69 research outputs found

    Diffusive persistence and the `sign-time' distribution

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    We present a new method for extracting the persistence exponent theta for the diffusion equation, based on the distribution P of `sign-times'. With the aid of a numerically verified Ansatz for P we derive an exact formula for theta in arbitrary spatial dimension d. Our results are in excellent agreement with previous numerical studies. Furthermore, our results indicate a qualitative change in P above d ~ 36, signalling the existence of a sharp change in the ergodic properties of the diffusion field.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tar gzip figures (Latex), subm. to PRE (Rapid Comm), new reference adde

    The PAS-domain kinase PASKIN: a new sensor in energy homeostasis

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    Abstract.: The PAS domain kinase PASKIN, also termed PAS kinase or PASK, is an evolutionarily conserved potential sensor kinase related to the heme-based oxygen sensors of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. In yeast, the two PASKIN homologs link energy flux and protein synthesis following specific stress conditions. In mammals, PASKIN may regulate glycogen synthesis and protein translation. Paskin knock-out mice do not show any phenotype under standard animal husbandry conditions. Interestingly, these mice seem to be protected from the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome when fed a high-fat diet. Energy turnover might be increased in specific PASKIN-deficient cell types under distinct environmental conditions. According to the current model, binding of a putative ligand to the PAS domain disinhibits the kinase domain and activates PASKIN auto- and target phosphorylation. Future research needs to be conducted to elucidate the nature of the putative ligand and the molecular mechanisms of downstream signalling by PASKI

    BIRC6 (APOLLON) is down-regulated in acute myeloid leukemia and its knockdown attenuates neutrophil differentiation

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    Background Inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) were intensively investigated in the context of cancer where they promote tumor growth and chemoresistence. Overexpression of the IAP BIRC6 is associated with unfavorable clinical features and negatively impacts relapse-free survival in childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Currently, BIRC6 levels in adult primary AML have not been compared to the expression in normal myeloid cells. Thus, we compared for the first time BIRC6 levels in adult primary AML patient samples to normal myeloid cells and studied its regulation and function during neutrophil differentiation. Findings We found significantly lower BIRC6 levels in particular AML subtypes as compared to granulocytes from healthy donors. The lowest BIRC6 expression was found in CD34+ progenitor cells. Moreover, BIRC6 expression significantly increased during neutrophil differentiation of AML cell lines and knocking down BIRC6 in NB4 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells significantly impaired neutrophil differentiation, but not cell viability. Conclusion Together, we found an association of low BIRC6 levels with an immature myeloid phenotype and describe a function for BIRC6 in neutrophil differentiation of APL cells

    The Multifaceted Functions of Autophagy in Breast Cancer Development and Treatment.

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    Macroautophagy (herein referred to as autophagy) is a complex catabolic process characterized by the formation of double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes. During this process, autophagosomes engulf and deliver their intracellular content to lysosomes, where they are degraded by hydrolytic enzymes. Thereby, autophagy provides energy and building blocks to maintain cellular homeostasis and represents a dynamic recycling mechanism. Importantly, the clearance of damaged organelles and aggregated molecules by autophagy in normal cells contributes to cancer prevention. Therefore, the dysfunction of autophagy has a major impact on the cell fate and can contribute to tumorigenesis. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and has the highest mortality rate among all cancers in women worldwide. Breast cancer patients often have a good short-term prognosis, but long-term survivors often experience aggressive recurrence. This phenomenon might be explained by the high heterogeneity of breast cancer tumors rendering mammary tumors difficult to target. This review focuses on the mechanisms of autophagy during breast carcinogenesis and sheds light on the role of autophagy in the traits of aggressive breast cancer cells such as migration, invasion, and therapeutic resistance

