331 research outputs found

    New spectral classification technique for X-ray sources: quantile analysis

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    We present a new technique called "quantile analysis" to classify spectral properties of X-ray sources with limited statistics. The quantile analysis is superior to the conventional approaches such as X-ray hardness ratio or X-ray color analysis to study relatively faint sources or to investigate a certain phase or state of a source in detail, where poor statistics does not allow spectral fitting using a model. Instead of working with predetermined energy bands, we determine the energy values that divide the detected photons into predetermined fractions of the total counts such as median (50%), tercile (33% & 67%), and quartile (25% & 75%). We use these quantiles as an indicator of the X-ray hardness or color of the source. We show that the median is an improved substitute for the conventional X-ray hardness ratio. The median and other quantiles form a phase space, similar to the conventional X-ray color-color diagrams. The quantile-based phase space is more evenly sensitive over various spectral shapes than the conventional color-color diagrams, and it is naturally arranged to properly represent the statistical similarity of various spectral shapes. We demonstrate the new technique in the 0.3-8 keV energy range using Chandra ACIS-S detector response function and a typical aperture photometry involving background subtraction. The technique can be applied in any energy band, provided the energy distribution of photons can be obtained.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    CMB dipoles and other low-order multipoles in the quasispherical Szekeres model

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    Several authors have previously shown that a Gpc-scale void based on the spherically symmetric Lemaıˆtre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) model can provide a good fit to certain cosmological data, including the SNIa data, but it is only consistent with the observed CMB dipole if we are located very close to the center, in violation of the Copernican principle. In this work we investigate the more general quasispherical Szekeres model, which does not include spherical symmetry, in order to determine whether this option may be less constricting. We find that the observer is still constrained to a small region, but it is not as geometrically ''special'' as the center of a LTB void. Furthermore, whereas the quadrupole and octupole near the center of a LTB void are necessarily small, certain Szekeres models can include a significant quadrupole while still being consistent with the observed dipole, hinting that Szekeres models may be able to give an explanation for the observed quadrupole/octupole anomalies

    Hubble Space Telescope Images of the Ultraluminous Supernova Remnant Complex in NGC 6946

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) narrow-passband Hα and [S II] images and broadband continuum images of the region around an extremely luminous optical and X-ray supernova remnant complex in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946. These images, obtained with the PC1 CCD of the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, show a circular, limb-brightened shell of diameter 035 [9 d/(5.1 Mpc) pc] superposed on the edge of a larger, lower surface brightness elliptical shell (14 × 08, or 34 pc × 20 pc). The HST images allow us to see that the [S II] : Hα ratio remains high across both shells, indicating that both are collisionally heated. A brightening of the Hα and [S II] line emission arises on the eastern side of the smaller shell, where it is apparently interacting with the western edge of the larger shell. Our HST V image includes the nebula\u27s strong [O III] λ5007 emission in the blue wing of the filter, providing a glimpse at the [O III] nebular morphology. The smaller shell looks similar, but the extended structure looks sharper than in Hα and [S II] images, reminiscent of a cavity wall. The HST and ground-based continuum images show the brightest members of the underlying and adjacent stellar population, indicating the presence of massive OB stars in and near the region. A new optical ground-based spectrum confirms that the [N II] : Hα ratio is enhanced in the region, consistent with mass loss from massive stars. These data show an average ([S II] λλ6716, 6731) : Hα ratio across both shells of ~1 and a mean electron density of ~400 cm-3, indicating preshock densities of order 10 cm-3. We interpret this nebular morphology and supporting information as an indication of multiple supernova explosions in relatively close temporal and spatial proximity. We discuss possible scenarios for this complex region and the reasons for its extreme luminosity
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