituaties