72 research outputs found

    Bifurcating extremal domains for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian

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    We prove the existence of a smooth family of non-compact domains OmegasRn+1Omega_s \subset R^{n+1} bifurcating from the straight cylinder Bn×RB^n \times R for which the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian with 0 Dirichlet boundary condition also has constant Neumann data at the boundary. The domains OmegasOmega_s are rotationally symmetric and periodic with respect to the R-axis of the cylinder; they are of the form Omegas=(x,t)Rn×Rx<1+scos((2π)/Tst)+O(s2)Omega_s = {(x,t) \in R^n \times R \mid |x| < 1+s \cos((2\pi)/T_s t) + O(s^2)} where Ts=T0+O(s)T_s = T_0 + O(s) and T_0 is a positive real number depending on n. For n2n \ge 2 these domains provide a smooth family of counter-examples to a conjecture of Berestycki, Caffarelli and Nirenberg. We also give rather precise upper and lower bounds for the bifurcation period T_0. This work improves a recent result of the second author.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Shortest closed billiard orbits on convex tables

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    Given a planar compact convex billiard table TT, we give an algorithm to find the shortest generalised closed billiard orbits on TT. (Generalised billiard orbits are usual billiard orbits if TT has smooth boundary.) This algorithm is finite if TT is a polygon and provides an approximation scheme in general. As an illustration, we show that the shortest generalised closed billiard orbit in a regular nn-gon RnR_n is 2-bounce for n4n \ge 4, with length twice the width of RnR_n. As an application we obtain an algorithm computing the Ekeland-Hofer-Zehnder capacity of the four-dimensional domain T×B2T \times B^2 in the standard symplectic vector space R4\mathbb{R}^4. Our method is based on the work of Bezdek-Bezdek and on the uniqueness of the Fagnano triangle in acute triangles. It works, more generally, for planar Minkowski billiards.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure