133 research outputs found

    Comparison of fibrin-based clot elasticity parameters measured by free oscillation rheometry (ReoRox (R)) versus thromboelastometry (ROTEM (R))

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    Background. Whole blood viscoelastic tests such as the fibrin-based thromboelastometry (ROTEM (R)) test FIBTEM are increasingly used in the perioperative setting to quickly identify deficits in fibrin quality, and to guide hemostatic therapy. The recently developed FibScreen2 test of the ReoRox (R) method, based on free oscillation rheometry, also provides an evaluation of fibrin clot quality. To date, little information is available on the performance of this test in hemodiluted blood, by comparison to FIBTEM. Methods. Whole blood samples from eight healthy volunteers were analyzed using FIBTEM and Fibscreen2. Native and diluted (to 33% and 50% using saline, gelatin or hydroxyethyl starch [HES]) samples were analyzed. Clot strength parameters, including FIBTEM maximum clot firmness (MCF), FIBTEM maximum clot elasticity (MCE) and Fibscreen2 maximum elasticity (G'max), were measured. Results. In repeatedly measured samples from two volunteers, FIBTEM MCF and Fibscreen2 G'max revealed a coefficient of variation (CV) of 5.3 vs. 16.3% and 5.6 vs. 31.7% for each volunteer, respectively. Hemodilution decreased clot strength. Both Fibscreen2 G'max and FIBTEM parameters decreased proportionally to the dilution ratio when saline was used. The observed reductions in FIBTEM and Fibscreen2 parameters were more severe in samples diluted with gelatin and HES, compared to saline. Finally, a regression analysis between FIBTEM MCE and Fibscreen2 G'max revealed a poor goodness of fit (r(2) = 0.37, p < 0.0001). Conclusions. ReoRox (R) Fibscreen2 test has a high coefficient of variation, and its application in various hemodilution conditions showed limited comparability with the ROTEM (R) FIBTEM test

    Real-life experience with the specific reversal agent idarucizumab for the management of emergency situations in dabigatran-treated patients : a series of 11 cases

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    Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) have a favorable benefit-risk profile compared with vitamin K antagonists. However, the lack of specific reversal agents has made the management of some patients receiving long-term treatment with NOACs problematic in emergency situations such as major bleeding events or urgent procedures. Idarucizumab, a fully humanized Fab antibody fragment that binds specifically and with high affinity to dabigatran, was recently approved for use in adult patients treated with dabigatran when rapid reversal of its anticoagulant effect is required. Clinical experience with idarucizumab is currently limited. We report 11 real-life clinical cases in which idarucizumab was used after multidisciplinary consultation in a variety of emergency situations including severe postoperative bleeding, emergency high-bleeding-risk surgery (hip/spine surgery and neurosurgery), invasive diagnostic testing (lumbar puncture), intracranial bleeding (pre-pontine subarachnoid hemorrhage and lobar intracerebral hemorrhage) and thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke. This case series illustrates the role of idarucizumab in improving patient safety in rare emergency situations requiring rapid reversal of the anticoagulant effect of dabigatran, while highlighting the importance of information and education about the availability and appropriate use of this recently approved specific reversal agent

    Public access defibrillation: Suppression of 16.7 Hz interference generated by the power supply of the railway systems

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    BACKGROUND: A specific problem using the public access defibrillators (PADs) arises at the railway stations. Some countries as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Sweden are using AC railroad net power-supply system with rated 16.7 Hz frequency modulated from 15.69 Hz to 17.36 Hz. The power supply frequency contaminates the electrocardiogram (ECG). It is difficult to be suppressed or eliminated due to the fact that it considerably overlaps the frequency spectra of the ECG. The interference impedes the automated decision of the PADs whether a patient should be (or should not be) shocked. The aim of this study is the suppression of the 16.7 Hz interference generated by the power supply of the railway systems. METHODS: Software solution using adaptive filtering method was proposed for 16.7 Hz interference suppression. The optimal performance of the filter is achieved, embedding a reference channel in the PADs to record the interference. The method was tested with ECGs from AHA database. RESULTS: The method was tested with patients of normal sinus rhythms, symptoms of tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Simulated interference with frequency modulation from 15.69 Hz to 17.36 Hz changing at a rate of 2% per second was added to the ECGs, and then processed by the suggested adaptive filtering. The method totally suppresses the noise with no visible distortions of the original signals. CONCLUSION: The proposed adaptive filter for noise suppression generated by the power supply of the railway systems has a simple structure requiring a low level of computational resources, but a good reference signal as well