278 research outputs found


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    Glatfelter Hall

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    Testing of timber-to-timber screw-connections in hybrid configurations

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    This paper presents the results of an extensive experimental study on the short-term mechanical performance of timber screw connections comprising different types of fasteners (inserted at 45° and 90° to the grain) and different timber products (solid sawn timber, glued laminated timber, cross laminated timber and laminated veneer lumber) made from both softwood and hardwood species. Fifty-eight specimens laid out in fourteen arrangements were tested under quasi-static monotonic loading. The test configurations were meant to reproduce connections used in timber-to-timber hybrid composite structures for applications in both new constructions and retrofit interventions. Result comparisons regarding connection stiffness, strength, static ductility, residual strength and failure mode are presented and discussed. Additionally, the experimental data are used to check the extents of validity of existing analytical approaches (mainly developed for softwoods) to screw connections comprising hardwood elements. Practical aspects concerning screw insertion into hardwood elements are also addressed within the paper

    Monitoring campaign over an edible dormouse population (Glis glis; rodentia: Gliridae) in Sicily: First report of mesocestodiasis

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    This study reports on the health status of the edible dormouse (Glis glis) living in Nebrodi Park (Sicily, Italy), responsible for nut crop damage in the area. In the frame of a monitoring campaign for potential zoonotic risk involving 30 dormice, rectal and conjunctival swabs and fur and nest content were collected for bacteriological and parasitological examinations, respectively. A large presence of fleas belonging to Monopsyllus sciurorum was found. Necropsy of a dead dormouse revealed an infection of Mesocestoides lineatus, whose cysts were found in the abdomen cavity and on the liver; this is the first report of this in this species. Further studies are necessary to identify their role in the environment, considering the limited knowledge of this species in Italy

    Follow-Up CT Patterns of Residual Lung Abnormalities in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia Survivors: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

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    Prior studies variably reported residual chest CT abnormalities after COVID-19. This study evaluates the CT patterns of residual abnormalities in severe COVID-19 pneumonia survivors. All consecutive COVID-19 survivors who received a CT scan 5–7 months after severe pneumonia in two Italian hospitals (Reggio Emilia and Parma) were enrolled. Individual CT findings were retrospectively collected and follow-up CT scans were categorized as: resolution, residual non-fibrotic abnormalities, or residual fibrotic abnormalities according to CT patterns classified following standard definitions and international guidelines. In 225/405 (55.6%) patients, follow-up CT scans were normal or barely normal, whereas in 152/405 (37.5%) and 18/405 (4.4%) patients, non-fibrotic and fibrotic abnormalities were respectively found, and 10/405 (2.5%) had post-ventilatory changes (cicatricial emphysema and bronchiectasis in the anterior regions of upper lobes). Among non-fibrotic changes, either barely visible (n = 110/152) or overt (n = 20/152) ground-glass opacities (GGO), resembling non-fibrotic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) with or without organizing pneumonia features, represented the most common findings. The most frequent fibrotic abnormalities were subpleural reticulation (15/18), traction bronchiectasis (16/18) and GGO (14/18), resembling a fibrotic NSIP pattern. When multiple timepoints were available until 12 months (n = 65), residual abnormalities extension decreased over time. NSIP, more frequently without fibrotic features, represents the most common CT appearance of post-severe COVID-19 pneumonia

    Novel Glycomimetics Protect Against Glycated Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Vascular Calcification In Vitro by Attenuation of the RAGE/ERK/CREB Pathway

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    Heparan sulphate (HS) can act as a co-receptor on the cell surface and alterations in this process underpin many pathological conditions. We have previously described the usefulness of mimics of HS (glycomimetics) in protection against β-glycerophosphate-induced vascular calcification and in the restoration of the functional capacity of diabetic endothelial colony-forming cells in vitro. This study aims to investigate whether our novel glycomimetic compounds can attenuate glycated low-density lipoprotein (g-LDL)-induced calcification by inhibiting RAGE signalling within the context of critical limb ischemia (CLI). We used an established osteogenic in vitro vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) model. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), sclerostin and glycation levels were all significantly increased in CLI serum compared to healthy controls, while the vascular calcification marker osteocalcin (OCN) was down-regulated in CLI patients vs. controls. Incubation with both CLI serum and g-LDL (10 µg/mL) significantly increased VSMC calcification vs. controls after 21 days, with CLI serum-induced calcification apparent after only 10 days. Glycomimetics (C2 and C3) significantly inhibited g-LDL and CLI serum-induced mineralisation, as shown by a reduction in alizarin red (AR) staining and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Furthermore, secretion of the osteogenic marker OCN was significantly reduced in VSMCs incubated with CLI serum in the presence of glycomimetics. Phosphorylation of cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) was significantly increased in g-LDL-treated cells vs. untreated controls, which was attenuated with glycomimetics. Blocking CREB activation with a pharmacological inhibitor 666-15 replicated the protective effects of glycomimetics, evidenced by elevated AR staining. In silico molecular docking simulations revealed the binding affinity of the glycomimetics C2 and C3 with the V domain of RAGE. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that novel glycomimetics, C2 and C3 have potent anti-calcification properties in vitro, inhibiting both g-LDL and CLI serum-induced VSMC mineralisation via the inhibition of LDLR, RAGE, CREB and subsequent expression of the downstream osteogenic markers, ALP and OCN

    Loss of SIRT1 in diabetes accelerates DNA damage induced vascular calcification.

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    Aims: Vascular calcification is a recognised predictor of cardiovascular risk in the diabetic patient, with DNA damage and accelerated senescence linked to oxidative stress associated pathological calcification. Having previously shown that systemic SIRT1 is reduced in diabetes, the aim was to establish whether SIRT1 is protective against a DNA damage-induced senescent and calcified phenotype in diabetic vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs). Methods and Results: Immunohistochemistry revealed decreased SIRT1 and increased DNA damage marker expression in diabetic calcified arteries compared to non-diabetic and non-calcified controls, strengthened by findings that vSMCs isolated from diabetic patients show elevated DNA damage and senescence, assessed by the Comet assay and telomere length. Hyperglycaemic conditions were used and induced DNA damage and enhanced senescence in vSMCs in vitro. Using H2O2 as a model of oxidative stress-induced DNA damage, pharmacological activation of SIRT1 reduced H2O2 DNA damage induced calcification, prevented not only DNA damage, as shown by reduced comet tail length, but also decreased yH2AX foci formation, and attenuated calcification. While ATM expression was reduced following DNA damage, in contrast, SIRT1 activation significantly increased ATM expression, phosphorylating both MRE11 and NBS1, thus allowing formation of the MRN complex and increasing activation of the DNA repair pathway. Conclusions: DNA damage induced calcification is accelerated within a diabetic environment and can be attenuated in vitro by SIRT1 activation. This occurs through enhancement of the MRN repair complex within vSMCs and has therapeutic potential within the diabetic patient. Translational perspective: Our study provides the first evidence that DNA damage is enhanced in the vasculature of the diabetic patient and that this process, in tandem with loss of SIRT1, exacerbates pathological smooth muscle cell calcification. We propose that current SIRT1 activators and their analogues may be useful as investigational tools, and further elucidation of downstream mechanisms of SIRT1 will aid the development of novel and more precise drug regimens
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