    Hyperdeterminants as integrable discrete systems

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    We give the basic definitions and some theoretical results about hyperdeterminants, introduced by A. Cayley in 1845. We prove integrability (understood as 4d-consistency) of a nonlinear difference equation defined by the 2x2x2-hyperdeterminant. This result gives rise to the following hypothesis: the difference equations defined by hyperdeterminants of any size are integrable. We show that this hypothesis already fails in the case of the 2x2x2x2-hyperdeterminant.Comment: Standard LaTeX, 11 pages. v2: corrected a small misprint in the abstrac

    Invariant and polynomial identities for higher rank matrices

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    We exhibit explicit expressions, in terms of components, of discriminants, determinants, characteristic polynomials and polynomial identities for matrices of higher rank. We define permutation tensors and in term of them we construct discriminants and the determinant as the discriminant of order dd, where dd is the dimension of the matrix. The characteristic polynomials and the Cayley--Hamilton theorem for higher rank matrices are obtained there from

    Hexokinase 3 enhances myeloid cell survival via non-glycolytic functions.

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    The family of hexokinases (HKs) catalyzes the first step of glycolysis, the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate. While HK1 and HK2 are ubiquitously expressed, the less well-studied HK3 is primarily expressed in hematopoietic cells and tissues and is highly upregulated during terminal differentiation of some acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line models. Here we show that expression of HK3 is predominantly originating from myeloid cells and that the upregulation of this glycolytic enzyme is not restricted to differentiation of leukemic cells but also occurs during ex vivo myeloid differentiation of healthy CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Within the hematopoietic system, we show that HK3 is predominantly expressed in cells of myeloid origin. CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene disruption revealed that loss of HK3 has no effect on glycolytic activity in AML cell lines while knocking out HK2 significantly reduced basal glycolysis and glycolytic capacity. Instead, loss of HK3 but not HK2 led to increased sensitivity to ATRA-induced cell death in AML cell lines. We found that HK3 knockout (HK3-null) AML cells showed an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as DNA damage during ATRA-induced differentiation. RNA sequencing analysis confirmed pathway enrichment for programmed cell death, oxidative stress, and DNA damage response in HK3-null AML cells. These signatures were confirmed in ATAC sequencing, showing that loss of HK3 leads to changes in chromatin configuration and increases the accessibility of genes involved in apoptosis and stress response. Through isoform-specific pulldowns, we furthermore identified a direct interaction between HK3 and the proapoptotic BCL-2 family member BIM, which has previously been shown to shorten myeloid life span. Our findings provide evidence that HK3 is dispensable for glycolytic activity in AML cells while promoting cell survival, possibly through direct interaction with the BH3-only protein BIM during ATRA-induced neutrophil differentiation

    Low Autophagy (ATG) Gene Expression Is Associated with an Immature AML Blast Cell Phenotype and Can Be Restored during AML Differentiation Therapy

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    Autophagy is an intracellular degradation system that ensures a dynamic recycling of a variety of building blocks required for self-renewal, homeostasis, and cell survival under stress. We used primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) samples and human AML cell lines to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of autophagy and its role in AML differentiation. We found a significantly lower expression of key autophagy- (ATG-) related genes in primary AML as compared to healthy granulocytes, an increased autophagic activity during all-trans retinoic acid- (ATRA-) induced neutrophil differentiation, and an impaired AML differentiation upon inhibition of ATG3, ATG4D, and ATG5. Supporting the notion of noncanonical autophagy, we found that ATRA-induced autophagy was Beclin1-independent compared to starvation- or arsenic trioxide- (ATO-) induced autophagy. Furthermore, we identified PU.1 as positive transcriptional regulator of ATG3, ATG4D, and ATG5. Low PU.1 expression in AML may account for low ATG gene expression in this disease. Low expression of the autophagy initiator ULK1 in AML can partially be attributed to high expression of the ULK1-targeting microRNA-106a. Our data clearly suggest that granulocytic AML differentiation relies on noncanonical autophagy pathways and that restoring autophagic activity might be beneficial in differentiation therapies
