13 research outputs found

    Unstructured Large Eddy Simulation Technology for Prediction and Control of Jet Noise

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    Development of concepts for reduction of jet noise has relied heavily on expensive experimental testing of various nozzle designs. For example, the design of nozzle serrations (chevron) and internal mixer/ejector nozzles have relied largely on laboratory and full-scale testing. Without a deeper understanding of the sources of high-speed jet noise it is very difficult to effectively design configurations that reduce the noise and maintain other performance metrics such as nozzle thrust. In addition, the high complexity of the flow limits the success of a parametric black-box optimization

    Towards Prediction and Control of Large Scale Turbulent Structure Supersonic Jet Noise

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    In this paper, we report on progress towards developing physics-based models of sound generation by large-scale turbulent structures in supersonic jet shear layers generally accepted to be the source of aft-angle noise. Aside from obtaining better engineering prediction schemes, the development and optimization of long term jet noise reduction strategies based on controlling instability wave generated large-scale turbulence structures in the shear layer can be more successful if based on predictive flow-noise models, rather than on build and test approaches alone. Such models, if successful, may also provide a path by which laboratory scale demonstrations can be more reliably translated to engine scale. Results show that the noise radiated by large-scale structures in turbulent jet shear layers may be modeled using a RANS based PSE method and projected to the far-field using a Kirchhoff surface approach. A key enabler in this procedure is the development of near-field microphone arrays capable of providing the pressure statistics needed to validate the instability wave models. Our framework provides, for the first time, a deterministic model that will allow understanding and predicting noise radiated by large-scale turbulence

    Unstructured Large Eddy Simulation Technology for Prediction and Control of Jet Noise

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    Development of concepts for reduction of jet noise has relied heavily on expensive experimental testing of various nozzle designs. For example, the design of nozzle serrations (chevron) and internal mixer/ejector nozzles have relied largely on laboratory and full-scale testing. Without a deeper understanding of the sources of high-speed jet noise it is very difficult to effectively design configurations that reduce the noise and maintain other performance metrics such as nozzle thrust. In addition, the high complexity of the flow limits the success of a parametric black-box optimization

    Towards an Airframe Noise Prediction Methodology: Survey of Current Approaches

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    In this paper, we present a critical survey of the current airframe noise (AFN) prediction methodologies. Four methodologies are recognized. These are the fully analytic method, CFD combined with the acoustic analogy, the semi-empirical method and fully numerical method. It is argued that for the immediate need of the aircraft industry, the semi-empirical method based on recent high quality acoustic database is the best available method. The method based on CFD and the Ffowcs William- Hawkings (FW-H) equation with penetrable data surface (FW-Hpds ) has advanced considerably and much experience has been gained in its use. However, more research is needed in the near future particularly in the area of turbulence simulation. The fully numerical method will take longer to reach maturity. Based on the current trends, it is predicted that this method will eventually develop into the method of choice. Both the turbulence simulation and propagation methods need to develop more for this method to become useful. Nonetheless, the authors propose that the method based on a combination of numerical and analytical techniques, e.g., CFD combined with FW-H equation, should also be worked on. In this effort, the current symbolic algebra software will allow more analytical approaches to be incorporated into AFN prediction methods

    Active control of noise from hot, supersonic turbulent jets

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    We report on an experimental and reduced-order modeling study aimed at reducing mixing noise in hot supersonic jets relevant to military aircraft. A spinning valve is used to modulate four injection nozzles near the main jet nozzle lip over a range of frequencies and mass flow rates. Diagnostics include near-, mid-, and far-field microphone arrays aimed at measuring the effect of actuation on the near-field turbulent wavepacket structures and their correlation with mixing noise. The actuators provide more than 4 dB noise reduction at peak frequencies in the aft arc, and up to 2 dB reduction in OASPL. Experiments are performed to contrast the performance of steady and unsteady blowing with different amplitudes. The results to date suggest that the noise reduction is primarily associated with attenuated wave packet activity associated with the rapidly thickened shear layers that occur with both steady and unsteady blowing. Mean flow surveys are also preformed and serve as inputs to reduced-order models for the wave packets based on parabolized stability equations. These models are in turn used to corroborate the experimental evidence suggesting mechanisms of noise suppression in the actuated flow

    The Transmission of Acoustic Plane Waves at a Jet Exhaust

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