303 research outputs found

    Differential Calculus on qq-Deformed Light-Cone

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    We propose the ``short'' version of q-deformed differential calculus on the light-cone using twistor representation. The commutation relations between coordinates and momenta are obtained. The quasi-classical limit introduced gives an exact shape of the off-shell shifting.Comment: 11 pages, Standard LaTeX 2.0

    Differential Calculus on the Quantum Superspace and Deformation of Phase Space

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    We investigate non-commutative differential calculus on the supersymmetric version of quantum space where the non-commuting super-coordinates consist of bosonic as well as fermionic (Grassmann) coordinates. Multi-parametric quantum deformation of the general linear supergroup, GLq(m∣n)GL_q(m|n), is studied and the explicit form for the R^{\hat R}-matrix, which is the solution of the Yang-Baxter equation, is presented. We derive the quantum-matrix commutation relation of GLq(m∣n)GL_q(m|n) and the quantum superdeterminant. We apply these results for the GLq(m∣n)GL_q(m|n) to the deformed phase-space of supercoordinates and their momenta, from which we construct the R^{\hat R}-matrix of q-deformed orthosymplectic group OSpq(2n∣2m)OSp_q(2n|2m) and calculate its R^{\hat R}-matrix. Some detailed argument for quantum super-Clifford algebras and the explict expression of the R^{\hat R}-matrix will be presented for the case of OSpq(2∣2)OSp_q(2|2).Comment: 17 pages, KUCP-4

    Quantum Deformed su(m∣n)su(m|n) Algebra and Superconformal Algebra on Quantum Superspace

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    We study a deformed su(m∣n)su(m|n) algebra on a quantum superspace. Some interesting aspects of the deformed algebra are shown. As an application of the deformed algebra we construct a deformed superconformal algebra. {}From the deformed su(1∣4)su(1|4) algebra, we derive deformed Lorentz, translation of Minkowski space, iso(2,2)iso(2,2) and its supersymmetric algebras as closed subalgebras with consistent automorphisms.Comment: 27 pages, KUCP-59, LaTeX fil

    Representations of the quantum matrix algebra Mq,p(2)M_{q,p}(2)

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    It is shown that the finite dimensional irreducible representaions of the quantum matrix algebra Mq,p(2) M_{ q,p}(2) ( the coordinate ring of GLq,p(2) GL_{q,p}(2) ) exist only when both q and p are roots of unity. In this case th e space of states has either the topology of a torus or a cylinder which may be thought of as generalizations of cyclic representations.Comment: 20 page

    On a nonstandard two-parametric quantum algebra and its connections with Up,q(gl(2))U_{p,q}(gl(2)) and Up,q(gl(1∣1))U_{p,q}(gl(1|1))

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    A quantum algebra Up,q(ζ,H,X±)U_{p,q}(\zeta ,H,X_\pm ) associated with a nonstandard RR-matrix with two deformation parameters(p,q)(p,q) is studied and, in particular, its universal R{\cal R}-matrix is derived using Reshetikhin's method. Explicit construction of the (p,q)(p,q)-dependent nonstandard RR-matrix is obtained through a coloured generalized boson realization of the universal R{\cal R}-matrix of the standard Up,q(gl(2))U_{p,q}(gl(2)) corresponding to a nongeneric case. General finite dimensional coloured representation of the universal R{\cal R}-matrix of Up,q(gl(2))U_{p,q}(gl(2)) is also derived. This representation, in nongeneric cases, becomes a source for various (p,q)(p,q)-dependent nonstandard RR-matrices. Superization of Up,q(ζ,H,X±)U_{p,q}(\zeta , H,X_\pm ) leads to the super-Hopf algebra Up,q(gl(1∣1))U_{p,q}(gl(1|1)). A contraction procedure then yields a (p,q)(p,q)-deformed super-Heisenberg algebra Up,q(sh(1))U_{p,q}(sh(1)) and its universal R{\cal R}-matrix.Comment: 17pages, LaTeX, Preprint No. imsc-94/43 Revised version: A note added at the end of the paper correcting and clarifying the bibliograph

    All bicovariant differential calculi on Glq(3,C) and SLq(3,C)

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    All bicovariant first order differential calculi on the quantum group GLq(3,C) are determined. There are two distinct one-parameter families of calculi. In terms of a suitable basis of 1-forms the commutation relations can be expressed with the help of the R-matrix of GLq(3,C). Some calculi induce bicovariant differential calculi on SLq(3,C) and on real forms of GLq(3,C). For generic deformation parameter q there are six calculi on SLq(3,C), on SUq(3) there are only two. The classical limit q-->1 of bicovariant calculi on SLq(3,C) is not the ordinary calculus on SL(3,C). One obtains a deformation of it which involves the Cartan-Killing metric.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    q-Deformed quaternions and su(2) instantons

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    We have recently introduced the notion of a q-quaternion bialgebra and shown its strict link with the SO_q(4)-covariant quantum Euclidean space R_q^4. Adopting the available differential geometric tools on the latter and the quaternion language we have formulated and found solutions of the (anti)selfduality equation [instantons and multi-instantons] of a would-be deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on this quantum space. The solutions depend on some noncommuting parameters, indicating that the moduli space of a complete theory should be a noncommutative manifold. We summarize these results and add an explicit comparison between the two SO_q(4)-covariant differential calculi on R_q^4 and the two 4-dimensional bicovariant differential calculi on the bi- (resp. Hopf) algebras M_q(2),GL_q(2),SU_q(2), showing that they essentially coincide.Comment: Latex file, 18 page

    Duality for the Jordanian Matrix Quantum Group GLg,h(2)GL_{g,h}(2)

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    We find the Hopf algebra Ug,hU_{g,h} dual to the Jordanian matrix quantum group GLg,h(2)GL_{g,h}(2). As an algebra it depends only on the sum of the two parameters and is split in two subalgebras: Ug,h′U'_{g,h} (with three generators) and U(Z)U(Z) (with one generator). The subalgebra U(Z)U(Z) is a central Hopf subalgebra of Ug,hU_{g,h}. The subalgebra Ug,h′U'_{g,h} is not a Hopf subalgebra and its coalgebra structure depends on both parameters. We discuss also two one-parameter special cases: g=hg =h and g=−hg=-h. The subalgebra Uh,h′U'_{h,h} is a Hopf algebra and coincides with the algebra introduced by Ohn as the dual of SLh(2)SL_h(2). The subalgebra U−h,h′U'_{-h,h} is isomorphic to U(sl(2))U(sl(2)) as an algebra but has a nontrivial coalgebra structure and again is not a Hopf subalgebra of U−h,hU_{-h,h}.Comment: plain TeX with harvmac, 16 pages, added Appendix implementing the ACC nonlinear ma
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