76 research outputs found

    An enhanced theory of learning including learning from the future

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    Previous studies showed that combining learning based on experiences in the past with learning from an envisioned future scenario results in more innovative and radical ideas as well as in a higher number of covered content domains. However, currently there is no holistic learning theory which integrates both sources of learning. The main purpose of our paper is to propose an enhanced theory of learning, linking the two most important sources of learning: learning from past experiences and learning from the future. Our suggested theory, which is based on the learning theory by Gregory Bateson, will be described in detail. Moreover, we will present some empirical experiences with the enhanced theory of learning. (author's abstract

    Система корпоративного обучения как инструмент внутрикорпоративного PR ПАО «Ростелеком»

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    Актуальность выбранной темы состоит в том, что современные российские организации испытывают возрастающее давление со стороны динамично меняющейся внешней среды. И ключевым конкурентным преимуществом для компании становится формирование единой рабочей команды из сотрудников подразделений, входящих в одну структуру, но занимающихся разными видами деятельности и различными KPI. Проблему исследования можно сформулировать в вопросе, как связано корпоративное обучение и внутренний PR? Объект работы- внутренний PR. Предмет ВКР- корпоративное обучение как инструмент внутреннего PR. Цель работы – это разработка программы фасилитационной сессии для эффективного взаимодействия сотрудников разных подразделений компании.The relevance of the chosen topic is that modern Russian organizations are experiencing increasing pressure from the dynamically changing external environment. And the key competitive advantage for the company is the formation of a single working team of employees of units that are part of the same structure, but engaged in different activities and different KPIs. The problem of research can be formulated in the question, how is corporate learning and internal PR connected?   The object of work is internal PR. The subject of WRC is corporate training as an instrument of internal PR. The purpose of the work is the development of a program of a facilitation session for the effective interaction of employees of different divisions of the company

    X-ray tomography of the aerospace products

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    Currently, non-destructive methods are increasingly being used to inspect the critical components in different branches of industry. Special focus is on the usage of high-energy X-ray microtomography used to inspect large objects with high density. This method provides high accuracy and a possibility to measure the internal and external dimensions of the test sample without its destruction. It allows obtaining the information about internal defects and damages as well as manufacturing and assembling quality. This article describes a tomographic study of a medium-size high-density sample with a resolution about of 70 microns

    Deformation mechanisms of naturally deformed rocksalt

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    This thesis presents an analysis of deformation and recrystallization processes in a variety of naturally deformed rocksalt. Tools used for the analysis involve simple microtectonic methods: transmitted and reflected light microscopy of gamma-irradiated thin sections and orientation measurements with EBSD. Case studies were chosen to represent different tectonic settings. Slightly deformed bedded Lower Triassic Röt rocksalt from Hengelo, The Netherlands; horizontal, though locally folded Z1 Zechstein salt from Neuhof-Ellers salt mine, Germany; highly strained Z4 Zechstein domal salt from Klodawa salt mine, Poland and highly deformed extrusive salt from Qum Kuh and Gramsar Hills (central Iran) were studied. The Hengelo and Neuhof-Ellers samples show abundant primary structures such as fluid-inclusion-outlined chevron or hopper crystals. The microstructures suggest that the sedimentary environment was ephemeral salt-pan for the Hengelo samples and perennial salt lake for the Neuhof-Ellers samples. The main deformation mechanisms are dislocation processes and solution-precipitation in the Hengelo samples, while the samples from Neuhof-Ellers deform solely by solution-precipitation creep due to its very fine grain size (~1 mm). In both set of samples, widespread evidence for grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBM) is present. The GBM swept out the primary fluid inclusions and transferred them to grain boundary fluid. The Klodawa samples show no primary microstructures, suggesting that it is completely recrystallized by process of GBM. The main deformation mechanism was dislocation creep as evidenced by the widespread presence of subgrains. Presence of static recrystallization related euhedral grains in some samples suggest that mine-wall convergence induced static recrystallization may alter the natural deformation-related microstructures. The highly deformed extrusive salt samples from Iran contain thin shear zones. In the shear zones, the deformation mechanism is solution-precipitation creep. The preserved porphyroclasts are rich in subgrain, indicating climb controlled dislocation creep in the subsurface. Orientation measurements demonstrate that the grain size reduction involves subgrain rotation and perhaps nucleation during the upward transport of the salt. Based on subgrain size piezometry the differential stress was less than 2 MPa for all the samples studied except that for the extrusive Iran samples, where the differential stress of ~3 MPa was calculated. This high stress value very likely represents the conditions during the upward transport of the salt