49 research outputs found

    Modeling, Synthesis, and Validation of Heterogeneous Biomedical Embedded Systems

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    Abstract-The increasing performance and availability of embedded systems increases their attractiveness for biomedical applications. With advances in sensor processing and classification algorithms, real-time decision support in patient monitoring becomes feasible. However, the gap between algorithm design and their embedded realization is growing. This paper overviews an approach for development of biomedical devices at an abstract algorithm level with automatic generation of an embedded implementation. Based on a case study of a Brain Computer Interface (BCI), this paper demonstrates capturing, modeling and synthesis of such applications

    Application-Specific Power-Efficient Approach for Reducing Register File Vulnerability

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    Abstract-This paper introduces a power efficient approach for improving reliability of heterogeneous register files in embedded processors. The approach is based on the fact that control applications have high demands in reliability, while many special-purpose register are unused in a considerable portion of execution. The paper proposes a static application binary analysis which is applied at function-level granularity and offers a systematic way to manage the RF's protection by mirroring the content of used registers into unused ones. The simulation results on an enhanced Blackfin processor demonstrate that Register File Vulnerability Factor (RFVF) is reduced from 35% to 6.9% in cost of 1% performance lost on average for control applications from Mibench suite. I. INTRODUCTION Soft errors caused by high energy particle strike are exponentially increasing with shrinking feature size, . Register File (RF) as a key component in the processor's performance has also a significant influence over the processor's reliability At the same time, RF is already one of the main sources of energy dissipation in embedded processors, consuming 15%-36% of the total processor power In the recent years, processors are designed with larger register files to reduce the number of references to memory thus increasing performance. One trend of embedded processors is composing a complex register file out of heterogeneous register banks with specialized functionalit

    Joint Algorithm Developing and System-Level Design: Case Study on Video Encoding

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    Abstract. System-Level Design Environments (SLDEs) are often utilized for tackling the design complexity of modern embedded systems. SLDEs typically start with a specification capturing core algorithms. Algorithm development itself largely occurs in Algorithm Design Environments (ADE) with little or no hardware concern. Currently, algorithm and system design environments are disjoint; system level specifications are manually implemented which leads to the specification gap. In this paper, we bridge algorithm and system design environments creating a unified design flow facilitating algorithm and system co-design. It enables algorithm realizations over heterogeneous platforms, while still tuning the algorithm according to platform needs. Our design flow starts with algorithm design in Simulink, out of which a System Level Design Language (SLDL)-based specification is synthesized. This specification then is used for design space exploration across heterogeneous target platforms and abstraction levels, and, after identifying a suitable platform, synthesized to HW/SW implementations. It realizes a unified development cycle across algorithm modeling and system-level design with quick responses to design decisions on algorithm-, specification-and system exploration level. It empowers the designer to combine analysis results across environments, apply cross layer optimizations, which will yield an overall optimized design through rapid design iterations. We demonstrate the benefits on a MJPEG video encoder case study, showing early computation/communication estimation and rapid prototyping from Simulink models. Results from Virtual Platform performance analysis enable the algorithm designer to improve model structure to better match the heterogeneous platform in an efficient and fast design cycle. Through applying our unified design flow, an improved HW/SW is found yielding 50% performance gain compared to a pure software solution

    Flexible Function-Level Acceleration of Embedded Vision Applications using the Pipelined Vision Processor

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    Abstract-The emerging massive embedded vision market is driving demanding and ever-increasing computationally complex high-performance and low-power MPSoC requirements. To satisfy these requirements innovative solutions are required to deliver high performance pixel processing combined with low energy per pixel execution. These solutions must combine the power efficiency of ASIC style IP while incorporating elements of Instruction-Level Processors flexibility and software ecosystem. This paper introduces Analog Devices BF609's Pipelined Vision Processor (PVP) as a state-of-the-art industrial solution achieving both efficiency and flexibility. The PVP incorporates over 10 function level blocks enabling dozens of programmable functions that can be allocated to implement many algorithms and applications. Additionally, the pipelined style connectivity is programmable enabling many temporal function permutations. Overall, the PVP offers greater than 25 billion operations per second (GOPs) and very low memory bandwidth. These capabilities enable the PVP to execute multiple concurrent ADAS, Industrial, or general vision applications. This paper focuses on the key architecture concepts of the PVP from individual functionblock construction to the allocation and chaining of functional blocks to build function based application implementations. The paper also addresses the benefits and challenges of architecting and programming at the function-level granularity and abstractions

    Inference of Upcoming Human Grasp Using EMG During Reach-to-Grasp Movement

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    Electromyography (EMG) data has been extensively adopted as an intuitive interface for instructing human-robot collaboration. A major challenge of the real-time detection of human grasp intent is the identification of dynamic EMG from hand movements. Previous studies mainly implemented steady-state EMG classification with a small number of grasp patterns on dynamic situations, which are insufficient to generate differentiated control regarding the muscular activity variation in practice. In order to better detect dynamic movements, more EMG variability could be integrated into the model. However, only limited research were concentrated on such detection of dynamic grasp motions, and most existing assessments on non-static EMG classification either require supervised ground-truth timestamps of the movement status, or only contain limited kinematic variations. In this study, we propose a framework for classifying dynamic EMG signals into gestures, and examine the impact of different movement phases, using an unsupervised method to segment and label the action transitions. We collected and utilized data from large gesture vocabularies with multiple dynamic actions to encode the transitions from one grasp intent to another based on common sequences of the grasp movements. The classifier for identifying the gesture label was constructed afterwards based on the dynamic EMG signal, with no supervised annotation of kinematic movements required. Finally, we evaluated the performances of several training strategies using EMG data from different movement phases, and explored the information revealed from each phase. All experiments were evaluated in a real-time style with the performance transitions over time presented.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.0389

    System Level Modeling of an AMBA Bus

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    The System-On-Chip (SoC) design faces a gap between the production capabilities and time to market pressures. The design space, to be explored during the SoC design, grows with the improvements in the production capabilities and it takes an increasing amount of time to design a system that utilizes those capabilities. On the other hand shorter product life cycles are forcing an aggressive reduction of the time-to-market. Addressing this gap has been the aim of recent research work. As one approach abstract models have been introduced and a design flow was devised that guides the designer in the process from a most abstract model down to a synthesizable model. Throughout the design process computation and communication concerns are handled individually. The communication is mostly abstracted away from the designer, which allows the design focus to rest on the application specific computation. This separation requires the provider of an SoC design tool to supply fast and accurate communication models. Fast simulation capabilities are required for coping with the immense design space that is to be explored; these are especially needed during early stages of the design. This need ha

    Exploring SW Performance Using Preemptive RTOS Models

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